Test Drive Volkswagen Touareg 2007 - 2010 SUV

Experiments on people

Volkswagen-Tuareg does not need the views but this time we are talking about the upgraded version.
Turn on the first gear and remove the leg from the brake, the machine will do everything by the recipe for an experienced instructor of the Taureg-Expirirate school now perceive quite differently. And then, behind the wheel of the first to the 15-meter hill of the Taguega of the first officially imported to Russia, I admit, I experienced excitement. Foot from the brake! The front wheels turned the comb, and the next second car crawled down a snowy and very, very steep slope. I just adjust the trajectory. Untily turned out to be at the bottom, he witnessed no less exciting spectacle.
The military taouareg of the previous generation, which goes ahead as moral, and it happens that, and technical support, moved on the storming of the river stiff. Chrum! Woolly smashed ice. The wheels went under the water first along the hub, then disappeared entirely. Suddenly it became very quiet: it drowned the exhaust pipe. Skiming splashes, desperately touches and turning the meter slices of ice, the soughsman plunged several times on the belt in the water, until, finally, not crawled on the opposite shore. I did not solve a new car in the footsteps of the icebreaker, but that the ferrod will be overcome, did not doubt
Tuareg has not changed radically. Headlights are now in the EOS cabriolet style (or Passat, or Polo). Changed the form of the front bumper, fog and radiator grille, a small spoiler rose on the roof. Connoisseurs will argue if the front seats are such a front seating. The main innovations of the modified taguega are hidden under the body.
The absplus system allows you to radically improve braking properties outside asphalt. Tried to slow down on gravel? Well, in the snow, slowed down, for sure! And certainly noticed how increasing the brake path. Absplus temporarily blocks the wheels, allowing them to collect snow or sand from the road to create a certain similarity of the locking shoe. As a result, the brake path was reduced by 20%. The similar system is equipped with now Porsche Cayenne, presented in this room. By the way, Cayenne and Touareg close relatives on the overall layout and a number of essential aggregates.
He overgrown with additional functions and another ESP course stability system. The passive security devices were complemented by a tipping sensor that gives the command to reveal the side pillows and curtains in a few moments to the car's coup. In the list of options, active cruise control, by means of a radar, tracking distance to the front of the machine and automatically dispersing or slowing down taireg. Side Scan system will warn the driver about the danger during rebuilding. They assure these devices will be available in Russia.
Tuareg became the first Volkswagen, whose 8-cylinder gasoline engine is equipped with direct injection. FSI motor develops 257 kW / 350 hp In addition to it, gasoline V6 FSI are provided (206 kW / 2,280 hp) and W12 (331 kW / 450 hp). The car that happened to try is equipped with a new diesel engine V6 with a capacity of 165 kW / 225 hp However, what Taways will be sold in Russia and how much they will cost, you will learn in the next room at the wheel when we will be transferred from the snow in the Sugara Sades, on the official presentation of the model.
I rolling out on a smooth winter road: Tuareg turns into an obedient wagon with a decent smoothness of the stroke. It can not even believe that another half an hour ago he fearlessly floundered in water and self-confidently worked on steep ice slopes. Third gear and more gas, more! I remembered the persistent advice of the instructor of the experimental route (Exprices experience). He was confident in Tuareg and not very much in me. And I was going to force the sacrifice to overcome difficulties! It turned out, rather, on the contrary: Tuareg put the experiments above me
Volkswagen Touareg using the experience of the predecessor, retained the shape and increased the intelligence.
Mikhail Gzovsky


A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"