Skoda Felicia 1995 test drives - 2001 -

11 to 12
The collection was announced on the Khodynsky field. When all eleven were already in place, black Tahoe rolled up. The driver went out, walked between the cars. And he said: so guys. I have that, for my wife. To whom to give the money? If a citizen buys any product in general and a car in particular, he has the right to count, at least, on the fact that ...
25 doors
W, like many of our compatriots, were puzzled by the purchase of a new car. Suppose we have an amount of $ 17,000 blood (there are almost no crazy money in Russia) and we wish to find reasonable use for them. At the same time, we understand that the operation of the car from the first day promises additional costs. We have to look for a compromise between the quality of the car and ...
New car for the "old" Russian
In most of our nenish compatriots, a new foreign car has still aroused purely academic interest. We used to go in five and saved for nine. However, times have also changed in the price range, previously firmly occupied by domestic cars, their imported competitors began to break through. True, for the most part some international-cosmopolitical, but nevertheless new. ...
A magnificent seven
A brief guide for a buyer for the car in Russia is bought - this is a fact, and not only domestic ones - this is also undeniable. Many are seduced by foreign cars. Some take more than the size of more, and at the cost of cheaper - cars are used. Others, having gathered in spirit, purchase a new car in the car dealership and, as it turned out, often do not chase prestige and ...
Czech cosmetics
Returning not so long ago from the Geneva car dealership, our Kostya photo correspondent (the happy owner of the Czech car) excitedly told that he saw the new Felicia with the front of Octavia, and added: and there are also a pillow of safety and ABS! Such a technical breakthrough of former friends in the social camp could not leave us indifferent, which, in his ...
It has become fashionable to raise cars now, however, like about fifteen to twenty years ago. The owners of Samar are especially sinning by this. The magazine recently turned to this current topic (ZR, 1999, No. 7). Today we decided to check the academic postulates about the harmfulness of the notorious spacers. Moreover, not only nine, but also the popular Skoda-Felicia, which because of the modest ...
The first quarter - on "good"
The operation of Samara cost 200 rubles more than Felicia. Bye. The well -known couple of Samara VAZ 21093 and Skoda Felicia (ZR, 1998, No. 6, 9, 12) wound 25 thousand km for odometers - the first quarter of the planned hundreds. Felicia and Samara are operated approximately in equal conditions - these are the requirements of the experiment. If a…
Only a year later ...
Exactly a year ago, two new cars appeared under the windows of the editorial office - white ninety -third and cherry felicia. Since then, we are closely monitoring their lives (ZR, 1998, No. 6.9; 1999, No. 3). Today we summarize the results of the year. BODY. We have already written that the paintwork of Felicia really does not like processing with small pebbles, ...
Dear pleasure
Anyone who decided to purchase an imported car, even relatively inexpensive, should know: an accident with a complex tin is fraught with large expenses. This was once again reminded by the editorial experiment of Skoda or nine (ZR, 1998, No. 6 and 9), although in the course it was not affected by Felicia, but by VAZ 2109. Each of the cars, like people, ...
"Skoda" or "nine"?
Recall the readers that we are conducting an experiment - we find out if there is a big difference in the operation of imported and domestic machines. Participants in a long test - Skoda Felicia and VAZ 21093 cars were introduced to ZR No. 6 of the current year. Today their odometers count the second ten thousand. And the first 10,000 km already ...