Test drive Lexus GS 2005 - 2008 sedan

Hybrid car overview Lexus GS450H

Design features
City Okadzaki:
With a direct comparison of the simple and hybrid machine of the Lexus GS of the Lexus GS, the grounds for dissatisfaction with the design should not be. But at the same time, like the models of Honda Civic Hybrid and Toyota Harrier Hybrid, the appearance of the Lexus GS450H car does not differ in anything that it would accurately indicate a machine with a mixed type of thrust. This seems to be emphasized by the fact that this is not a special hybrid car stylized under the GS model, but on the contrary, one of the representatives of the GS lineup equipped with a hybrid system. But on the other hand, the price of the car is not small at all! And what does the buyer receive in exchange for such a great overpayment? Only the Hybrid emblem on the body and aluminum wheels of special design. It seems to me that this is clearly not enough to satisfy the identification. Yes, it is true that a hybrid machine can also be distinguished by a special option for coloring the body, which is called Premium Light Blue, that is, light blue of special quality. But so he attracts the attention of others? And why should he be associated with a hybrid system? I understand that an external modesty is a sign of good tone for someone. But there are examples of a different kind. In particular, you just have to briefly look at the car hybrids, such as Mercedes AMG, BMW M or Audi S, how you are covered by the feeling that it is something and is not in vain. And the owner of such a car, after all, he, too, is probably pleased that they think about his car just like that, right?
Yumi Kawabata:
Like Harrier Hybrid, the Lexus GS 450H car is also very difficult to distinguish from a gasoline counterpart. It remains only to focus on the Hybrid inscription on the sides and aluminum wheels made according to a special sketch.
You can argue for a long time regarding whether the design of the GS lineup is good or bad. But the facts are such that a middle -class sedan remains the basis of the Lexus car. And in the framework of this classification, the external shape of the GS 450H car, it seems to me, can be called well -balanced, and even made with some liberties. Due to the fact that the V-shaped press line carved on the hood visually extends the front of the car a little forward, a plane, which has a complex configuration and formed smoothly bending lines connecting the front headlights and body racks, gives the front part of the machine a completely complete look. Now let's look at the car in profile. A combination of an elongated front and a short roof of the cabin is immediately striking. The contour characteristic of American cars gives the Lexus GS450H model a slightly Americanized look. In general, the design is made in such a way that the individual components of the body look well fitted to each other. This is facilitated by the pointed nature of the body and the presence of a large number of reflective surfaces that give the desired combination of light and shadow, etc.
Useful volume and practicality
City Okadzaki:
The battery in this car is behind the back of the rear seat, so that the luggageman's volume here, of course, is not as large as in the basic model. There are 4 bags of golf bags in the trunk of a regular Lexus GS car, and only 3. And, as you know, there is a long -introduced standard for expensive sedans in Japan - at least 4 should include the trunk Such bags. It turns out that the Lexus GS450H model does not comply with this standard, which is somewhat discouraged. However, on the other hand, I understand perfectly well that no one plans to use such cars as Lexus GS for collective trips anywhere. In fact, when someone buys a car that is considered a kind of standard of a luxurious Japanese car, he probably does this in order to make individual trips, and not engage in passenger transportation.
And that is why the rear seat is made so comfortable and so spacious. No, it cannot be said that the salon seems perfect at the level of the head of the rear passenger. But unless he is a man of giant growth, then a sense of discomfort does not threaten him. At least, the car with such a salon is not ashamed to serve to meet the highest rank.
Yumi Kawabata:
The first thing I thought about was the first time in the Lexus GS450H salon is what silence and peace!. There are many cars in the world, the salons of which have increased sound insulation and therefore when moving into them very quietly, this is not about that! In the GS450H cabin, the driver plunges into rest as soon as he sits down in his chair and slamms the door behind him. And you feel this peace almost physically. Yes exactly. This combination of amazing silence and comfort became possible in the Japanese machine only thanks to the influence of luxurious American cars with which Lexus models have to compete hard. It should be noted that together with the work on the GS450H car, which for the first time among Japanese hybrids was to be honored to become a full member of the Lexus family, in the technical standards operating in relation to this brand (the document is called Lexus MUSTS or what requirements LEXUS should meet) were included in new points. So, almost all of them are somehow tied to a decrease in noisiness. I believe that this was done for a reason.
As in the case of the Harrier model, when developing a hybrid car based on a simple gasoline machine, it was not possible to avoid ordinary problems: increasing the total weight and deterioration of practicality due to the need to introduce additional components into the design of the car. In particular, the installation of additional and bulky battery could not but affect the capacity of the trunk. However, the engineers managed to reduce the dimensions of the power controller to the size of a conventional relay regulator, which previously worked in conjunction with a 12-volt battery. In addition, the transmission has also become a little easier and more compact, all components are more rational. As a result, the world's first car hybrid with rear -wheel drive turned out. In addition, it was possible on the platform of a half-sporting type of ordinary Lexus family to develop a fairly spacious salon, the useful area of \u200b\u200bwhich allows 4 to adult passengers comfortably located.
As for the quality of the interior decoration, it has already been said about it quite a few flattering words. What is only the widespread use of natural walnut wood, which, unlike other natural materials, is not subject to deformation and does not dry out. It is especially pleasant to the touch made of such material a steering wheel.

