Test drive Volkswagen Passat B5 1996 - 2000 sedan

Three approaches to one concept

But what, by the way, unites our heroes? Dimensions, weight, belonging to one intermediate class located between the segment D, according to the European standard, and the business class.
This time, three valiant knights, worthy of the representative of their glorious tribes, gathered in the Ristaliza. One dried and arrogant German warrior, albeit covering up by a folk title, but force and dimensions almost an aristocrat Volkswagen Passat. Another insidious samurai with oriental squint and predatory grin Mitsubishi Galant. The third, arrogantly grinning Korean, swollen from his own importance and a sense of superiority. How is it ... Kim? No, Pak ... Ah, I remembered, Daewoo Leganza. Sorry, Lord, and then he confused, the third name is Doninvest Condor. Good name, like Russian. But, as you know, they are not beaten on the passport ...
I want to make a reservation, the author is certainly an internationalist, but with an equivalent attitude towards races and peoples, it should be noted that each of this three personifies his approach to the concept of the car.
So Passat. Not a beginner already on our roads. I am not talking, of course, about the previous three or four generations. But even in the current B-5 body, the car is well known here. The flagship of the family was able to overcome, finally, a common complex. This is no longer a wealthy peasant, but a full -fledged, respectable burgher. And inside and outside, every detail seems to say: I Passat. The saying all ingenious simply approaches him more than simplicity worse than theft. I would say, without going into the details of the design, neither decrease nor add. The salon here is a continuation of the body, and sensations during movement only confirm this conclusion. Firstly, you sit where you need to. A hard chair will not allow you, regardless of the complexion, to fidget back and forth. Perfect devices are not overlapped with a steering wheel. It’s just that the steering wheel ideal in cross -section and diameter is quite sensitive in corners, that is, the amplifier helps you twist the front wheels only to the extent that, without straining, to feel a change in the trajectory. At the end of the turn, it is enough to loosen your hands and add gas, as the machine returns to the original straightforward movement. Yes, and the column is regulated by one lever and up and down, and forward and forth. Choose tastes.
Device shields on most cars glow either yellowish or greenish. At one time, red backlight on the BMW also appeared many followers and imitators. On VW, the light is completely purple, and the arrows are bright scarlet. But this does not interfere with the eyes in the dark. And if behind the windows the darkness, the impenetrable only twist the rheostat wheel, and the brightness of the shield will dry. And the rest of the instrument panel is as concise as high quality. The designers obviously did not seek to go on the occasion of fashion and weight torpedo. Even the beard is quite flat and a little bald, although I don’t argue, everything is comfortable here too. But the switching lever, located in the necessary place, caused complaints from everyone who sat behind the wheel of this crew. It’s hard to move them. The programs are included tight, and this, according to our impressions, is the lack of most Volkswagenes. They explained to us that over time everything will be developed, but, we admit, here we must rather say, he will go to love. The lever’s knob is convenient, but for some reason it spins around its axis, capturing a cover attached to it with him.
Of other amenities, we note the heating of the front seats and two eirbegs. I don’t even speak about Conde, without him in the current heat! And competitors are also equipped with air conditioning. True, the position of the button is single. Therefore, in a slight heat, so as not to freeze, the confectionery has to be cut off periodically, but, for our happiness, there was +32s. The front racks, curved forward for the sake of design, circulantly drawing the roof line in the profile, still interfere with the review. Thank God, the roof slope does not limit the spaces in height for the rear passengers. In the second row of seats, Pofolksvagenovsky is spacious and free, there it is quite possible to accommodate the three of them. And I am not talking about the supervision of the trunk. Where does so much space come from there? Yes, even a tiny stroke. One of the designers decided to save on the right mirror. It seems to be a dried limb in a patient with poliomyelitis. Though it’s great to steamoramic, it is so small that you have to continuously twist your head during rebuilding to the right. But, perhaps, this is useful. For the neck.
Well, what can the Japanese contrast the standard of German technology? Galant came to us either by chance either. After all, it is Mitsubishi that is compared with BMW. I would even compare the galants with Alfa Romeo. Their bodies are so sporty and stylish. And ours is very special. With a sectral box: a machine gun, but with manual control mode. Today it is not uncommon, but in a larger class and for a lot of money.
