Test drive Nissan Terrano II 5 doors 1996 - 2000 SUV


Model - Nissan Terrano; manufacturer - Nissan; year of release - 1990; in operation while driving - from September 1997; During this time, at the time of the report, 7 thousand km passed; Previous publications - ZR, 1997, No. 12; 1998, No. 1, 4.
The two months have passed since the previous report were very productive for openings. A used eight -year -old car began to attract us more vigorously to studying our materiel.
It all started with the usual puncture of the front wheel. It would seem that in this special - change and follow the chosen route. Remove - put the wheel so ordinary that, most likely, it was not worth talking about this. We have difficulties. Of the six studs, four were without a thread. More precisely, its remnants were preserved, but the nuts turned around almost by hand. The cast disk only exacerbated the matter, blocking a few more threads of the thread. It’s hard to cross the sound tire on the road on a native steel disk, using only a screwdriver and a screw from the jack, but it was not necessary to count on the aid - it was at night, far from civilization. I had to make my way to the house on what they had. Reasoning that if the wheel still has not fallen off, then a little more, God will last, and put it on two surviving studs. Three worthless were located in a row, and the fourth was between the two supporting ones, so we picked up the nuts from other wheels to clean the conscience on the bald stilettos and somehow made it. The benefits, of course, are doubtful. The purpose of the reception is rather to lull consciousness. It will not be worse anyway. So, with a protruding the wheel (the departure of the aluminum disk of the spare was less than the steel by 50 mm!), They hung up low speed to the house.
The search for branded studs did not give the result - nowhere is there. Closest in size - from Moskvich -2140. They bought them, and at the same time capture nuts - on terraran, the step of the thread is smaller. A familiar turner set a 1.5 mm spaces to the seats - they approached no worse than relatives.
It seems that the former owner also lost this wheel on the go. The body of the lower ball support, pretty worn about asphalt, is the right sign.
Another malfunction has nothing to do with design and operation. With an interval of one week, the vandals were first defeated the side window, and then the glass of the door. The alarm also stated the attack both times, but, alas, late. The villains have already caught a trace. In the first case, the damage was limited only to glass, in the second - the removable panel of the radio was stuck. We cut out the window from a plexiglass and painted. It turned out excellent - especially when you consider that the new costs $ 140. As much as the glass of the door! I had to buy it. For this, two dozen sellers called in the hope of finding cheaper and found in 50. But the experienced in time they advised to chase the cheapness. For this money, the purchase happens like this. Having found out on the phone that there is the right glass, the buyer rushes to the company, but, of course, is late. These are the rules of the game. The seller, shaking his head in crushingly, says that the last glass (radiator, pump, etc.) has just taken, and the next batch will be lifted from the warehouse of the day after tomorrow. In order not to be late again, otherwise they will disassemble, it is better to pay today. The client pays, and a day later he learns that the glasses ended in the warehouse. But a car with spare parts has already come out of Finland. Its glass rides in it. In general, go next week. It comes - the glass is waiting for him, but for another model. If he, for example, has terrarano, will be given from the patrol, and vice versa. Other plot lines can develop, but the final will be one: they will require surcharges, and very solid. And where can you get there - you have to go.
Having heard such stories, we tried our luck at the dump of Japanese cars that on the Ostashkovo highway near Moscow. There are disassembled, old, non -resolved and other Japanese women, which it is no longer possible to sell it to the spare parts. Implemented fragments. Prices are restaurant, and feed the third freshness. The service is also with a shower. In general, there were no glasses in the assortment, they left not to sleep off the salt.
Not lucky with private newspapers. Several car services offered glass for 550-600 rubles along with the installation, but a half-rolled Moscow factory of car glass. What it means, they could not really explain. Like, if it breaks, then the fragments will be larger than usual.
They did not take risks. We bought normal in the store for $ 140 and, having dismantled the door, glued it with an autocometric into a mobile bar.
The engine is still excellent. The hood had to be opened only once to remove the cardboard installed for the winter in front of the radiator. Without it, to warm the engine (and, therefore, a huge salon), it was not possible to work in the frost. The automatic clutch of the fan is blocked, and it does not turn off. Such is it from the moment of buying a car. The new costs $ 200, but first we will try to repair ours. In the meantime, the thermal balance is only on the thermostat.
Oil and filters were replaced in the engine: air - 140 rubles, oil - 61, fuel - 154. Later, the front bumper was required. Removing with a fragmented dirt road, the car hit the promo with the front wheel and touched the concrete block. The bumper bent, but resisted. The side bandage-chopping also received several scratches. It turned out that this is a very useful structural element for the jeep. Without it, the body repair would fly into a pretty penny - the door, threshold and sidewall could thoroughly dump.
The crooked bumper had to be removed. Inside it, under plastic - a powerful steel base. It is holding a blow. They leveled, collected - as if there was nothing, the plastic did not even crack. It is interesting whether the plastic bumers of Cheroki and the Lendkryuiser or all the hope for a fake ram - Kangurytnik are so durable?
During the fuss with the bumper, they noticed that the radiator was holding on one single nut. The missing fasteners were restored themselves. It can be seen that in Japan there are rationalizers that introduce accelerated working methods. Togo and look, abolish extra details.
The headlights are waiting for their replacement. They are left -handed light. If they do not seal the sectors on them, they blind the oncoming and near light. In addition, in one - a holey diverator and headlight, gradually filled with water, turns into an aquarium with illumination. New relatives cost 900 rubles each. While the days are long - we look closely at the right domestic. If we do not find analogues by the fall, you will have to buy original.
Suddenly, the rubber boofer-border guards of the rear axle is expensive. Ordinary elastic band, and pulls 450 rubles. On our car, so far both are whole, and a friend has already replaced his own. It was he who shared grief, and at the same time his experience in the operation of Terrano.
If you transport long -sized cargoes in the car with a raised rear door, then a spare wheel, and even better and its bracket must be removed. Otherwise, thrown out with a heavy stock, it will hang without support. Such a console instructs the rear sidewall of the body. Hence another conclusion - the latch of the bracket in the closed position should not leave any noticeable backlash. However, its design is quite reliable, like cars as a whole. She wouldn’t be prices if she was cheaper.
1. Corrosion of the body under the rear seats is found on many nenary machines.
2. The wind from the deflector seeks to clean the ashtray ... into the salon.
3. The window of the plexiglass saves $ 140.
4. A durable foothold retains the body.
5. To replace the headlight, it is necessary to make out half a month. The sticker prevents blinding.
Andrey Sidorov

Source: The magazine "Driving"

Test drives Nissan Terrano II 5 doors 1996 - 2000