PepEot 407 test drives since 2004 Sedan

Coffee ... Liquor wine glass ... Sigar!
So spoke of a worthy remuneration for the difficult and well-performed work of Belmondo hero in one old film thirty years ago. Here and the new French coupe will provide the maximum level of comfort to an aging superman. We are with you one blood, what a chic lazy, Barskaya manner! I click on the gas pedal, but a three-liter V-shaped six under the hood and ...
Family value
He was waiting for quite a long time. Everyone worried about the question: What will be the successor to Peugeot 406, who became a classic genre? And now, finally, the 407th in the game. According to the creators, Peugeot 407 will open the era of changes in the M2 segment, which, from the point of view of the company's designers, requires a solid shake. The model was developed on the platform 3 Peugeot-Citroen, which is foundation ...
Age difference
I found a approach to him. At first I tried to go in my own way - dynamically, sometimes aggressively. In a word, as it does not go on a large family station wagon. Everything happened by itself. Just at some point thought, distracted, relaxed, stopped putting on gas. And after a couple of minutes I caught myself thinking that I like, ...
There, under the clouds ...
The universals in our country are traditionally perceived as the means of movement of the Golden Dachnik may be, and practical, but no one. However, in parallel, we do not cease to admire such representatives of this utilitarian class as Audi A6 Avant, Chrysler 300c Touring or Mercedes T-Model, forgetting that this product is piece and most of us ...
Vitamin mood
He managed to become quite different, without changing himself. For all Peugeot fans, they are still their favorite four-hundredth. Phranzazz jay, who stood a little bit, a respectable dressed young man was under hypnosis. For several minutes for a few minutes, without saying a word, he devoured our car through his eyes. Sometimes such an expression of a person can have people in the first ...
Persian chador throws out
Iranian cars will soon appear in the capital's car dealerships The largest Automobile Concern Iran Khodro Industrial Group seriously puzzled promoting its products in our market. The corporation is going to offer the Russian consumer three cars - Samand, Peugeot Pars and Peugeot 206. The first car I am Momobil already told (Mkmobile №7 / 2005), now it came to the turn ...
Art of everyday life
This car does not really want to be squeezed into the formal framework of the concept of the utilitarian wagon. Put in the living room and admire, and not to carry potatoes. This car does not really want to be squeezed into the formal framework of the concept of the utilitarian wagon. Put in the living room and admire, and not to carry potatoes. However, what kind of potatoes ...
407th Measurement
From an extravagant car, the world is seen from Peugeot with creative everything is in order: the company decided not to launch the 407th model on the moon and do not stir in the ocean (ah, this is so fashionable!). And it offers to just rush in a new one, with a needle, car on earth roads and pay attention - how much the machine is capable ...
We waited for him. We can say that they were waiting. After all, from the moment of the debut of the previous model 406, nine years have passed for the current standards considerable. Waited and wondered: what will be peugeot 407? What appearance will take how to go? True, the French threw some tips themselves: for example, in September last year to Frankfurt ...
French cars, like French women, are absolutely different. There are modest, but charming - such as Renault Symbol, there is defiantly contradictory - like peugeot 407. But those and others are real, with charm and national flavor. A car with such an outstanding appearance, like the 407th, provokes hot ...

Video Crash tests Peugeot 407 since 2004