Test Drive Skoda Felicia 1995 - 2001 -

Gorgeous seven

Short guide for the buyer
Cars in Russia buy - this is a fact, and not only domestic - it is also indisputable. Many are sewn in foreign cars. Some take the size of the brief, and the price is cheaper - cars used. Others, having gathered with the Spirit, acquire a new car in the car dealership and, as it turned out, often do not chase the prestige and high cost. Increasingly and more often on the roads there are classmates of our Samara ...

The addiction in this class was quite clearly revealed: they are not least determined by the price. Hence the splash of interest in Skod, Daewoo, Hyunda and other moderately expensive cars. It was with such machines that we tried to acquaint readers in the first place. For the past year, they visited them in the editorial office: Daewoo Nexia (1996, No. 5), Fiat Brava (1996, No. 6), Skoda Felicia-Combi (1996, No. 7), Ford Escort (1996, No. 10). In the last time, the days were able to travel to Seat-Cordoba, and another domestic novelty - the VAZ 2110 became a reality for us. (On the last two cars in detail - in the nearest rooms of the magazine.) It was here that the idea was born to unite the impressions of communicating with the machines, submitting the reader a review of the VAZ competitors. Of course, the domestic hit - the VAZ 21099 did not go around. So there was a magnificent seven. Of course, it was possible to assemble the eight, or even nine, but they decided not to write about what they themselves did not try. It is a pity that many interesting cars remained aside. But we do not forget about them - the material for the next review has already begun to collect. In the meantime, the seven as the result of our work in 1996.

Let's look at the table. 1, in which the technical characteristics of seven cars are collected: Which one is the most, at least on paper? At the same time we will try to figure out what lies in the numbers.
Machines with three different types of body types are presented, namely: four sedans, two hatchback and one wagon. We deliberately went on such a difference. It would not be difficult to introduce an equally magnificent six hatchbacks or sedans. After all, the hatchback is not yet only in the VAZ 2110 family, and the sedan's body does not make only Felicia. But a direct comparison is someone better, someone is worse - not our task, so some different differences are permissible. At the same time discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a body.
Immediately note: the sedans and the universals are longer, and this is understandable - the trunk was adjusted. And the excess length is used in different ways: Nexia, Cords and native dozen are very commercial luggage compartments. Ninety ninth is clearly inferior - age is affected (although Nexia is a model is also not the first youth). The last, by the way, the longest of the whole seven. She pleased with a long salon (there is where to give the knees), but the elbows had to be poured - the widths are not enough. Also, alas, age. Look: the narrowest machine VAZ 21099, it is the oldest. The most fresh Fiat Brava car is both the widest, and the driver there doesn't push the passenger's elbow.
The engines in all are four-cylinder row, all are installed transversely. Six of the seven are eight-flaped and have been produced for more than one year. True, engines usually pass several modernizations and live long, moving from one model to another. Sixteenthly smeared only for Brava, but for him and paying more expensive. Note that, besides the Italian, all the motors have German roots. Nexia is Opel, Skoda and Seat are equipped with Volkswagen engines, the European Ford is based on, as is well known in Cologne, and the VAZ 21083 engine, which works on ninety-ninth and ten, put the hands of Porsche specialists.
Motors Vase and Fiat are short-terrestrial, that is, the diameter of the cylinder they have more piston stroke. Because the biggest lovers of high revolutions. The rest are long-incredible, they are better pulling on low revs, the Volkswagen motor of Felica is particularly different.
Carburetors live their century. This device is installed on the Vase and Ford machines. In the latter - on modifications for banana countries. Massay the injection and in Tolyatti. This system at the proper level of execution is very reliable and the hassle does not deliver.
Although all not our engines are registered high-octane (AI-95) gasoline, they do not differ in a very high degree of compression and the ninety-second is digested. Exception - Fiat, he has a higher compression ratio - 10.1, and, most importantly, even for Russia, a catalytic neutralizer is installed in the Italian car to which Tetraethylsvinets is categorically contraindicated.
Match the maximum speeds - the occupation is fruitless. Only suicide will squeeze everything possible on our roads from the car. About the dynamics can be said that even the most weak - separated, it is sufficient not to fall out of the stream. There is nothing to say about Shrusters.

