VOLVO XC70 test drive since 2007 station wagon

Check by the Russian depth of the new Volvo XC70
For Christmas holidays, my family and I gathered in the hinterland of Russia - the Penza region. And to visit relatives and for the winter to see the real one, which in Moscow was in no hurry. It was just perfect for our small warring XC70, and that's why. The Volvo station wagon has a spacious salon and a large trunk, besides ...
Call to the ax
With a cute paradise in a hut, but in the barn, as for some reason it is customary to call a certain category of cars, there are much more chances to find family happiness. Especially if this barn is a new Volvo XC70. This is an exemplary car for an exemplary family. Not necessarily Swedish, and even more so in the sense, ...
Drive Swark
The clock stopped at noon, at half a day. My acquaintance forever stuck in the blessed 80s-years of cheap port, supple charms, ABBA and the 245th Volvo, which he, however, was able to buy only in the 90s, but with which he was going tore the 20s of the new millennium. Not so long ago, on some sundress radio, he ...
Volvo XC70. From 1 431 800 rub.
The test Volvo XC70 served us faithfully for six months. In the last month of operation, the car changed the owner. The new owner shares fresh impressions of the advantages and disadvantages of the Swede to the impressive size of the station wagon passed quickly and painlessly. There was no parking sensors in the equipment of the test machine, but thanks to convenient asperic mirrors and well -sensed dimensions of difficulties ...
Test drive in Russia: Volvo XC70
Volvo and immediately covers the warm nostalgia about the distant 90s, when the brand was shone personally to me that the former glory of the brand had reduced, but here I was in the CHS70 salon. The first thing that impresses is not soft plastic, but causing respect for its quality. And most importantly, in the instrument panel, there are no motives for now fashionable ...
Back to Sweden
Volvo XC70 D5. Price: 1 432 400 rub. On sale: Since September 2007, year-long raids sometimes allow you to look at the car in a new way, to identify the advantages and disadvantages that cannot be discerned within the framework of a short city or even polygon test. To get acquainted with the character and evaluate the expenses of the operation of the diesel Volvo XC70, we ...
Test drive Volvo XC70: Power of Thought
238-horsepower 3.2-liter engine disperses a heavy station wagon to 100 km/h in 8.8 seconds. A six -speed automatic transmission smoothly and timely switches the steps, preventing the motor with the motor to unwind to maximum revolutions. After the next working day, tired, but with a good mood I am going out of town. Different thoughts revolve in my head, but more and more about the upcoming delicious ...
Volvo XC70 D5. Classic
Volvo XC70 D5. Price: from 1? 761500 rub. On sale: Since September 2007, the real realities of the development of the world auto industry are so rapid that every year the cycle of models is inexorably reduced. Separate versions are morally obsolete a couple of years after appearing on the market. But there are pleasant exceptions. Volvo XC70 is one of the pilotwladimir tester ...