Galant also succeeded in the convenience of landing. Maybe a little different spirit than VW. American accents in the design are clearly outlined here. A wide instrument panel, soft seats, spacious pedals. You start the engine and almost never hear it. Simultaneously with the launch, the instrument panel flashes. Before that, dead black, it becomes noticeable even a bright day. It feels like a short -sighted put on glasses. Each dash, every arrow climb into the eyes. Even a cursory gaze is enough to remember all the readings of the devices. You sit at the wheel like a glove. At the same time freely and without straining. In this car, I want to relax, lazily move the gearbox lever, drowning a large button in the middle, until it stops, to position D, and control one hand. And the predatory muzzle will dissect the oncoming flow of air, flowing on the muscular, trained sides, draining with a sharp -sided lid of the trunk.
In our opinion, the backbone looks more concise and more modest than the face. And the profile is especially expressive. I would like to compare it with the wing of the aircraft, only with the negative size of the angle of attack. The steering wheel, although convenient, is slightly smeared in its reactions in corners. With comfortable mirrors and narrow rear racks of Galant, the best review among competitors. Climate control is framed by a wood panel. The chairs are not as hard as on VW, and extremely cozy. I don't want to get out. A rare case, but in the ergonomics of the salon, we did not find something to complain about.
And with a condor, a separate story is generally. Since the assembly auto -stores began to breed on the territory of the former USSR, the most successful manufacturer of domestic daewoo became foreign cars. Often, customers are interested in: and the assembly is not Uzbek?. They are proudly answered by Rostov. And here we must explain that all Made in Korea cars. Having settled down from the conveyor, they are only a little subtracted on the way to Russia. Dismantle the engine with a box, unscrew the wheels, sometimes torn off bumers. The main goal is to get around the customs. Drive activity is depicted, employment of workers at the factory is ensured. Grand -shaped plans for the gradual displacement of imported components by domestic and further reduced the cost of the final product are being built. In our opinion, put here a line for the production of plastic, rubber products or auto -glass directly from Korea and sculpt all this in Taganrog or Rostov elementary. I don’t know who is not beneficial to Koreans who do not want to share profit, or ours because of unnecessary trouble, but maybe this is for the better. It seems that the consumer will only win if he receives a car of real Korean quality, without the intervention of relatives of craftsmen, and for affordable money.
Honestly, we liked Donestor Condor. Initially, it was impossible to understand how a car of this class, with a full set of options costs about fifteen thousand bucks. Let me announce the entire list of its advantages. Climate control (the same as on Galant), electric windows of four doors, central locking, cast discs, ABS and PBS, fog, radio and sidget in one device, a pillow in the steering wheel and many useful little things. And the option with the skin and automatic will cost only two and a half pieces more expensive.
In terms of body design, Korean machines rarely rise above the ratings of three with a plus. Too they impersonal. But the condor makes many and many passers -by turn our heads after. Of course, the designers did not grab stars from the sky, but above the level of previous models rose high. The expressive, surveyed silhouette even enchants, without destroying national features from the country of morning freshness. We also liked the salonchik, but he was rather an amateur. Lack of straight lines, continuous bends and waves. The function is replaced by pure aesthetics and, it seems to us, with this here too much. Planting behind the wheel, at least for long -legged drivers, is inferior to competitors. Having moved away from the pedals as far as you want, you stop getting to the steering wheel. But the column here moves only in height of adjustment in depth. Otherwise, everything is logical. There are even wood panels, but, right, without them it would be no worse. About the seats are a separate conversation. The profile of the backs and pillows itself did not seem very convenient for us. But the adjustments change not only the position of the back of the back of the seat back and forth, but also the height of the pillow in front and behind separately, that is, both its angle and height change. The lever of the mechanical checkpoint is far away and to the third and fifth gear it must be stretched. The ignition lock is in the phosphorescent ring, so you will not miss in the dark. We beat for a sample. The signal is liquid, unsolved. I would immediately put another more princely. The quality of the finish, although lower than that of competitors, is not much. The back is somewhat closer and darker. No, there is enough space for the legs, but in the width of the room less than that of classmates.
Well, that's enough to look at and feel. Let's go, drive. I invite.
