Nissan Qashqai 2007 - 2010 SUV

The origin of the species
The formula for the birth of Nissan Qashqai is straightforward, but original. This is a crossover with the dimensions that determine his position near the passenger segment S. The test drive of the model was held in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich has already become a traditional place of dates with automobile innovations. Qashqai designed the design and technical filling at Nissan Design Europe and Nissan Technical Center Europe. The car was tested ...
Nomadic polytheist
Far, far, behind the mountains of Poros in the south-west of Iran lives a tribe of nomads who call themselves Keshkay. I believe that the keepers of the traditions there even in the brightest dreams could hardly imagine that Nissan’s designers would inspire nothing for the uninitiated person. But how! Having imbued with the spirit of restlessness and vagrancy, they created not just a car, but ...
Bold move
I liked this car in absentia. I liked the courage. The reason is in the name - try to pronounce it correctly the first time! Although the matter is not even in pronunciation. The name of the car, sounding like a kashkai, is quite thoughtful. So they call the nomads who chosen the territories of Iran in the XVIII century and repeatedly opposed Europeans, defending their own interests. Agree, ...
Need a crossover up to $ 40,000
In the process of building a country house, we felt an acute need to change our Peugeot 206 with a small but roomy car with all -wheel drive and high clearance. So we went in search of a crossover. Frankly, initially we did not plan to contact all -wheel drive at all. They just wanted to change the car. Even the model chose the toyota hatchback ...
Autumn graffiti color
His element is the city. Advertising Slogan Urban Proof: city -proof, city -resistant. The idea of \u200b\u200bhim was inspired by skyscrapers, graffiti and skate units. And also high cutters, narrow streets and a desire to fence off from existing automobile standards. This is what a modern British car looks like: its design is developed in Paddington, the engineering and technical part is designed in Cranfield, and assembled Qashqai ...
Do not believe advertising
We are convinced that Nissan Qashqai is not suitable for impassability, but the Nissan X-Trail is almost an all-terrain vehicle. But we know that they are made on the same platform. So are they twins or not? Have you ever bought m & ms sweets? Despite the visible motley, they are all the same. A different shade, a little different taste, but otherwise they are similar. Two…
Brothers in Arms
The outgoing year for Nissan in Russia turned out to be not just a successful, but a superior off -road unit of the company noted the release of two compact crossovers who have seriously spoiled competitors' plans. It would seem, both Qashqai and the X-Trail in such a situation should have become irreconcilable enemies, but in fact this cannot be called a problem. Even formal rivalry ...
Nissan Qashqai
Despite the rather strangely sounding intricate name, the most compact Nissan crossover hit the apple exactly. Its popularity in a matter of weeks after the start of sales in the spring of 2007 inflated the queue up to 12 months. This forced many suffering to be patience and look with envy of the lucky ones who managed to grab a scarce product. Why is it so special ...
City wanderer
Nissan Qashqai belongs to the new generation of crossovers: it combines the comfort and practicality of the passenger machine with the characteristics of the SUV. Qashqai is similar to dimensions with cars C class C and a little more compact than typical SUVs. Its unusual style is due to a successful combination of smooth lines of the passenger car and the powerful spirit of the SUV. The model received its name in honor of the nomadic tribe ...
Seeking new market niches and classes, manufacturers sometimes go to bold experiments. They will either put a body from a minivan on an all-wheel drive chassis with a 500-horsepower engine, then they will build a 4-door compartment or stuff the engine from a supercar under the hood of a business class sedan. Some products fall exactly on the target and become the ancestors of new classes, others are destined ...

Video test drives Nissan Qashqai 2007 - 2010

Video Crash tests Nissan Qashqai 2007 - 2010