Skoda Felicia 1995 test drive - 2001 -

"Skoda" or "nine"?

Recall the readers that we are conducting an experiment - we find out if there is a big difference in the operation of imported and domestic machines. Participants in a long test - Skoda Felicia and VAZ 21093 cars were introduced to ZR No. 6 of the current year. Today their odometers count the second ten thousand. And in the first 10,000 km, you can already summarize some results.
This concept is almost forgotten by many motorists. In the best case, it seems not very warm and not too pure boxing, where mechanics are operating, the qualifications of which are determined only by experimentally. What to do, the branded service is distant for someone, and for someone too dear.
We decided - first of all, in order to maintain a guarantee - to serve cars on the service, good, a dealer from which they bought cars has its own station.
Nine arrived at the first (3 thousand km) with a whole list of warranty comments. And although the dealer conducts only planned maintenance, and the VAZ technical center is engaged in warranty repair, we were still fixed for trifles. For example, the headlightor -corrector and the back of the rear belt (by the way, unsuccessfully - he refused to work again). In the process, in addition to the banal replacement of oil and filter, the headlights were regulated by the factory shone on their own, the angles of the wheels that rode in different directions, and also about the damned device - the carburetor. The engine held too high idle turns and suffered from a very characteristic, truly Sogers failure during acceleration. The stubborn was removed and disassembled three times while they got normal work from him.
Almost the whole day was transported with us, issuing an account for a thousand rubles with a tail. By the way, the rate of service VAZ 2109 costs $ 30. Frankly, not cheap for the domestic car.
Felicia for the reporting period visited the service twice. The first visit (1.5 thousand km) is officially called a preventive inspection, which should not take money for - as it is written in the service book. True, they did not take anything from us and, having examined the car, adjusted the carburetor (toxicity) and gaps in the gas distribution mechanism for free.
During the first (6 thousand km), oil and filter were replaced. The cost of work (with materials, of course) is three hundred with a small rubles. Skoda is $ 36.
The frequency of the subsequent visit to the service for nine is every 15 thousand km. For Skoda, the same mileage between the services is installed. But since the service book stipulates the possibility of reducing it in difficult conditions, and our conditions are recognized as the most difficult, you will have to go to the service of Felicia more often - every 10 thousand km.
Both cars have already managed to be in warranty repairs. Skoda was dismantled and cleaned the clogged carburetor. Along the way, it turned out that the licensed Pirburg of Czech -made requires a variety of specification for disassembly and adjustments.
On the nine, we tried to replace the racks that not only thunder, but also work worse and worse. I also wanted to figure out why the tires screech in the turns, if the gathering and pressure is normal. As a result of three -day walks at the warranty station and the search for the elusive warranty engineer we were encouraged: there are no racks in the warehouse, two weeks will come, then we will engage in a suspension. Wheel screech is not a warranty malfunction. Say, maybe you traveled to the pits. But still, the nine was adjusted ... The back of the rear door, which by that time had stopped unlocking. They did this as an exception - it turns out that the guarantee does not apply to such trifles.
I don’t know what the more or less large warranty repair of Skoda will turn out, but I realized why domestic cars call it yourself. To achieve the fulfillment of obligations from the plant, you must have ropes instead of nerves and a mass of free time. How the ordeal ends, we will tell the next time.
By the way, the guarantee of Samara will end soon. With intensive operation, to roll 20 thousand km - a matter of four to five months. It turns out that for those who travel a lot, Skoda is more profitable: you can, despite the solid mileage, demand the fulfillment of warranty obligations for a whole year.
Little by little about everything ...
Let's start with the appetite of cars. Last time we told how we measured fuel consumption at different speeds. It turned out that they eat cars almost the same. But these were ideal conditions. What is the situation in real life? Yes, just the same. The average consumption of gasoline has both Skoda and Samara about 8.8 l/100 km. A lot, but most of the time experimental in Moscow with its traffic jams is spent most of the time, and if they are sometimes chosen on the room of the highway, then they move far from the most economical mode.
In addition to gasoline, nine in her youth consumed antifreeze, but it was quickly weaned from this, pulling up the clamps on the hoses of the cooling system.
As expected, the salon of the domestic car creaks and cries in all ways, not like a quiet Czech upholstery. But Skoda unexpectedly upset the quality of color. After several trips, chips were found on the hood and front wings, however, not up to metal, but only to the ground. The first visit to the mechanical washing led to despondency - the varnish was covered with a web of the finest scratches. When a gift was wrapped with a clean roof with a clean roof with a clean, damp cloth, a matte stain remained, as if they had worked with a linen-linen. The paint of nine, although it is much worse - a continuous shagry - to the effects of pebbles and small abrasive is still more stable. However, the final sentence of the paintwork will be issued by Moscow winter.
Cars did not particularly annoy the little things. From the lid of the Skodovan trunk, the courtyard pioneers tore off the corporate emblem, while the paint was portioned: apparently, picking a screwdriver. The silver boat of the hooligans was not interested, but the intra -axial rear -view mirror on VAZ 21093 ... It itself fell apart. Samara’s driver's glass, opening, draws the seal along. And a stone fell into the Czech fog and broke it.
We continue to get acquainted
Let's talk about the space for passengers and the size of the trunk. A narrow specialist helped to evaluate the salon - a mannequin named Mikhail. This iron husband allows you to measure the height of the ceiling and the distance to the pedals or back of the front seat (if it sits from behind), and quite accurately. With his 75 kg, he pushes the seat as a kind of average person. He even has a plastic back and a sciatic. True, instead of Misha’s head, a measuring rack has, but she (and to us!) Is much more important.
Let's look at the schemes given here. Let's start with the driver's place. The range of longitudinal adjustment of the seat of the Skoda is larger, she will provide a couple of extra centimeters with a long -legged driver. But the height of the salon in front of the Skoda is noticeably larger - as much as 9 cm. The steering wheel of the nine is located more vertically: after it, Skoda’s steering wheel seems like borrowed from the bus. True, you quickly get used to it and, transplanting back to Samara, you feel the steering wheel lying on your knees. By the way, the impression is that the steering wheel of the nine rests on the stomach, to some extent deceptive. The lower part of the steering wheel on Skoda is even closer to the driver, but due to the fact that its steering wheel is more horizontal, middle and upper part of the rim, where they usually lie hands, pushed further.
Behind in both cars is not particularly spacious. There are almost as many places for a minimum in Skoda as in Samara, but the first is still a couple of centimeters higher.
In the width of the cabin, the nine is somewhat inferior to the Czech rival. Subjective sensations are as follows: at the wheel of Felicia, tall people feel better. The landing is high, the head does not rest against the roof, the legs are bent smaller, the horizontality of the steering wheel is not so noticeable. In the domestic car, it is more comfortable for those whose growth is closer to the middle: the steering wheel does not seem low and the legs are more convenient. At the back they make themselves felt 2 cm of height difference. Where in the nine you rest your crown, in Skoda you only touch the ceiling with it.
The volume of the trunk of Samara is much larger, the cargo platform is longer and wider. Skoda, the fifth door of which opens to the bumper, is less loading height. And most importantly - in the Felicia family there is a very spacious station wagon. True, it costs a little more.
Igor Solidov. Photo by Sergey Ivanov

Source: The magazine "Driving"

Skoda Felicia 1995 test drives - 2001