Test Drives Lexus GS 2005 - 2008 Sedan

Other Lexus.
The GS model in the third generation little resembles predecessors to start with the fact that Lexus GS III is the first car created in accordance with the new philosophy of L-Finesse (in Russian it sounds somewhat strange, L-grace). If you try to briefly explain that this means, you can say - this means a new approach to design, internal decoration ...
Japanese Janus
The classic of the rear drive of the luxury sedan and high technology of advanced electronics. V-shaped motors of large volume and 6000 min-1 on the tachometer. European traditions and Asian roots. All this has connected in one car. Allow it to submit: GS Lexus GS. New! Janus - in the Roman mythology, the deity of doors, input and output, then - every start. ...
Elegant piano
Lexus GS430: style, reliability and prestige in our city there are a lot of lexus cars. It is understandable - the car is not only expensive and prestigious, but also has a high reliability. Lexus became so popular in Russia that the Japanese had to open the official division of the company in Moscow in order to stop the monstrous expansion ...
Two thousand and fifth year passed for Lexus under the sign of the rapid take-off at the top of the automotive Olympus. The company can safely record past months to the asset. Never new to the suite branch of Toyota did not look so powerfully, promising and technologically. Three new models, two hybrid modifications, plus - whole needle of electronics, which is carefully and ...
Their own weapons
More recently, only BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi brightened on the upper lines of the rating of popularity of prestigious business-class cars. With the advent of the new Lexus-GS, Teutonic hegemony unexpectedly interrupted. Generously equipped, fast, reliable, but essentially only a lengthened Toyota-Aristo of the mid-90s, the previous GS was unable to adequately confront the famous Germans. Not promoted popularity ...
LEXUS nuances
For the week, GS 430 allowed himself to understand and evaluate once again I am convinced: one thing when you are trying to fully evaluate the car for a few hours of the official test drive, and quite another, if there is an opportunity to ride a week-friend on it. In the morning to work, in the afternoon, in the evening home; By nervous ...
Simply the best
Until recently, the reference sedan of the business class I considered the top version of the fifth BMW series. After talking last year with GS 430, I realized that the Japanese prepare a coup in this personal system of automotive values. And so, by releasing the new hybrid, they overthrew my personal king. What is the fun to deal with the flagship of the GS line! ...
Refinement named Lexus
With the advent of the GS of the new generation of German business-class competitors are waiting for difficult times. Work on mistakes after all, wonderful thing Moscow traffic jams! Three seconds ago, you were serenely rushed in the left row, Zsenon's sweatmers driving away the low-speed travelers, and now how many eyes have enough eyes. Five rows of the ring road turned into a trampled on-site giant ...
Philosophy Anticipation
Three elements of the new Lexus GSK creating a new generation of business class model Lexus GS Toyota company approached in philosophically. This philosophy is called L-Finesse. And if the external grace is such one of the values \u200b\u200bof the word Finesse this car objectively lacks, then in terms of internal qualities, Lexus GS is almost ...
Perfect cavalier
Silver Lexus rolls on asphalt 55 km / h, the instructor driving is calm. Sitting in the right chair, I hypnotizing a look. Approaching plastic column: 20 meters, 10, 5, 2 ... all, brake late! Instinctively compressing in anticipation of the blow and hear the quick ventilator of the electric motor, accompanied by a tangible safety belt jerk: I cares for the back. ...