Test drive Lexus GS 2005 - 2008 sedan

"Green" lexus

The rapid drive, comfort, the reliability of all this from the Lexus GS 450H cannot be taken away. But there is something special in it is the first in the world of the rear-wheel drive hybrid sedan of business class. Due to the presence of not only a 3.5-liter gasoline engine, as well as an electric motor, it affects both its power and efficiency at the same time. The novelty of the sensations, however, is not this. And in the realization that, in whatever mode you rode, the car causes less harm to the environment than some consumption of the loser from the last century. In a sense, this is a car of the future. Very soon, cars with hybrid power plants from other manufacturers working in the premium segment will appear on the market. But Lexus will forever remain the first. This time I took it for a test not only to calculate the cost of ownership and comparison with this parameter with competitors, but also to understand how the hybrid feels in the cold.
In my journalist practice, this is the third car with a hybrid power plant. But by the totality of qualities, I would unconditionally give him the palm of the championship. Because, in my opinion, today it is the most modern business class sedan.
The total power of the GS 450H 345 hp, which, together with a considerable torque, accessible from zero revolutions, allows the car to accelerate to 100 km/h in just 5.9 seconds. At the same time, the fuel consumption in the city, according to the manufacturer, is only 9.2 liters per 100 km, and the average indicator is 7.9 liters! In real conditions, the car consumed about 12 liters of gasoline per 100 km of run by cold and overloaded with transport of the capital. I am more than sure that this indicator could be even lower, if not for the negative temperatures overboard: the battery, which feeds, including the stove, is quickly discharged in such conditions, and the electronics forces the gasoline engine to work.
I will not focus on the appearance of the GS car on our roads, I managed to become familiar. I note only small differences in the hybrid version, which is proposed exclusively in the top complexation. These are original, created specifically for this machine, 18-inch cast discs, LED brake lanterns and the 450H nameplate itself. The rest of the hybrid GS copy of the most powerful gasoline modification GS 430 in the Premium version: spoiler, adaptive xenon headlights, etc. In the stream is not lost, the design is very successful.
However, about the main thing. The gasoline engine is equipped with a system for changing gas distribution phases of Dual VVT-I and unique double fuel injection. The mixture is supplied to both combustion chambers and in the inlet tract. As a result, both nozzles in each of the cylinders are able to inject fuel under a pressure of 130 bar simply incredible pressure for a gasoline engine. Moreover, the power unit does not have a starter and a separate timing belt. Instead of the belt, the chain, which, by the way, indicates the durability of the mechanism. The starter does not need a gasoline V6 from an electric generator at all. Actually, this 134-kilowatt generator, in addition to starting the power unit, converts part of the engine energy into electricity. And a special inverter redistributes it between the engine, generator and batteries, which are hidden under the rear seat (as a result of which the volume of the luggage compartment was stupid to 280 liters). Battery, this should be emphasized, do not need any service, are designed for the entire service life of the car and are produced for Lexus by Panasonic.

The 147-kilowatt electric motor with water cooling is 20% more powerful than the one that is installed on the RX 400H. In addition, he gives out the maximum torque at 275 Nm immediately, you just need to press the accelerator pedal. The most remarkable thing is that the entire electric part, with the exception of batteries, is so compact that it is combined with a unavailable variator. Moreover, this mechanism is only 1 cm longer than a 6-speed manual gearbox from Lexus IS. Another extremely important mechanism of a two -stage gearbox is also placed here, which automatically changes the gear ratio of the main pair from 3.9 to 1.9. But that's not all. The Lexus GS 450H has two more wonderful devices: Power Split Device Planetary transmission, and a self -locking differential of high friction in the rear axle. It is they who are responsible for the most effective implementation of the power of the power plant and turn the GS 450H into a very interesting car in terms of running qualities.
You get behind the wheel, press the Power button, and silence. Only frosty morning, during warming up, you can hear a gasoline engine. In all other cases, when the car is standing, he is silent, saving your owner’s money. But the climatic installation and all other units work. Therefore, even in severe frost, the salon warms up very quickly.
Transferring the selector selector to position D, I slightly recess the accelerator pedal. The car set off, using exclusively electric traction. However, it is worth a little more to press the gas, as the gasoline engine will immediately enter into the matter. Apparently, I did it very sharply, because the rear wheels turned a little, and I was imprinted in the back of the seat. Yes, you should be careful than the relics of the car, more than enough. The acceleration is so assertive that from habit can frighten. Moreover, you gain speed, not feeling the slightest shocks and without wasting time to switch the gears. This is the advantage of a stray variator that directly transmit power to the rear drive wheels. Hence the parallels arising in the head with a racing trolleybus. The proper pickup is guaranteed at any speed in any situation. If a sprint up to a hundred takes 5.9 s, then, say, acceleration from 80 to 120 km/h occurs in just 4.7 s. And this for a car weighing two tons! But the most pleasant, and for someone, perhaps dangerous, is that there is no difference when moving at eighty or two hundred! Everything is also quiet and calm in the cabin, except that the landscape outside the windows flies faster. However, if the accelerator is drowned on the floor, then monstrous acceleration will be accompanied by a very pleasant and aggressive sound, the tonality and volume of which will not change until you loosen the pressure on the pedal.