Three heroes are different in terms of traveling significantly. No, they have one class, but the engines ... The weakest VW-Passat with a 1.8 liter engine and 125th forces. The two-liter Daewoo-Doninvest already has 136 horses under the hood, and the Mitsubishi engine has a herd of 163 horse. Objectivity is not achieved here. And their prices vary great. Let's try to evaluate everyone on their own. Let's go to the raising.
Condor seemed to us a simple and easy to drive a car with clearly forecasted behavior. But the power of the motor, oddly enough, is not enough. Without knowing passport data, I would appreciate the engine from the strength of a hundred horses. Although, if you promote to high speeds, it runs acceptable. What can not be said about the suspension. Seats on Moscow roads are great, despite the large passages of springs and shock absorbers. I would like to worse. Many will also flatter Russian -speaking nameplates on the trunk lid. The buyer receives a very pretty and spacious, and, most importantly, sophisticated car at a more than modest price.
Passat, despite the least volume, accelerates quite adequately. And it slows down even better. Hard, as if a sown steering wheel allows you to perform turns and rearrangements at a significant speed. With this engine, a solid, comfortable ride is provided in the city. Not in Folkswagenovsky, the energy-intensive suspension holds well both small and strong blows of fate. There would have been more powerful (and there are several in the gamut), one could draw in the full program, but for this, unfortunately, you will have to pay extra money. It seems, by purchasing Passat-5, you make a long-term and profitable contribution. After all, these machines are famous for their reliability. Maybe Passat does not have a pronounced personality, but by traveling a couple of days both in Moscow traffic jams and in the suburbs, I will say this model to follow other manufacturers.
I can’t say that we were waiting for supernatural results from Mitsubishi. But, conveniently sitting behind the wheel of this beautiful and swift car, I exclaimed this my car. Having moved the checkpoint to the final position D (and there is no fixation on the 2nd or 3rd program here), we will push the accelerator on the pedal. Such a confident start reminded me of a set of speeds with a powerful electric locomotive, going without composition. Up to hundreds, acceleration proceeds easily, lightly and almost as continues further. Everything happens very softly. We pass for one hundred forty smooth right -wing turn, which did not cause us any fears. And suddenly, at the end of it, we understand that the body was so tilted on the front outer wheel that the opposite rear right lost contact with the road. Stop. We slow down. It is good that the coating is dry and the road is empty. Uff ... we will shake sweat from the forehead and evaluate the situation. Firstly, as in a joke: aren't I running too fast? Perhaps yes. The speed on Galant is clearly conceived. Well, secondly, the suspension is somewhat soft. As you know, the setting of springs and shock absorbers is an eternal compromise between extremes: either comfortable softness or shaking on the pits, but the perfect passage of turns and rearrangements. What to choose? A matter of taste.
The second time we are more calmer. Moreover, we are very curious to break through the sequential box. We take the lever to the right from position D. There is a second slot with positions +, n and -. How much faster than on a regular machine can be added if necessary, if necessary, a lowering gear? After all, this is what stops the experienced driver when buying a car with automatic transmission. What if, in case of emergency, it will not be possible to sharply accelerate on overtaking? Let's try to simulate a similar situation. We move to the left row and at a speed of about a hundred slowly bypass the Ikarus. Imagine that at a short distance, about three hundred meters, oncoming transport was drawn. On the mechanics, we would have stuck a third in a short movement and rushed forward. On the machine, it is necessary to press the gas on the floor and wait for the kik-Daun or I will not have time. Here we quietly pull the lever to the minus. Yes, almost immediately the motor roared, the revolutions jumped higher, closer to the maximum power zone, and slightly pressing the pedal, we go ahead and occupy our row. It seems that here the speed of switching is the middle between two familiar options, and this will suit both a lazy driver and a rider.
The choice applies to all three cars considered a complex thing. Moreover, they are not competitors to each other. Yes, look at the prices. We examined only three different approaches to design, configuration, and trade policy with specified external sizes. Each of our heroes is quite a worthy car for their money. True, it is now customary to live economically.
Vladimir Smirnov
Photo by Alexander Nozdrin
Driver-consultant Sh. Mukhomideev


Source: Cars

Volkswagen Passat B5 1996 test drives - 2000

Krash Test Volkswagen Passat B5 1996 - 2000

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Malfunctions Volkswagen Passat B5 1996 - 2000

Volkswagen Passat malfunctions: Detailed information
Passat B5 1996 - 2000
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability