Test drive Nissan Terrano II 5 doors 1996 - 2000 SUV

12500 km

Let's forget about the small pros and cons of this machine. Let's forget about the inevitable expenses for its maintenance. There is only one fact - you have a car with a proud name jeep and you need to be able to drive on it. Especially in Russia. Especially in the fall. The right to several useful tips we deserved a solid mileage on the Nissan Terrano test and a diploma of the end of one of the most prestigious schools Off -Road - The Land Rover Experience 4x4 Driving.
1. It is advisable to switch to the 4H mode when he is offered from asphalt to any country. Moreover, in any weather in our rotten autumn. Do not console yourself with the fact that just a week ago you saw how you drove alone on the Lada. You just did not see how two tractors Belarus pulled it out over the turn. And if on a simple sedan this is a misunderstanding, then in a jeep is a shame that can only be washed off with blood.
2. The most common obstacle to native lanes is dirt. Just dirt. Which may not have a bottom. Generally. It's time to stop and switch to a reduced mode indicated on our Terrano letters 4L, as well as on most jeeps we know. It is still useful to soberly evaluate the situation - it is worth it or not to look for adventures on your head. Maybe just go around? But if the ways to retreat are not expected, then the mud baths are best forced to force in second gear and with a sufficient margin - more likely that you will get to the end. If the machine begins to slip, then you need to shave the steering wheel left and right - this will help the front wheels catch the rest of the hard soil. And remember: stop and go back to accelerate and slip the rest of the path on the move, you can only in the most critical case. Most likely, you will not slip, but just sit on the belly.
3. The most unpleasant thing that can expect Jeeper in a free flight is the track. Deep, sticky, left by a tractor like Kirovets. There is practically no way out of it, so it is better not to ride it, but to skip between the legs. In short, we go to the side of the right wheels with the right wheels, and with the left we balance in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe solid surface between the ruts. We go slowly, slowly so as not to break directly into the rut. If this still happened, then you can try to break through her, damned, left or right. If the depth of the track is almost equal to the clearance of your car - in our case it is about 240 mm - then most likely you will not succeed. Take a shovel into your hands (by the way, we always carried it with us) or expect help from the one who pierced this track.
4. The ability to competently descend along a steep slope is considered something like the ABC of the Off-Road school and is fraught with several secrets. First, forget about the clutch pedal. A car with a squeezed clutch once and for all loses handling on a steep slope. Secondly, there is only one direction of movement - forward and down. The steering wheel can be rotated only when the front wheels gained steady grip from the sole of the hill. For the uninitiated - this is the very moment when you begin to see the sky in front of you, and not just the slope.
So, in theory everything is simple, we will begin practice: the front wheels on the crest, the handout is necessarily in 4l mode, the transfer is the first. Gently release the clutch and, for fidelity, hide the left leg under the seat. The car itself will slide down, slowing down the engine.
5. The story of Off-Road knows many examples when the unlucky jeepers touchingly drowned on their monsters in a harmless look of a puddle. If you decide to hunt in an unfamiliar place and in front of you is quite passable, at first glance, water space, then do not rush to dive - it may well absorb KamAZ. The most reasonable thing is to stop, get out of the car and measure the depth of the puddle. Naturally, not with your own legs, but with a stick, a branch, a shovel. At worst, ask your companion to do this. If the depth of the alleged ford does not exceed critical - 50-60 cm in our case, then dive. The handout in position 4L, the transfer is the second. The main thing is not to rush or drive a wave.
Nikolai Kachurin, Dmitry Novokreshhenov (photo)

A source: "Autopilot"

Test drives Nissan Terrano II 5 doors 1996 - 2000