Test Drives Volkswagen Passat B5 1996 - 2000 Sedan

8 years later
In the production range of the German concern, Passat appeared after Golf, in the framework of the general program of expanding the model range. The very first passat was small, slightly longer than Golf. In the basic configuration, the car was a frank small car, with 1.3 l engine. But there were more powerful motors, the volume of 1.6 liters, one of which was central ...
Black Drozd.
The editor calls often. Who is to find out where it is better to fix the car, who is about the errors found in the log. Some did not receive the last room, others want to get the previous ones. Some are just so that, as they say, witness. There are other calls. Here is one of them: - Hello, is it a motor? - Motor. - ...
Three approaches to one concept
And what, by the way, unites our heroes? Dimensions, weight, belonging to one intermediate class located between the segment D, according to the European standard, and the business class. This time, three valiant knights, decent representatives of their glorious tribes, were taken to the ristar. One Harsh and Supervised German Warmork, although hiding the folk title, ...
Tale on how Ivan to "Passat" looked
Active faces and geographical names: Some Kingdom - the neighboring state - the Republic of Belarus - the chief editor - the correspondentprideline painter - - PhotocornpresentKupets - the company Atlant-M - Official dealer Volkswagen Agpricaischik - Employee Firmaneetsky product - Volkswagen Passat 1.8 Turbov Some Kingdom, in a neighborhood There was a merchant. Traded cars unshaw - ...
On the floor octave above
The main role in my choice was played by a neighbor. Used Volkswagen Passat for a long time was the subject of my envy and his pride. Having learned that a new Passat appeared in Moscow, I firmly decided - I want! The car was acquired and neatly put in the parking lot next to the scene. Thesed appeared in a week ... on a new ...
Three sisters
One is looking for fans in the highest circles, the other is successful at the commerciality, and the third loved by Luda dishonest. They are similar and so different. Their name is Audi A6 Avant, Volkswagen Passat Variant, Skoda Octavia Combi. On the railways of Germany run commercial wagons with pride inscriptions on board: Wir Fahren Fu..r VW ...
The embodied dream of an exemplary family man. Beautiful. Unpretentious. Reliable. Forward - by nature. The second and third - how lucky. And brings to someone who is visual when buying. Aleks - to us, to me there, for a doctine, the Passatik for the Chervonchik such, whose face with skiing. Preferably, shed. Motiglo is, you know, Ainsprits-Motor seems to be called. Just look to the chip ...
The ice is called ...
This time the purpose of our test is not a presentation of new cars. All of them were already presented in our magazine. Strictly speaking, the models assembled on the test are not even classmates, only the front-wheel drive combines them. Our task is to compare the handling, stability and safety of cars are very common in Russia brands and choose ...