Test drive Lexus GS 2005 - 2008 sedan

The perfect gentleman

Silver Lexus rolls on asphalt 55 km/h, the instructor at the wheel is calm. Sitting in the right chair, I hypnotize the approaching plastic column: 20 meters, 10, 5, 2 ...
Everything, to slow down late! I instinctively compress in anticipation of the blow and hear the fast-in-yellow electric motor, accompanied by a tangible jerk of the seat belt: it imprints me to the back. Ba-baa-ah! In the opening of the windshield, a somersaulting column flickered, flying away somewhere to the side. A second later a couple of wigges and the belt weakens. We go further, as if nothing had happened.

The most active of the passive
We are used to the fact that the elements of passive safety begin to work when the accident has already occurred: deformable areas are crushed, belt tensioners are triggered, pillows are opened. But all this works effectively if the passenger sits in the chair exactly. If he, say, leaned forward, a dozen centimeters of the tensioner stroke are falling the chances of censor. A few years ago, the SAAB company demonstrated a pretenderman that was triggered even before the collision: with emergency braking of a high -speed electric motor, the belt pulled a belt with a force of several tens of kilograms, sitting the rider in the correct pose.
In the new Lexus-GS, PCS system (Pre-Crash Safety Sending Safety) is even smarter: even if the driver does not have time to press the brake, the pretender will receive the team from the radar. Its sensor monitors obstacles from the radiator cladding, and this data is also used by adaptive acc cruise control.
The system does not intervene in the management, do you want to depict a rearrangement? If the signal from the radar is accompanied by a quick transfer of the leg from gas to the brake (even without pressing), electronics, pulling the belts, at the same time begin to slow down not at the limit, but intensively. And if in this situation, in addition, the brake pedal here is tangibly pressed here the Break Essist will clamp the pads on the verge of blocking.

Better to pretend than fix it
Ahead is a rather steep right turn, the desert strip of asphalt is visible by three meters for three hundred where to try smart systems, if not here? I go into a turn against any rules from the inner curb to almost the axial and there I abruptly break the trajectory to the right ... And then I get a sharp push with a steering wheel! So, where is the grunt of the brakes, selective brakes of the wheels and the like tricks?
It didn’t come to this, VDIM (Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management), or rather an active steering included in it, first worked from the entire arsenal of security arsenal. Having evaluated the speed of the machine and rotate the steering wheel, the electric power steered the sharpness of the maneuver: he increased the gear ratio from 12.4 to 17.2. And at the same time he sent a resistance impulse to the steering wheel, warning of danger.
However, the decisive word remains you to ignore warnings. Then the active security systems will work in full force, correcting the mistakes of the stubborn driver.

Tie the soul to the body-II
This was the name of the article (ZR, 2001, No. 2) about the previous generation of Lexus GS, which first received a 283 liter V8 motor. with. I remember then the combination of a solid, respectable appearance and hurricane dynamics 6.3 s to hundreds struck. With the same motor, a slightly heavier model of the third generation accelerates even two dozen faster! There are no miracles here, the car received a new six -speed machine with electronic control and a wider range of gear rates. Features of the new box. The possibility of manual sectral (sequential) switching and blocking of the hydrrotransformer in transmission from III to VI. The latter, among other measures, made it possible to reduce fuel consumption by about a liter for every 100 km.
The progress of a more modest version of the GS300 is even more noticeable. Her new six is \u200b\u200bcharacterized by high specific indicators of 83 liters. with. from a liter of volume versus 66 liters. with. At the V8 motor!
Excellent speed characteristics and a very low noise level became the result of another achievement: the new Lexus GS has excellent streamlines, and the declared coefficient of its aerodynamic resistance CC \u003d 0.27 is one of the best among serial cars.

Simple elegance
The third Lexus GS will not have an analogue in the Toyota lineup for the first time. Moreover, this is the first-born of the new concept and philosophy of design L-Fancy, which deciphens as a combination of simplicity and elegance.
He looked, looked elegantly yes. Simplicity is also present if you understand the restraint and a sense of proportion. Well, all this has classmates! But to offer a new philosophy as a free option is a strong move. Creative, do you know
In comparison with the predecessor, the new GS spread a little more on the road, added 20 mm in length and width, it became 15 mm lower. Accordingly, the salon is more spacious, although the former was difficult to blame for crowding.
15% cheaper!
In 2004, 358 thousand Lexus were sold in the world. Of these, 290 thousand in the USA and only 25 thousand in Europe. This year, 29 thousand European sales are already planned, of which 5000 will have to be on the GS model. One tenth of this amount will find its owners in Russia, starting on April 28. The prices are also known: the GS 300 will cost $ 61,900 in the basic configuration of Executive, it is also in the Premium version is already $ 65 900, and the GS 430 Premium $ 81,900. This is about 15% cheaper than competitors primarily German, with similar power units and assemblies. Given the high image of the brand, find a half -thousand -in -law compatriots a feasible task for three Russian dealers.

To cross out unnecessary
The Japanese approach to configuration is different from German or French in Lexus in the database almost everything. Differences only in modifications on a more powerful GS430 are installed by VDIM with active steering, adaptive AVS air suspension, side pillows, cruise control, memory settings and mirrors, front seats ventilation, leather interior, wood decoration elements and something else. The most demanding music lovers of the 350th audio system Mark Levinson with 14 speakers instead of modest full-time music with just a dozen speakers. We mention such pleasant trifles such as an active seven-inch monitor, separate climate control, a Bluetooth interface, as well as the Smart Key system with a keyboard card and starting the engine, adaptive lighting or tire pressure control. Do you know why so much space is given to simple listing? Almost all of this will be available in Russia! Machines, in addition, will be equipped with a northern bag of increased power, heated seats, and something else. But some options, the effectiveness and survivability of which on our roads among manufacturers is in doubt, will disappear: adaptive air suspension, a rear view camera. The radar, working in a closed millimeter range, was outside the law along with him Lexus will lose adaptive cruise control and the Pre-Crashhe Safety system. Crossed out of the list and the navigation system, well, this is a common thing.

Yuri Nechetov
Photo by the author and Lexus

A source: The magazine "Driving"

Lexus GS 2005 Krash Test - 2008

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Lexus GS 2005 malfunctions - 2008

Lexus GS malfunctions: detailed information
GS 2005 - 2008
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability