Hyundai Getz test drives 5 doors 2002 - 2005 hatchback

Four dimensions
You can treat Chris Banlal's experiments in the field of BMW sedans design, but he seems to be right in one. We really live in an era of entertaining design, and the fair sex now more often has a temptation to choose a car based on what it looks. Even if contrary to the arguments of the mind and considerations of practicality. Paragraph of love ...
Wolf and red cap
Autumn, sadness, problems ... In the morning you need to throw the child into a kindergarten, give up your wife, go to several places at the same time. After work, jump onto the market, pay for the apartment, have time for a dentist, etc. etc. What to do? How to catch? Who will help? But who. Small, but remote. Meet: Volkswagen Polo and Hyundai Getz. ...
Kids with "automatic"
A few years ago, it was difficult to imagine an equal duel of Hyundai and Opel brands. Of course, one can only be happy with the rapid progress of Korean machines, but this is not the only reason for this confrontation. Opel is one of the two European brands (second Saab), which traditionally offers the Russian buyer his cars for dollars, which ...
How to become big
The usual formula is a small large car can be sold completely differently. It is enough to compare the Skoda Fabia with the Hyundai Getz. In the main drawbacks of modern automotive, professionals and lovers always call the similarities with each other models from different manufacturers. However, if you look closely at the cars, it turns out that this is not so bad. Here,…

Video test drives Hyundai Getz 5 doors 2002 - 2005