Technical features
City Okadzaki:
To begin with, the electric motor in this machine is not so much put to save fuel as to obtain a more powerful traction. This statement is fair and in relation to the Toyota Harrier Hybrid car, but as for the Lexus GS450H model, it is doubly true. In other words, this car is largely obliged to its excellent traction characteristics. use in its power circuit of an electric motor. Judge for yourself: the internal combustion engine standing by car has 6 cylinders, the operating volume of which is 3.5 liters. He himself develops the maximum power of 296 horsepower. But you just have to connect to the work of the electric motor, as the total maximum power increases to 345 hp! But that's not all. Look at the size of the torque. One has only to completely drown the accelerator pedal, as the car is so abruptly tearing forward, as if some giant gives her a kick in the ass. And then the kick follows the kick. In the conditions of the Japanese traffic system, such a quality of the machine, if you can use it, is only immediately at the payment point before you enter the highway. But if this were allowed, the car was not difficult to move at a speed of at least 180 km/h.
However, even with a limited speed of movement, the presence of such potential still makes daily use of the Lexus GS450H car is very attractive. After all, it is not necessary to press the accelerator pedal to the stop. Even with a slight press, the car will begin to gain speed without violating the rules of the road, but it will still do it very easily. And since the electric motor is actively involved in the acceleration, the internal combustion engine is as if resting, its turns, despite the fact that the machine rushes forward, is held at a fairly low level. And all this causes the most positive emotions: intensive acceleration, and around - silence! Of course, if you give an accelerator a little more, the acceleration will gain even greater intensity, but the noise of the intake of the internal combustion engine will be somewhat unnatural, although more exciting than in a similar situation, the Harrier Hybrid car. After all, what is important here? It is important that the timbre of the sound made by the engine becomes higher and higher, and the speed, if it does not even grow so rapidly, is of secondary importance - so the engineers probably reasoned, and allowed the miscalculation, since this contradicts the emotional state of a person sitting Driving the speed of the car. This shortage is slightly upset. Although you don’t have to be upset about this, since in normal operation this shortcoming remains behind the scenes. And in the frame only good. In particular, when the car is only on electric traction in complete silence, this is amazing. However, the ability to ride in silence is, in general, one of the most attractive qualities of the machine is a hybrid of any model manufactured by Toyota, and not just the Lexus GS450H!
Yumi Kawabata:
Compared to the economy champion Toyota Prius, the indicators of the Lexus GS450H hybrid are not so impressive - only 14.2 km of the way per liter of fuel. But when you sit behind the wheel, I don’t even want to think about it. Instead, another comparison comes to the mind: the total power of the equivalent machine of the engine with a working volume of 4.5 liters, and the fuel consumption is the same as that of the Corolla small -scale machine. And this despite the fact that due to the additional component, the weight of this hybrid grew compared to the Lexus GS430 car by 190 kg. Isn't that a record? Previously, it was about the fact that so far there are a lot of fans of machines of the SUV type, the Harrier hybrid has the right to exist. In the same way, one should not forget about numerous lovers of luxurious sedans. And they didn’t forget about them, please, the sedan hybrid from the category of elite cars and even with the rear -wheel drive!
What is the car on the go? I express myself monosyllabic as high -speed. Thanks to the two -stage reducer, the wheels are provided with a decent torque even when the speed of movement is completely small. At high speed, the electric motor does not turn off, it actively helps its gasoline fellow. The car is accelerated, and in the cabin unusually quiet. So quietly that you will allow you to allow speeding and turn into a violator of the rules of the road. Transmission, as usual in a car with a mixed type of traction, it can work according to a unfinished scheme, but at the same time that the driver begins to slow down with the engine, thanks to a special generator, the bloodless variator has the ability to work according to the model of a 6-speed automatic gearbox. Since the driver himself can choose a gear ratio when performing acceleration, the feeling that the machine is slow with overclocking, when it is necessary to increase the speed, for example, to overtake, as is the case at the wheel of Toyota Prius, there is no mention here.
Of course, using the inhibitory properties of the internal combustion engine to reduce speed is not the best technique in terms of fuel saving, who argues with this. Therefore, let the car hybrid become a means of moving around the city, and also helps to maintain the city air clean. And if from time to time there is a desire to go out of town to drive along high -speed suburban tracks with a breeze, for this case you need to buy another car. Because the main thing is not to suffer from the environment, right?

Characteristics A/M Lexus GS 450h:
Length (mm) 4830
Width (mm) 1820
Height (mm) 1425
Wheel base (mm) 2850
Weight (kg) 1890
The rear drive
Internal combustion engine 3.5 liter, 6-cylinder, V-shaped, dohc
Transmission CVT
Working volume of cylinders (cubic cub) 3456
Maximum power (l / s / О / min) 296 /6400
Electric motor (power / moment) 200 l / s / 28.0 kg / m
Fuel consumption in mixed mode (l / 100km) 7.05
Price thousand yen 7 700 (~ 70.420 $)
Number of seats in the cabin 5

A source: CarView.co.jp

Lexus GS 2005 Krash Test - 2008

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Lexus GS 2005 malfunctions - 2008

Lexus GS malfunctions: detailed information
GS 2005 - 2008
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability