PEUGEOT 407 test drive since 2004 sedan

Persian woman throws herself off

Iranian cars will soon appear in the capital's car dealerships
The largest in the Middle East, the Iran Khodro Industrial Group, was seriously puzzled by the promotion of his products in our market. The corporation is going to offer the Russian consumer three cars - Samand, Peugeot Pars and Peugeot 206. Mkobil has already talked about the first car (Mkobil No. 7/2005), now there was a queue of a more budget PARS, which has long and successfully in sustainable demand in their homeland. Mkobil is the first and so far the only domestic media has tested this machine.
It is no secret that many automakers began the production of serial cars on the basis of existing models of famous firms with a rich history (for example, we went to the Lada from the Italian Fiat). Peugeot Pars was no exception. Restyling of the 405th Peugeot model conducted by Iranian engineers can be considered successful. Preserving the general outlines of the French car quite popular in due time, Pars (translated from Farsi - Persia) actually acquired a new face. And if increased compared to the ancestor - the 405th Peugeot - the dimensions of the car are not very striking, then the new outlines of the hood and lids of the trunk, bumper, radiator grilles and other optics are noticeable immediately. So, the low -ending cut of the trunk significantly increased the freight capabilities of an ordinary sedan, although the non -disclosed back back is already a rather obsolete solution. The only consolation for the car owner in this case will be the central hatch provided for by the manufacturer. It is a pity that such a neat correction of the shape of the car is spoiled by a towing bumper with a towing hook - too rude even for Russia. It was possible to hide it.
The PARS salon did not seem ascetic - good -natured materials and the attraction of individual elements of the interior were pleased. The front chairs Pars left a good impression - the optimal configuration, excellent lateral support and even retractable pillows under his knees. In the general (the so -called sports) style, the white dials of devices and the finish of the central console for aluminum are designed. At the same time, many constructive decisions of the salon decoration today look somewhat old -fashioned. For example, the rear door windows buttons are located on the central tunnel. However, many Russian motorists do not see anything wrong with this. And, say, an obsolete slider mechanism for controlling the salon heater will be familiar to the owners of domestic nine. Although, unlike Vazovsky, Pozhovsky was much more reliable and well established, having worked on many old Peugeot 405 for more than 10 years without breakdowns. Of course, cautious Russian car owners who prefer to hide all sorts of excesses from the eyes of autovors in the car will like the curtain that covers the radio nest. By the way, the Iranian PARS also got from the Peugeot 405, the Fenka, which was now forgotten now, also partially forgotten for the French machines - the sound signal button located in the end of the left steering wheel switch. Some will even like it, although you have to change habits.
It is annoying that only the Great Persian language knows the full -time speaker of the on -board computer - a ambiguous situation arises: there is an option, but it cannot be used. Many potential buyers consider that they take money from them for a useless option. Although, it seems that by the beginning of mass supplies of the model to Russia, the manufacturer will teach the on -board computer to the Russian or at least English language and, accordingly, the alphabet. After all, that the owner forgot, for example, to turn off the light of headlights, leaving the car, reports no more often used zummer, namely the voice of a computer.
And a good basic set of Peugeot Pars will surely affect the choice of the buyer. Everything is most necessary here: air conditioning, steering wheel, electric windows of all four glasses, a central lock, an electric mirror electric drive and their heating, as well as a standard Kenwood CD player with six acoustic columns. Of course, the music is not a class of class, but it is much coolest the full-time radio tape recorders of many eminent companies, for example, such as Hyundai. No wonder the latter recently decided to supply cars without audio systems to Russia, leaving the right to choose for the buyer.
The absence of airbags, it seems, does not upset the unpredictable Russian consumer. Apparently, therefore, many auto -builders who have launched their production in the Russian Federation offer cars in two versions - with pillows and without them. By the way, the difference in the price of cars of both versions sometimes reaches $ 500. It is interesting that the future Russian dealers Iran KHODRO Industrial Group chose the most sophisticated versions of PARS (ELX equipment) for deliveries to our country, including, in addition to the above set of options and more powerful (110 hp) 16-valve engine, but not providing for so beloved Europeans additive - airbags.
The Persians are equipped with a good modernized Pozhov 1.8-liter engine, however, designed for work on high-octane fuel. Therefore, reprogramming the motor for the 92nd gasoline more affordable in Russia would not be at all. Despite the fact that we have an oil producing country, most Russians are trying to purchase cars that can digest low -quality fuel. By the way, in this regard, we note that a slightly strange (in design) cork of the bay neck turned out to be quite impractical. The main minus is that it does not lock, just like the gas tank hatch.
The 110-horsepower 16-valve engine is quite enough to confidently move the car in the traffic flow, although the stock of traction on the bottom is still not enough. But apparently, this is due to the fact that the motor had to be a little strangled for the sake of ecological norms of Euro-3. By the way, even the norms of Euro-2 are still not introduced in Russia, and therefore for us the PARS engine is quite promising. But the engine turned out to be quite economical - in the city mode, fuel consumption was about 9 liters per 100 km.
The five -speed mechanical gearbox, aggregated with the engine under the XU7JP4/L4 index, did not cause special complaints. It is distinguished by the clarity of turning on the steps and a successful ratio of gear rates. No machine guns are provided for the Persians.
As for the suspension, everything is normal here. The chassis turned out to be quite balanced - it is comfortable and moderately tough. Its characteristics were most likely influenced by the back suspension (such as a screw spring) - an independent development of Iranian engineers. After all, the front independent MacPherson went to Pars from the same 405th. The French distinguished the excessive softness of the suspension, which often led to its breakdown, especially noticeable on the serious bumps of the road. With a great degree of confidence, it can be assumed that the Pars chassis will be more resilient. The fact that the repair of the Iranian car, according to preliminary estimates, is approximately twice as cheaper than Peugeot 406 and even more than 407, which replaced the 405th model, is also pleasing. On some brake blocks, how much can save - Peugeot Pars only front brakes of disc ventilated, standard drums are mounted from behind.
And it is very similar that with the value declared for Russia (about $ 13,000), Pars will be able to successfully compete with products, for example, South Korean automotive traders who have recently seized leading positions in sales in the Russian Federation. Not to mention the Daewoo Nexia, which is still quite popular by the Uzbek car (especially since this car is much smaller than Pars). At the same time, Iran KHODRO Industrial specialists will have to work on caring directly to the Russian market. Then our fellow citizens, most of whom cannot afford expensive German or Japanese cars, will agree to pay a little extra for a solid foreign car, noticeably tired of low -quality products of the domestic automobile industry. By the way, for the fifth month, Iranian Peugeot Pars have been sold in Ukraine precisely at the above price ...
Text: Andrey Konstantinov

Source: Mkobil magazine [06.06.2005]

Video Crash tests Peugeot 407 since 2004

PEUGEOT 407 Crash Test since 2004

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