Test Drives Volkswagen Touareg 2007 - 2010 SUV

Better not invent
There are no serious technical changes in the new modification of VW Touareg 7L. They still do not need the filling was made with the back of the future. In particular, in connection with this, after four more than a year after the start of sales, the model has very strong market positions worldwide. There was only an update of the line of power ...
Heir to the throne
The first in the history of the Volkswagen Concern the SUV was extremely successful. Designers managed to find a balance between comfort, handling, dynamics and permeability. Since 2002, more than 300 thousand copies of Volkswagen Touareg sold. But today competition in the segment of prestigious SUVs is very acute, automakers do not stand still. Without waiting for the demand to start falling, Volkswagen ...
Sedna in beard
Restyling in the automotive world it is like the second youth. With people, this usually happens somewhere around 40, when a person has already achieved a lot and proved himself and others, what he really is worth, and not that marketers have come up with him. For someone, it's gray in the beard, and someone is experiencing ...
Anti-Popular Wagon
Now remember that Volkswagen began once like the manufacturer of a car brand, became a bad tone. At least Touareg is a chic SUV, which is mainly found quite secured citizens ... The car saw the light in mid-2002. He became the first large SUV of the German concern. And in the full sense ...
Experiments on people
Volkswagen Touareg in the views does not need it, but this time we are talking about the upgraded version. Turn the first gear and remove the leg from the brake, the car will do everything the recipe for an experienced instructor of the Taureg-Exprine school now perceive quite differently. And then, behind the wheel of the brighter on the 15-meter hill of the Taguega of the first officially imported to Russia, ...
Improving gene pool
The first acquaintance with the renewed sacrifice of Volkswagen took place in the winter Moscow region, the second in the ancient land of nomads in Africa. Max Sachkov went to the meeting with taways. The colleague was recently rolled up the renewed, the very first Volkswagen in Russia in the snow segrees (SM, 2007, No. 3). The meeting, however, was short, but left very pleasant ...
I did everything right
Prices for the new Volkswagen Touareg start from 54 thousand dollars. What is new appeared in a well-known SUV and is it worth such money? Contrary to the opinion of some representatives of Volkswagen automotive media remained a folk car. I say so because I have recently skeptically referred to a change in Volkswagen pricing policy, but today it becomes ...
Party for elephants
The car market is like a chessboard. Each automaker player has pawns (small tramps), horses (sports cars), rooks (crossovers) and of course, the queen with the king (specify). Elephants forgot? Not at all. That's just a couple in front of you. One walks on white diagonals, the second is black. They do not bear threats for each other, but dangerous for ...
White buffalo
Tuaregs have always been restless and contradictory guys. They disciplinedly accompanied trade caravans in the desert, guarding them from robbers, then these caravans themselves and robbed with great pleasure. The Touareg car is also some kind of restless: the volcanoes are climbing, heavy aircraft towing. But not at all controversial - everything he is ...
Call of ancestors
Diesel Volkswagen-Tuareg R5, Denis Harutyunyan, went to the thirst for wanderings on the unguarded paths, with which Denis Harutyunyan went to the Taureg Exprienses near Moscow. Photo by the author. The universal recipe for the real sorewood is not. There are only common outlines: tracked, preferably diesel, motor, long-loading suspension, reliable all-wheel drive with differential locks. Is it suitable for a description of Taureg? Of course, with the engine ...