Lexus GS 2005 test drives - 2008 sedan

"Green" lexus
The rapid drive, comfort, the reliability of all this from the Lexus GS 450H cannot be taken away. But there is something special in it is the first in the world of the rear-wheel drive hybrid sedan of business class. Due to the presence of not only a 3.5-liter gasoline engine, as well as an electric motor, it affects both its power and efficiency at the same time. The novelty of the sensations is ...
For multiplying
Contempling advertising shields with a boorish, but accurate indication of the target audience - for multiplying, the editor -in -chief of the autopilot erroneously but sincerely believed that this advertisement was addressed to especially economical motorists, customers of the Lexus GS 450 hybrid. He was mistaken. He was deceived regarding the hybrid himself, expecting from him the qualities of Perpetuum Mobile, but ...
Islanders on the Great Earth
They, of course, are very different. Like a whale and a cat. Both in appearance and philosophy. But there is also what Lexus and Jaguar puts very close to each other - both brands have been accused of adaptability for several years. It sounds insulting, although in fact there is nothing shameful. Especially if…
Lonely iris
A good tradition is to start with European tests of new cars in early April in Nice. Both the people are a little on the roads, and the roads themselves, which are laid, including on the seaside alps, very contribute to the understanding of what the machine can. On the one hand -the sun and dry half of the canvas, in the shade -...
Hybrid car overview Lexus GS450H
Features of Designacoro Okazaki: with a direct comparison of a simple and hybrid machine of the Lexus GS of the grounds for discontent with design, it seems to be not there. But at the same time, like the models of Honda Civic Hybrid and Toyota Harrier Hybrid, the appearance of the Lexus GS450H car does not differ in anything that it would accurately indicate ...
Hybrid car overview Lexus GS 450h
The type of car is hybrid, well, apparently in Toyota, it was considered that it was time to launch its main trump cards - this is what thought came to my mind when I was driving the new Lexus GS450H car. Indeed, this summer it is planned to start the implementation of the LS lineup machines, which, as is customary ...
Life was a success
At a minimum of material, it seems that you really have succeeded. Anyone who is able to pay so much money for the wheels is clearly not the last. And the manufacturers, trying to please the spoiled customers as much as possible, offer them not just a business class, but a swing car. They offer a symbol of the status of its owner, by which acquaintances and strangers will be identified, friends ...
"Day after tomorrow". Comparative Lexus GS300 test
Undoubtedly, everyone will be tired of being continuously under a hail of reproaches in an attempt to combine advanced technical solutions with stylistic bad taste. The Japanese from Lexus, in any case, from accusations of blind copying, puffy-bass-formed four-eyed Mercedes E-Class are certainly tired. Moreover, the arguments of the critics did not look so groundless and although on sales ...
The legacy of the grandfather of the Prius
Everything in the world develops in a spiral, once the passed is revived by a more perfect one in a new round. So I thought at the wheel of hybrid Lexus-GS450H for a reason for quite some time I drove on the first serial hybrid Toyota-prius. On a new button, I start the motor. The instrument shield flashed with an electricchrome backlight, the air conditioner earned, but I did not hear a starter, ...