Test drive Volkswagen Passat B5 1996 - 2000 sedan

The tale of how Ivan looked at the Passat

Actors and geographical names:
Some kingdom - an adjacent state - the Republic of Belarus
Tsar - editor -in -chief
Ivan is a correspondent
Court painter - - photojournalist
Merchant - Atlant -M company - official dealer Volkswagen AG
Clerk - employee of the company
German goods - Volkswagen Passat 1.8 turbo
In some kingdom, in the adjacent state there was a merchant. He traded Nenishchensk cars - he carried goods from distant Germany. The usual thing is that there is a lot of such a work to the people. But he soon went about that merchant a rumor: they say that he has an excellent product, which does not trade in vain, and it painfully gives his way, as if he had no benefit in this.
He rumor quickly dispersed - who does not want to get a good thing almost to a good thing? The time has come - I heard about an unusual merchant and its product the king. I thought a little, and then the staff on the floor would shine: well, give Ivan Syuds !!! To Ivan where to go: the person was borneal, ordered to appear - he appeared, he became a formidable eye, he listens to speech, scratches the back of his head. And the Khiterets king begins from afar, affectionately so skeletons:
“Hey,” says, “Van.” You seem to have been to some kingdom in some kingdom?
- Well?! - answers Vanka.
- With the merchants, they drove things?
- Well?!
- That you are all well, well, well. Answer the king as expected, not instead of abroad, although your neighbor, will instantly go the other way, where my craftsmen have been getting along the cart for more than a year already. How much money they spent, the skeletons, and the cart so much remained! Would the Germans have no wisdom to learn ... Ugh, what am I talking about? So, answer - familiar with the merchants neighboring?
- But how, king-father, a sign!
“This is another matter,” the king smiled, paused a little, but again as he barked: “Kolo is a sign, what the hell are you standing here, do my royal calls?” Ali did not hear that they are there, Herodes, they create - the newest German enthusiasm is sold, but we are sitting here, not itching. I have a boyar alone on a German car - bought him on occasion, satisfied, praised. Do not look that in any way a people's car is called, we have just a noble one. So - while we are happy about them here, they puzzled there and for their people they built a new car and sell very cheaply. So, collect manatins, take a patchport and blow to your acquaintances - find out what kind of goods, well, and all that. Understood?
- Well?!
- What?!
“I didn’t understand, Your Majesty,” Ivan said, “what should I look at?”
“It is told to you, the German windy car.”
- What is such a car? - Vanya was surprised. - Wind, sorry, girls are.
- One thing is on your mind! Girls girls, and they called the car with a windy name - Passat - the wind at sea blows. Understood?
- Ah, Tiprech seemed to understand.
- Well, if I understand, get together - and with God, on the way ...
What can you say? If the king himself wants, you need to go. Ivan gathered things, received coins in the treasury on the road and food, took with him, scaring off the royal disgrace, a court painter, then to reckon not only a word, but also to present a color of color before bright, and set off on the road.
How long, whether Ivan with a painter rode briefly, and reached the adjacent kingdom. The merchant meets them, the affectionate speaks, leads to his mansions, he treats them with a cophy tea from the road, tells the German precious product. Ivan twists the head, peeps out into the window - nowhere to see the cherished car. Oh, a trading man is cunning, - Vanka thinks, “right now he will be speaking in speeches, and the goods will show the goods. What will I arrange the king? Oh, they will get it!
But the merchant is adjacent - a man -shaped man. It understands that Vanka is not a ragged man, but a royal man, ambassador, one might say. And the king has the subjects like bugs. You see, Ivan will be bolt and the buyer will go a new one. So, in vain, our hero erected on a man in his thoughts. The merchant stood up - the best car was provided to Ivan. Yes, not simple, but on a special order executed. Not only did the engine with five valves for one cylinder and with turbocharged (Ivan I read about such books and looked at the picture), so the finish is the best as it happens. And for all sorts of little things, the fights of Nemchura were always capable of. Not only on all machines - the power steering, the ABS, the anti -wings system - here you are and electric windows to the front, the servo drive and heated mirrors, there are athermal glass, and the central castle, and the fully galvanized body, and the reserve is full -size, and there are many more trifles. Such that we have never dreamed so far.
According to the merchant order, the skin was sheathed with the skin, a special sports steering wheel was put, two side airbags were hidden in the backs of the seats (this was added to two front ones), and added adjustment in height as a seat. The air conditioner is automatic there, so that neither the merchant nor Ivan is cold or hotly. The wheels of sixteen -inch from a light alloy were cast.
In general, I saw Vanka - gasped. And this is not all! The Germans give the list from forty -two points to the car. What do you want - you order from the merchant, and he sends your wish further. Look - the car is ready, as exactly as you wanted. Yes, cunning Kupchina, knows what to trade, from whom to take the goods. He would have our cart with the motor - let him sell ...
Well, the coffee is all drunk, the speeches were said, they looked at the car - it's time for business. The merchant gives the keys to Vanka, and he says so maliciously: if you, Ivan, what the problem or inconvenience will notice, write down everything on a piece of paper. I am interested in your opinion. Well, well, - Ivan thinks, “I will provide you with such a document after a few hours - you’ll get rid of it.” Well, in the tsarist service, it’s not for nothing that I receive a salary. What kind of flaw in the car to find is my best business. With such thoughts, Vanya sat in a leather chair, spread his fingers with a fan (in his homeland, almost everyone who buys a foreign car, immediately do this) and went to look for all sorts of absurdities in the German goods.
Nearby, the clerk, the courteous sits, shows the road that the tricky Vankina Boyko answers questions. And Ivan is frozen more and more. The broken hour drives around abroad, but did not write anything in the book. And there are plenty of places behind him, although he is not of small man, and the seats that at first seemed too tough, in fact they were very comfortable, and the steering column fitted in length and height, and all the levers and buttons are in place. Let Ivan be on the pedal, maybe the motor will grow or whistle the wind, so no - quietly in the cabin. And the clerk knows about his product. In vain, - says, - you are waiting for the noise, the sound insulation we have what you need, and the wind will not make a smell. Tea, in the pipe, the car was not blowing a day: the frontal resistance coefficient of it, one might say, is a record - 0.27.
Ivan got angry, let's look for and bumps on the roads of pits to ride them. Found, rolled - everything is to no avail! The suspension of the car is not so very soft, but even on passengers do not shake and does not knock.
It was in the spring, the rain was scrapping, the roads were wet. Well, - Ivan thinks, “Pan or disappeared,“ and let's twist the steering wheel right and right on the go. ” I wound up to sweat, and a little sense. German technique does not want to break into the drift and slide along the road - know yourself rolls.
Then Vanya recalled that the engine was at the car with a turbocharged, which means that, as Ivan was taught, at low speeds of the crankshaft, neither shafts nor the shaft - such a turbocharged peculiarity has such a turbocharged. Ivan grinned, slowed down the speed, turned on the fifth gear and pressed the gas to the floor. Well, he thinks the German motor is jerking! But no, barely momentum they crossed for one and a half thousand, the car drove, so very very! And the clerk know your oppression: he, he says, - the maximum torque - at low speeds and is kept even in almost the entire range. German engineers everything came up with everything so that there was no harm from turbocharged, but only the benefit. You can try the brakes at the same time. ABS, notice, the most modern, neither you lock the wheels, nor trembling of the pedal. What to try, it is clear that it will be so.
Ivan spat, got out of the steering wheel upset, flopped into the back seat and ... took his head to the ceiling. He was glad, but the clerk-prisoner ruined everything again. You, - says, - to the growth of large, non -standard, because this happened. And he put back the painter of the courtier, the man is also not small, but Ivan is still smaller. He does not rest against anything, sits, twists his head, clips his feet, rejoices in life. So Ivan retreated from the German car with nothing. Well, perhaps back in the window is not visible, so now for almost everyone is so. Either fashion, or this science, like it, aerodynamics!
Ivan comes to the merchant, and he waits, rubs his hands and asks: how, Vanechka, you have my goods, how many defects did you draw in your notebook? What to say? The truth must be said. No, they say, I did not notice any special defects. Everything seems to be in order, only it hurts the car is boring, it has no character, you can’t hear the herd under the hood. Ivan said this - the tsar of the man to the merchant, and he thinks: I need the same character to show off, get a buzz from the car. And to others, and there are many of them, the buzz is so unnecessary. Give them the car at once and powerful, and comfortable, and not evil, to control this very power easily. I remembered Ivan and the old the model that travels to his kingdom. It is definitely like that - comfortable and reliable, but spineless, painfully obedient to the driver. And for this, she fell in love with a lot of people. Squeezing is taming - not everyone likes it. New - in the same spirit, only conceived and made, perhaps, even better ...
With such thoughts, Vanka returned to the king. He came to the report, so, they say, and so, he says, I was looking for defects and absurdity as best he could, but I found nothing much. The king, of course, is dissatisfied: why am I, Okhlamon, I keep you in the service? What is German technology, I know without you, they reported to me for a long time. I am still the king! You, Oboltus, found out at least why this merchant is so cheap? I found out, but how, ”Ivan answers. - Report. - He says that he got a strong friendship with the German, and he gives good friends a product for cheap - politics, they say, he has one. So good goods come out at a ridiculous price. Only in our kingdom will never happen, we have duties. If you remove them, people will stop buying carts with motors.
The king of Ivan listened, listened. Tired of him, he is so insinuating and asks: you, - says, - Van, why did you climb into politics? You may have a minister or first deputy prime minister? Why did you send you? So that you have a report to me in writing. Right now and describe everything. And I will decide what to do with your scribbles!
What is Ivan left? He is a bonded man. Went and wrote - everything was as it was ...
Igor Solidov
Photo by Sergey Ivanov
The same vaunted German goods ...
The next novelty of Volkswagen under the traditional name Passat was the automobile world last fall with the sedan body. The station wagon (option) appeared later - at the beginning of the year of the current. Gamma of engines: five gasoline units with a volume of 1.6 to 2.8 liters and with a capacity of 74 to 142 kW, two turbodiesel, 66 or 81 kW. The gearbox is a five -speed mechanical, four -speed automatic or a smart system of the Testronics system. A six -cylinder engine of 2.8 liters only for an all -wheel drive passat.
Technical characteristics of the car
Volkswagen Passat 1.8 turbo
Length - 4670 mm; width - 1740 mm; height - 1460 mm; base - 2700 mm; The track of the front/rear wheels - 1498/1500 mm; Equipped mass - 1280 kg; Full mass - 1830 kg. Engine: the number of cylinders - 4; the number of valves per cylinder is 5; the diameter and stroke of the piston - 81x86.4 mm; working volume - 1781 cm; Power - 110 kW/150 liters. With. at 5700 rpm; The maximum torque is 210 N.M at 1750-4600 rpm. Maximum speed - 223 km/h; acceleration time from a place to 100 km/h -
8.7 s; fuel consumption at 90, 120 km/h and Hz - 5.8; 7.6; 9.8 l/100 km.

Source: The magazine "Driving"

Volkswagen Passat B5 1996 test drives - 2000

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Driver and passengers

Malfunctions Volkswagen Passat B5 1996 - 2000

Volkswagen Passat malfunctions: Detailed information
Passat B5 1996 - 2000
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability