Test drive Lexus GS 2005 - 2008 sedan


Two thousand fifth years passed for Lexus under the sign of a rapid take -off to the top of the car Olympus. The company can safely write down the past months to its asset. Never before the novelty of the Toyota luxury department looked so powerful, promising and technologically advanced. Three new models, two hybrid modifications, plus - a whole heap of electronics, which carefully and clearly controls the processes that occur inside them. The concentrated and powerful offensive of the Japanese to expensive market segments changed the image of Lexus in the eyes of customers and significantly strained competitors. Lexus from now on is not only the highest level of comfort, but also the most modern technologies.

Confirmation of these words is the sensational RX 400H and the long -awaited GS430. The first overshadows everything around a hybrid power plant, the serial appearance of which in such a popular and expensive class as suwx SUV can definitely be considered an epoch -making event. The second is a more mundane sample. But only at first glance. If you understand the intricacies of the electronic systems of the dark blue cord, it will become obvious that the tieractive chassis, controlled by the VDIM integrated system at this time, is the most advanced.

Playing feelings

Let's go from simple to complex - first we will evaluate the efforts of the Japanese to create an expensive business class sedan. Competitors here are prepared not just well, but great. In order not only to confront the planet striking ahead of all the Germans, but also to squeeze them in a profitable market, it is not enough to be just good. To do this, you need to be outstanding. Is it Lexus GS430?
This model is the carrier of the new Lexus concept, called L -Fancy. Its essence comes down to the following. In the process of acquaintance and communication with any new car, a person involves five feelings - touch, smell, vision, hearing and taste. Therefore, the task of the machine is to stir up each responsible receptor as much as possible, moreover, exclusively on positive emotions. Then the success is guaranteed.

In simple language, creating a new GS, the Japanese sought to make an ideal car in their own way that is beautiful outwardly, pleasant to the touch, smells well inside and offers an exclusively caressing sound of all processes-whether it is the sound of a slamming door or a well-fed-set voice of the motor. And what about taste? Do not be afraid, you will not have to bite and chew the new GS. The taste here is a collective concept that should be perceived rather in a metaphorical than a literal sense.

Indeed, the car seeks to show itself ideal in almost every element. Wherever you are on - everywhere the highest level: design, build quality, abundance of modern electronic systems: it is striking. But it is noticeable and another - the taste clearly gives the east. Definitely, the GS430 is a cool dish in which a Japanese culinary school is clearly felt.
The car is beautiful, it’s hard to argue with this. An unusual silhouette is flattened, elongated, swift. The front part is also interesting. The false radiator grille is below the level of the LAZ - a specific expression on the face turned out. But if you peer longer, comparisons come to mind. Well -disguised borrowings are becoming noticeable - as it seemed, Maserati Quattroporte. Look at the shape of the windows, at the side line that takes off from the hood to the rear unra. A short high trunk, a long low hood - a classic recipe. However, the silhouette is seasoned with foreign spices. Take the headlights. Good in form, they are generously framed by chromium. Blood but not elegant. Or wheels - there are clearly Japanese motifs. By the way, exactly the same 18-inch wheels can be put on the senior in the rank of LS430, heavy, like the old 140th. And nothing, they look great there.

I come closer. The door is unlocked itself (a fashionable system of non -clock access), and since it is already dark on the street, I am met by a bluish diode illumination. Beautiful and correct from the point of view of the quality of lighting. Glasses with narrow beams of light illuminate only the necessary places, unlike ordinary lamps that flaunt the salon along with its inhabitants.
Like appearance, the interior is interesting and not devoid of special color. The front panel is echoing in a false radiator grille - a find. Optronic scale of devices has already broken out in deep wells. The intensity of the glow has seven levels that change automatically in the command of the light sensors. In general, the option works perfectly, only in certain situations it slowly slows down - if, for example, it is at a speed in broad daylight in a dark tunnel.

