Test Drives Nissan Qashqai 2007 - 2010 SUV

Normal logic
Nowadays, when marketing rules the world, any, even the most slight change in the design of the car can stimulate sales. Is the QASHQAI changed strongly, adding +2 to the title? The success of QASHQAI merit is exactly marketers. This is, feeling universal traction to crossovers, they were not afraid to create an unequivocal model in any class of cars. ...
Seven across the vowels
A pair of additional places, other sizes, proportions and positioning with a novelty, expanding the tribe Cascai, Sergey Voskresensky met. Photo by the author and Nissan. It is necessary, first convince everyone in the advantages of a compact original crossover, praising maneuverability, passenger chassis settings, adaptation to urban life, emphasize the rationality of the planning and size of the cabin and suddenly ...
Nissan Qashqai + 2: How twice two
That's really: with the name Nissan hit the point. Plus, two terms we are used to hearing with regard to the coupe: they say, the second row of the seats are conditional, close; There you can plant or children, or your enemies. For Nissan Qashqai + 2, this concept becomes wider: he not only got two additional sceners, ...
Normal heroes
Renault Koleos. Price: 20 409. In sales: C 2008 Nissan Qashqai + 2. Price: 19 215. On sale: since 2008.Nissan Your Qashqai + 2 positions as a city car, and Renault will read its Koleos role crossover. Are they so different? We try to figure it out in this matter, setting up cars built on one platform, full-time stakeholder pilothegeg ...
Test Drive Nissan Qashqai + 2: one fell swoop
The new Cascais won primarily in cargo ratio than in the passenger. And at the same time, the seven-west configuration is always possible and sometimes really can help. Children will like right. With Nissan Qashqai, we met in 2007, when the urban nomad is exactly what the name has already become familiar with one of ...
Test drive Nissan Qashqai + 2: Snow checked
Surprises often wait on us on the way. My story about the adventures with Casca during a test drive and non-synoptics of heavy snowfall. Sometimes the situation comes to the absurdity: from what foot got up, how many minutes I was delayed, leaving the house, in which mood a traffic light, how many cars on your route and Moreover, ...
Peregrin teenager
July, hot spring, +25 degrees in the shade. What is not terrible to us, because we are rolling in a new lengthening village in the shady alley of Luzhniki. Quiet music flows out of the columns, and a pleasant coolness of the air-conditioning air-conditioning system. We didn't randomly this car. I really wanted to make sure of it (and nestly) to make sure that ...
Declassification, destructuring, devaluation What else is there on de? However, what difference, the point will still remain unchanged: the boundaries between established were not simply erased, but they are destroyed, split into molecules. So we will soon go to parquet Matiz. Although, on the other hand, why not. Not enough money for a big crossover ...
Dreams come true or county
The bad is the owner of a small hatchback or a sedan who does not dream of a mighty jeep. It is possible that this is too a bold application will be criticized by fans of urban traffickers, but the Russian reality allows you to make such conclusions. The average resident of our mighty homeland when buying a car comes primarily from such factors as its safety, ...
Battle Samurai
Nissan Qashqai. Price: from $ 21,900 Honda C-RV. Price: from $ 33,800 Suzuki Grand Vitara. Price: From $ 30,475 New Nissan Qashqai has already lined up multi-month queues. However, it should not be assumed that the life of the debutant will be happy and cloudless. He will have to fight with the long-established Suzuki Grand Vitara and Honda C-RV. ...

Video Test Drives Nissan Qashqai 2007 - 2010

Video Crash tests Nissan Qashqai 2007 - 2010