Ratings and comments
Evaluating one or another car on the five-point system, we tried to be as objective as possible. But subjectivism, no matter how fought with him, inherent in each person. Therefore, your car rating was accompanied by this extensive comment to the table. 2. Recall that just a good car gets the four. Excellent car - something perfect and sinless, which is worth striving, but it is hardly possible to achieve.
In the nomination of the body, the appearance and quality of manufacture, the convenience of landing and the size of the cabin, the volume of the trunk, the possibility of its transformation is estimated. The leaders here were stuck to Volkswagen Seat and Skoda. Accurable and somewhat conservative externally, they are distinguished as low-speed in style and finishing, but quite cozy salons. If the trunk of Sedana Cordoba is great, then the wagon Felicia is just huge. And in that, in another car, the rear seat you quickly and conveniently fold both the whole and in parts. Fiat Brava - the owner of undoubtedly outstanding external data. But it is less functional - the same separate back of the rear seat is the option.
Nexia after restyling can not find out. Prosttsky Opel Cadet became an externally solid sedan. Salon, however, is narrow, what has already been said. The trunk is spacious, but his opening is erased by lanterns. Escort is a pretty car, but nonsense. But the salon is scolded: the rear passengers feel about both in the eight or nine. About Vaz 21099 should not be distributed - everyone saw it, and many well know. We note the main disadvantages: not very convenient passengers from behind, moderate tailgate, things in which you have to ship through a high threshold. Dozen does not suffer. And the trunk is large here, and ship easily, and the rear seat can be folded in parts, and even the hatch in the back for the transport of long items is provided. But here is the quality of the manufacture of the body, primarily fit the panels, leaves much to be desired.
As for the driver's workplace, here at the height of the car of Germanic origin. Behind the wheel of Ford, Seat and Skoda feel at home. Brava upset the limited review of the back: the wide racks interfere, and the rear window is a high lower edge. The driver's seat cushion seemed short. Nexia has a long and absolutely invisible trunk driver. The gear shift lever is not the best way, and the manipulation of them is difficult for a limited width of the cabin. Disadvantages of VAZ 21099 are known. This is the lack of a tachometer on parts of cars, not too comfortable seat resting in the stomach steering wheel, uncomfortable location of the gear shift lever. The tent is better balanced, although the seat on it is still ninth with all his minuses. Work lever is also not particularly convenient.
In motion, each car manifests itself in its own way. Brava - the car is fast, dynamic, with sharp steering, clear short-terrestrial box. Her elements, above all, speed. Skoda, on the contrary, the best tractor: the motor perfectly adapts to the load change. Landlessly measured ride on Felicia is a friendship itself. Although if you need to click - the motor will respond. Seat, despite the weakest motor, does not seem on the road of an outcast. The engine combines good traction characteristics with sufficient sufficiency. Yes, and gear ratios of transmission are very successful. Approximately the same is also characteristic of a non-mechanic motor. Plus it has a very soft, comfortable suspension. Because of this, however, harsh maneuvers at high speed are accompanied by noticeable and not too pleasant rolls. Escort in his style is all so normal that there is nothing to note. Only standard tires disappointed - squealing in turn even on dry asphalt. And the speed is small, and the car is already sailing on the road.
The ninety-ninth and tenth models of the VAZ are equipped with the same power unit, so the speed and dynamic quality machines are close. VAZ 21099 A sharper in management, robustly crushes on irregularities. The VAZ 2110 is softer its predecessor, it will not react to the steering wheel. In the usual ride, it is more comfortable, but in extreme situations, the nine seems more projected. Maybe it's in habit?
In terms of comfort, Seat was gave out in the leader. Pleasant, moderately soft suspension, solid trim, good noise insulation. Although the rest are not far. Nexia is very soft, but the interior is somewhat old-fashioned. Brava on most of our broken roads shakes, which is accompanied by a rumble. Ford is also not the most comfortable suspension. In the Skoda shook the rear passengers, besides, some useful options are air conditioning, for example, it is not installed on it. VAZ 21099 distinguishes the old-fashioned interior and low quality finishes. A dozen is conceived more than the eye, but the execution of the eye does not please.
From the point of view of operation, our cars are at height. Everywhere there are spare parts, a service of anything throughout the country. Foreign cars are also provided, but it concerns mainly large cities, and there are repair and maintenance costs. Small remark about the VAZ 2110: the car is already sold, but with some details, as usual, there may be problems at first. Ford takes a narrow infertility in the trunk, this somewhat limits the freedom of movement, but you can still drive. But if in the fiat tank, equipped with a neutralizer, somewhere in the province will fill eilated gasoline - this is already a serious trouble.

Everyone chooses alone
What car from magnificent seven is better? Do not wait for a direct answer to this question - we did not promise him. Each machine has its strengths and weaknesses, each occupies its niche, and therefore each has its own buyer. After all, you can estimate the car in different ways: overlook or drown it. Want an example - please! VAZ 21099 - the cheapest, most secured parts and service - on the one hand. And on the other, it is not limited outward, poorly discontinued, close. VAZ 2110 - Wellkell, yes, but not very well sewn. Ford escort - a modern, fast European car that carries the emblem famous for the whole world. And at the same time, the inephious and not very spacious. Fiat Brava is the fastest, most stylish, most modern, but the most shaking and most expensive. Nexia is large, spacious, has a significant appearance, but at the basis of its ancient cadet - model 80s! Seat Cordova is a pleasant, balanced car, and where is the power, overclocking? Skoda Felicia-Combi will delight by cargo and traction qualities, and it is not necessary to another.
Everyone has his own eye view, everyone has its own requirements for him. Therefore, each solves the problem of choice itself, based on their desires and opportunities. You can listen to the tips and even needed, but, thoughtlessly following them, it is easy to make a mistake and buy not that. Finally, another important factor is the price. Cheapest - domestic cars. The most expensive (but also the most modern) - Fiat. The rest are approximately the same. Choosing a simpler modification, you can save, while, however, losing in comfort and driving qualities. After all, escort-1,3, Nexia-hatchback, Skoda-hatchback with a motor of 1.3 liters, Fiat Brava-1.4, and ninety-ninth, can be preferred to eight. Choosing a car is not easy and relying here only on yourself. And our article is more like a small guide to the sea of \u200b\u200bcars. The choice is yours. Fortunately, now have something to choose from.

VAZ 21099.
a fairly modern, frisky and economical engine; Excellent handling, availability and a wide selection of spare parts and accessories, service service, the ability to ride in bad roads.

uncomfortable driver landing, close back seat, low finishing quality, absence from the manufacturer of additional equipment, high trunk threshold, whole rear seat back, fuzzy gear shift, tendency to overheating brakes.

For those who for any reason do not want or cannot acquire an imported car, the front-wheel drive VAZ is the only alternative to domestic production.

VAZ 2110.
modern interior design, good aerodynamic indicators, spacious luggage compartment, wide possibilities of its transformation, in the future - the proposal of a number of options. Interchangeability of many details with a preceding family of cars VAZ.

low quality assembly, rough finish, miscalculations in ergonomics, problems with brakes inherent in vehicles VAZ 2108, 21099.

The car is clearly better than executed, childhood diseases - a whole bouquet. But a dozen brought to mind will undoubtedly benefit in many respects from their predecessors.

Ford Escort-1,6
convenient workplace driver, good speed and dynamic indicators, moderate for the European car such a class price.

close back seat, not too comfortable suspension, not the best option for transformation of the luggage compartment.

With all its merits and disadvantages, escort is one of the cheapest Western European in our market.

Fiat Brava
original, modern design, excellent engine, high speed and dynamic indicators, perfectly clear work transmission switching mechanism, excellent handling.

shaking and noise from the work of the suspension on an uneven road, a bad review when moving with reversal, high price.

Neshevayev, but what do you want - the car of the year after all. Few, temperamental Italian. For the pleasure of driving a driver much forgive him.

Daewoo Nexia
Solid appearance, large trunk volume, comfortable soft suspension, direct engine.

several old-fashioned lack of width salon, narrowed trunk, impellent loading, large swells, solid back of the rear seat.

German, albeit not the fresh, design plus Korean, not the highest price. Successful restyling gave the form of a car solidity - many like it.

Seat Cordova
convenient and functional driver's seat, a large transformer trunk, a successful selection of transmission transmissions.

incommetent spare wheel, shortcomings in ergonomics, noise in the salon at high speeds, moderate engine power.

If Volkswagen is collected in Spain, it from this, as it turned out, will not lose anything. Everywhere felt the German Ordnung. The car does not affect anything, but pleasant in all articles.

Skoda Felicia-Combi
a traction engine, a spacious interior, a huge luggage compartment, a comfortable driver's seat.

small ground clearance and large sinks limit movement over country roads, passengers in the back seat shook noticeably, limited list of options offered.

Good, a little conservative car. It has a powerful, measured movement. Having such a trunk, could become a country car number 1 if not limited as a passing.





Test Department
Photo Vladimir Knyazeva,
Sergey Ivanova

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"

Test drives Skoda Felicia 1995 - 2001