Salon assembly quality? And what do you think, what should the dear sedan of a respected Japanese company should be? Stage! Yes, there are no problems with quality. But the style is not fulfilled to the end. How to explain, for example, the presence of atavism decorating the central console, - simple digital hours? Is our system of values \u200b\u200boutdated, and the Japanese who overtaken all humanity already recorded an archaic object in the category of retro? Okay, but below is a large sensory display, Lexus response to such things as Idrive, MMI and Comand. A worthy answer. Around the monitor - the keys responsible for sound, climate, etc., by pressing the button, the desired menu is displayed, and then you just need to drive a finger along the monitor. Convenient and visual. But the resolution of the screen is low, the fonts and pictures sin with Xelization.

What good chairs! Electric adjustments, leather, excellent profile. Near the left knee - a mysterious button with the inscription Push. I’m pressing, and a small area with the control keys of some functions (setting mirrors, for example) slowly leaves the panel a little lower from the panel. It looks like a remote control from a household audio video. Only the Japanese could have come up with this. The main thing is not to forget to push it back - leaving the car, you can hurt it with your foot or bag.
The audio system Mark Levinson envelops with pure sound. But even if you turn it off, hear how the 4.2-liter V8 works with great difficulty. There simply does not exist on idle motor, according to a rumor. On medium - too. And at high ones? You will laugh, but it is not found on high. Only by reaching peak loads, the engine finally resembles its presence with a very muffled noble baritone. If you turn on the music - the complete feeling that you are going on electric traction. Lexus is Luxus!

The three-spoke steering wheel has a wooden-leather finish and the correct section. It provides a direct connection with the EPS electric power, an inseparable friend of the steering system with a variable gear ratio of VGRS. The ligament works flawlessly. For all the big time of the test, I have never revealed a lack of feedback or insufficient sharpness of the steering wheel. By the way, about the severity. VGRS, in principle, is similar to BMW Active Steering, but behaves more restrained, moderately varying the gear ratio. Her work is almost invisible. Not noticeable, but important. For the ability to steal for the driver is used exclusively for the sake of his own good. The system of integrated dynamics control VDIM (Vehicle Dynamic Integrated Management) on its own initiative can give a command to trust or, conversely, will dissolve the steering wheel. Without the intervention of the driver.

In its activities, VDIM rests on several more electronic systems. These are ABS, ECB (control of each brake mechanism individually), EBD (distribution of brake force), TRC (anti -circus system), VCS (course stability system). A whole electronic corporation! Why all this? To put the driver in an interactive car that will make life at the wheel of unusually easy! The main difference between VDIM and similar competitors' systems is that it acts preventively, before it becomes clear that the case is the seams. It will not allow the development of an alarming situation in critical. Naturally, obvious provoking actions can disarm any modern electronics, but we do not take such cases into account. VDIM successfully fights with insufficient rotation, turning it into neutral. VDIM can turn the skid into a confident passage of the turn on the verge of sliding. VDIM monitors the difference in the type of surface under different wheels and does not allow the car to walk from the rail. In fact, the GS430 is lucky the owner along the best trajectory and with the best loading of all the wheels. It should be noted that VDIM has a very high -frequency and smooth algorithm of work and acts very secretly. Sometimes you even have to ask yourself - who has just passed this quick turn, I myself or GS430?

Unlike many competitors, the GS430 cannot be allowed to skid, since the electronic collar here is not removable. Correctly. For the average driver, it turns out a rather dynamic ride. Well, if you want a track, you need to look after another car. By the way, unknown systems are also a great contribution to the piggy bank of the reliability of the machine. Separately from VDIM, AVS works, shock absorbers with variable rigidity. They have two operating modes - Sport and Auto. In the first, when passing turns, the stiffness automatically changes, as a result, the rolls decrease. In addition, VGRS reduces the gear ratio, and the electric amplifier provides better information.

Lexus comfort is high, despite the fact that the suspension settings are made with a sight of sports. Great energy intensity and smoothness. The Yokohama Avs Sport, GS 430 shown in excellent sports tires shows amazing stability in the straight line and in corners. Small steering is required only when braking on poor coating. With accelerated dynamics, everything is in order. The good old octopus is not a very impressive power indicator, but here His Majesty runs the moment. 6 seconds in acceleration to 100 km/h and 250 km/h of maximum speed - this, albeit not the best, but very worthy indicators.