Fortunately, the brakes of the car not only collect electricity for batteries, but also quickly devour extra kilometers per hour. Yes, and the EBD brake distribution system, and the Brake Assist emergency braking system work perfectly. In addition, the Global VDIM stabilization system is on guard of the driver and passengers. It is global because it works in conjunction with numerous sensors that monitor the position of the steering wheel, gas pedal and emerging side accelerations, as well as in cooperation with the VGRS system (Variable Gear Steering Ratio). This mechanism changes the severity of the steering, modifying its gear ratio from 12.4 to 17.4. Effecting easier, the number of turns of the steering wheel from edge to edge changes from 2.7 to 3.7.
The same system is on the GS 430, which in the case of a very active ride, especially along winding roads, can cause certain inconvenience, or rather, cause a misunderstanding of the driver. It seems that he turned the steering wheel at the required corner, and his nose looks exactly where necessary, but in the middle of the turn, at the time of the most powerful side overloads, take electronics, and a little straighten the steering wheel so that there is no skid. As a result, with point movements you look for a middle ground, and is always too tense. But you can fight this. It is enough to press the Sport button, and the steering wheel will immediately become acute, regardless of the speed of movement, and the participation of VGRS will minimize. Of course, it will not be possible to turn off the electronic stabilization system, how it will not work out and provoke a skid. However, the steering becomes more understandable, which is already pleasing. However, with VGRS, with normal daily operation, no claims can simply not notice it. By the way, the same button will translate into combat mode all other car systems of the car, the motor, and, of course, suspensions. The bodies of the body were practically not noticeable, and in the sports mode they completely disappeared.

On the other hand, the car always, under any mode, tends to hold on to asphalt stubbornly with all four wheels. And this is the merit of VDIM. She, not only delays the most loaded shock absorbers in the turn, but in the case of adjusting the driver’s actions and preventing slipping, she will do it very smoothly: she will slightly reduce the fuel supply, selectively back the wheels, etc.
The GS 450H interior is not much different from that which is known for other GS top versions. The driver's seat, like the front passenger chair, is equipped with all possible electrical adjustments, and its profile is so successful that after several hours you do not get tired. The electric drive of the steering wheel also helps to find the optimal planting, and in general a very well -thought -out ergonomics. Of course, someone can object and say that in GS there are no systems like IDRive in BMW or MMI with Audi, but this, in my opinion, is only for the better. While you find the right menu in the bowels of a wise computer, rotating the joystick, you will be distracted from the road more than once. And in Lexus, everything is extremely clear the large color touch monitor and the activation buttons of the main functions on the sides. In addition, some of them can be controlled by a voice or from a steering wheel, for example, the Mark & \u200b\u200bLevinson audio system.
From the point of view of useful space in the cabin, it is worth noting that it is quite convenient behind, especially together: each place is profiled and also has developed lateral support. From a functional point of view, it is obliged to say this, in addition to the reduced lobesman volume, there are still a pair of flaws: the backs are not laid out, there is no hatch for long objects. So in the winter skis will have to be transported on the roof. Well, and another difference between the hybrid GS 450H on the dashboard there is no tachometer. Instead of it, to the left of the speedometer, the power indicator issued by the power plant was located.
It remains to say that for the GS 450H one equipment is provided, the most complete. The price tag of 2,119,000 rubles amid competitors with similar dynamic and operational characteristics does not look frightening. Well, the rest of the comparative information can be gleaned from the tables.
Andrey Osipov
Photo by Lexus


A source: Magazine Automobile Izvestia [December 2007]

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