Nissan Terrano II test drives 5 doors 1996 - 2000 SUV

Fashion vagaries, or SUVs on asphalt
Fashion is insidious. And not only in clothes. Cars, as it turned out, are also subject to its whims, and blindly following the momentary trends can lead to a serious conflict between the concepts prestigiously and practically ...... In recent years, some of the motorists quietly went crazy from all -wheel drive cars. No, not from squat roads 4x4, but ...
Swan, cancer and pike
What qualities can combine several cars? By what principle are cars selected for a comparative test drive? That's right, this is usually a certain class, body type, belonging to one generation or a common style. We have chosen the price as the main parameter. What a full -size, not a miniature, parquet SUV can be purchased for thirty -thirty with ...
Model - Nissan Terrano; manufacturer - Nissan; year of release - 1990; in operation while driving - from September 1997; During this time, at the time of the report, 7 thousand km passed; Previous publications - ZR, 1997, No. 12; 1998, No. 1, 4. For two months, who had beengun from the time of the previous report were very productive ...
Model - Nissan Terrano; manufacturer - Nissan; year of release - 1990; in operation while driving - from September 1997; The mileage at the time of the report is 50 thousand km on the meter (the actual is probably much more); Previous publications - ZR, 1997, No. 12; 1998, No. 1. Has for half a year since Japanese ...
The plane landed at the airport of the famous Lourd - they come to the local source to the poklonenecatoliki around the world. Thunder clouds hung over the snowy peaks. The weather did not foresee anything. I must say that our appearance at the airport was a complete surprise for Nissan representatives. Business that in connection with the holidays of the Embassy of European countries in Russia ...
Unknown land
To present to reporters to its updated model, the European branch of Nissan chose non -fire Iceland. And not mistaken. The impressions of the most unusual European country were strengthened by the acquaintance with the new Terrano-II. Take the mysterious. What is Iceland associated with you? Correctly. Meeting Reagan and Gorbachev, herring in Vinna sauce and a thoughtful song of the pop group ...
... 16000 km
Nissan Terrano II Nissan Terrano test came out surprisingly completed. We received this car in the spring, in May, and give it in the deeper autumn. You can already bring blitz-ithogs of how Terrano behaves real calendar winter. Moreover, the conditions were almost laboratory - night frosts up to -23 C and snow drifts ...
12500 km
Let's forget about the small pros and cons of this machine. Let's forget about the inevitable expenses for its maintenance. There is only one fact - you have a car with a proud name jeep and you need to be able to drive on it. Especially in Russia. Especially in the fall. We deserved the right to several useful tips for a solid mileage ...
... 6500 km
Real Off-Road ASS claims that the jeep must be with a diesel engine. And all other gasoline versions are for pampering, and not for the conquest of impassability. Well, we did not go to Camel Trophy, but the last month we carefully searched for adventure. In any case, our Terrano dived into puddles, courageously climbed ...
... 9500 km
Our editorial Nissan ended the period of cloudless childhood. After 500 km, he will have the first exit. Or rather, the first. In anticipation of this significant event and against the backdrop of a formidable warning from the accounting department about the need to protect the official technique, we thought on a burning topic - what the content costs ...