RX 400H was created in order to save energy. More precisely, do not even save, and not miss. REPERT, that is, re -use. The undertaking with the launch of a machine equipped with a hybrid power plant may seem bluff and provocation. It seems that the cost of costs for its development and implementation in mass production is not comparable with the real profit that this project can bring. We decided to shed light on the situation. Sales data were not made public, but during the preparation, first -hand information was received, that in Moscow, 102 cars were sold in Moscow. For three and a half months. Excellent result! Moreover, the line has already been lined up for the RX 400H - they have posted the order now, Ibrid will receive only in May 2006.

Of course, the status of the mass phenomenon of andbreedization is far far away, the consumer will be wary of such a radical innovation for a long time. However, today many are ready to purchase such a machine attracted by the idea of \u200b\u200bIbrid as such. And also wanting to emphasize not only your status, but also a way of thinking. By the way, in Moscow, not only RX 400H flashes, but also used right -handed hybrids Toyota Prius. In addition, the powerful, well -controlled Lexus has no visible disadvantages, but there are continuous advantages, with the exception of increased by 200 kg compared with the donor (RX 300) of the equipped mass. The operation of the machine in urban conditions seems to be no less reasonable than the purchase of a diesel SUV of comparable power.

Hybrid Synergy Drive (HSD) - this is the name of the RX 400H power plant. It is based on a gasoline V6 with a volume of 3.3 liters, with a capacity of 211 hp. The traditional fiery motor drives the entire hybrid system - without it, nothing would have happened. The power is transmitted to the wheels through planetary gear, the gear ratio changes in terms of unacceptable, as in the variator. An additional electric motor, which divides the care of the front wheels with the ICE, is powered by the battery where the energy provided by the generator accumulates, and it in turn is given by the engine. Another, rear, electric motor helps, which, if necessary, makes the car all -wheel drive. No cardan shaft. Why such an atavism is a super -important car?

When the RX 400H begins to slow down, the corresponding energy goes into the atmosphere through the brake mechanisms and the tires of the tires are not completely. It is recovered, accumulates in the battery, which is located under the rear row of seats. By the way, from the power of this battery (45 kW) and the engine, the total capacity of the car is folded, which is 272 hp.

The system has several operating modes. One of them is a diving one, in the sense of purpose, especially for those who sat in the Lexus RX 400H for the first time. The key in the castle, turn - and silence. Ovobors will turn it again and again, and then ask for help. But just something had to move the selector in Drive and release the brake pedal. If you perform these simple actions, the environmentally friendly Lexus will move off, quietly rustling with tires. And the owner proudly comments - they say, we go to the electric trim, by the way. Fantastic picture! When the speed reaches approximately 40-50 km/h (with non-intensive acceleration), the main motor is automatically started. Without it, the car is not capable of much. Will you go far by 60 with an electric forces?

RX 400H all -wheel drive is far from always. By the will of the control electronics, the rear wheels can delay the drive. So most often occurs on the highway, with uniform movement. Well, if you want to accelerate sharply, the electronics will immediately use all three power plants that easily accelerate the two -ton SUV. Provided that the battery is completely charged. Acceleration to 100 km/h in this case takes 7.6 seconds. A similar result shows in this exercise the Range Rover Sport SuperchaRged, under the hood of which 390 hp, obtained by heavy and non -economic work of a powerful V8 paired with a compressor. But how much does the RX 400H consume, and how many Range Rover? Lexus gasoline consumption in a combined cycle is 12-14 liters. What a Range Rover is here, here for comparison you need to take four -cylinder Class D!

In general, all the best qualities of the hybrid system are manifested in urban conditions, when short accelerations are constantly replaced by braking. The more often you slow down, the more energy it remains in the battery. And the more Elena starts will be. But it is worth going on the highway - and the car begins to consume fuel, like a standard SUV with similar size and power. To go quickly, it is necessary to twist the motor, as it should, from here and the consumption. The electric motors, hiding, are waiting in the wings that will come in the city.

As you can see, when using the RX 400H in the city, its owner receives significant economic bonuses. But for sure there are also pitfalls? Yes, not without them:
The nervous behavior of the car on the imperfect coating during acceleration is due to the fact that most of the torque is transmitted to the front wheels. Do not forget that the HSD version installed on the car is the development of the system installed on the front -wheel drive hybrid Prius. And all -wheel drive was richelized using an additional electric motor later. Therefore, if the accelerator pedal is properly crushed, an excess force appears on the steering wheel, communicated with the leading (and at the same time controlled) wheels, the steering wheel almost breaks out of the hands! The manufacturer does not recommend traveling around the crossed area at all. Most likely - given the complexity of the arrangement of the car, as well as the risk of damaging the design due to the ingress of dirt and water into the nodes. As an option - insufficient thrust on the rear wheels may turn out to be a bad help on a heavy road, the car treacherously turns out to be front -wheel drive. The same thing will happen when the battery is discharged, and when a long journey through the off -road, it will be inevitably discharged. The issue of winter operation remains open. However, theoretically, the power of the rear electric motor on slippery coatings should be enough. And even in a 30-degree frost, the system will be efficient, the manufacturer guarantees.

The salon has not changed compared to the standard version at all. Unless the power meter in kilowatts appeared instead of a tachometer, and in the center of the console - a color display. The same as in the GS 430., among other things, the work scheme is displayed on it. Interesting little thing. And the RX 400H also has the VDIM orphanage described above. True, without one important element - the steering system with a variable attitude:
Toyota is determined to promote hybrid power plants on the market. In Frankfurt, the Lexus GS 450H made their debut, which combines the achievements used in the machines described by us. One could do one test ...
It's a joke. But seriously, it seems that the fatal minutes of the automobile world are not far off, we are clearly on the threshold of large events in the auto industry related to and, in general, with the development of high technologies.

Cars are provided by the representative office of Toyota Tel. (095) 258-34-69

Lexus RX 400h prices and equipment

Lexus RX 430h is delivered to Russia in a single configuration. It costs a car of $ 77 300. For this money, the buyer receives: xenon close light, automatic headlight control, adaptive lighting system, headlight washing, fog lights, all -linked wheels R18, electric hatch, a full set of electronic car control systems, steering wheel power steering , leather salon, audio system Mark Levinson (11 speakers, CD changer), monitor with the Touch-Screen function, rear view camera, Bluetooth, immobilizer, signaling, central castle with du, heated windshield, rain sensor, multifunction steering wheel with leather leather finish, front seats electric drive, steering column, mirrors and glass windows, separate climate control, cruise control, 9 airbags.

Lexus GS prices and equipment

The cheapest GS is equipped with a 250 hp V6 engine. And automatic transmission with manual switching - the version is called Executive. There are: electric drives of glass windows, mirrors, front seats, adjusting the steering column, central locking with DU, R17 discs, instrument lighting, heating the front seats, decoration of the salon with wood, a CD with 10 speakers, a multifunction steering wheel with a leather finish, a separate climate -control, color information display, rain sensor, a complete set of electronic car control systems, xenon close light, parking sensors, 12 airbags. Such a car costs $ 61,900.

Step above - Premium equipment with the same engine and automatic transmission. The Mark Levinson musical system (14 speakers and CD-changer for 6 discs), a leather steering wheel with wood control and audio control keys, rear spoiler are added. The price of the machine is $ 65 900. The top version with the V8 engine costs $ 81,900. The price raises the following equipment: wheel wheels R18, VDIM system, steering mechanism with a variable gear ratio and, in fact, the motor. High technologies are expensive.

Text: Leonty Tyutelev

Source: Motor magazine [No. 10/2005]

Lexus GS 2005 Krash Test - 2008

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Lexus GS 2005 malfunctions - 2008

Lexus GS malfunctions: detailed information
GS 2005 - 2008
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability