Hyundai Getz test drive 5 doors 2002 - 2005 hatchback

Wolf and red cap

Autumn, sadness, problems ... In the morning you need to throw the child into a kindergarten, give up your wife, go to several places at the same time. After work, jump onto the market, pay for the apartment, have time for a dentist, etc. and so on. What to do? How to catch? Who will help?
But who. Small, but remote. Meet: Volkswagen Polo and Hyundai Getz. Both have a pleasant appearance and somewhat reminiscent of teenagers are not yet large, but already quite high. At first, Polo seemed to me a pretty girl with large beautiful round eyes. A sort of noble, honest and very resourceful red cap in a terrible car forest, where there are many evil competitors who strive to swallow you. Getz, judging by his sharp and strong lines and clear faces of stylish plastic, a typical young man from the eastern quarter. Jackie Chan with a wolf grip. However, after a run on these machines, my opinion changed significantly. But about that later. Now let's leave emotions. They are not hats or wolves they are cars. In the Volkswagen concern program, the Polo model has existed for a long time, our test has the newest modification. The company Hyundai has no vehicles of this class so far.
With a careful examination, Polo is more solid than with a cursory gaze, although the most modest equipment provided to us with the copy. The body is made of high -strength steels. The elements of the body are connected by laser welding. Impeccable quality of body panels: perfectly even gaps not only between motionless panels, but also between mobile. In the doorway, amplifiers are installed that protect against blows during side collisions. A 12-year warranty on the body from through corrosion. Excellent door locks work with a deaf expensive sound. Doors are fixed in three positions. The car is equipped with a central lock, electric windows with traumatic automation, heated by external electric mirrors. It is important to note that all this and not only this is included in the standard equipment. The engine from above is entirely closed with a plastic casing. Nearby is also a completely closed battery. Two fans. As you can see, everything is like large solid cars.
Great salon. It is impossible not to evaluate the thoroughness with which the finish is made. The instrument panel looks very strict, and in our version without a receiver, even somewhat boring, but nothing distracts the driver's attention from the road. The upholstery of the seats is fabric, and behind the back of the front seats, it is very practical to the leatherette. The front seats are comfortable, under them are drawn up containers for small things, which is important for such a small car as Polo. Three passengers can accommodate in the back seat, but the average in this case will experience some discomfort, since the middle is quite stiff and rolling. There is enough space for the legs from behind, but again not for the one who is in the middle: a tall and wide tunnel on the floor interferes. The rear seat folds, increasing the luggage compartment volume by more than doubled. But the luggage can be placed on the outside, for which in the doorways there are places for attaching the branded traverse of the Logo trunk. The steering wheel is very convenient, although it is tough to the touch, it is adjusted both in height and in distance from the driver. The combination of devices is typical for Volkswagen cars, in the dark is illuminated by blue-violet light. Indications are read very easily. Pleasantly surprises the attention of the creators of the machine to different trifles. So, the safety pillow of the front passenger can be turned off by turning the ignition key in the switch castle located in the glove compartment. The heating of the rear window is automatically turned off 15 minutes after turning on. Even for removing wheel caps there is a special small wire hook.
And now a spectacular, okay cut Getz. The premiere of this car took place this year in Geneva. This season, it is planned to sell 77,000 cars, 80% of which in Europe. The car was conceived as a practical compact vehicle. To increase sales in the Old World for Getz, the European direction of style has been chosen: simple, unpretentious and at the same time spectacular forms that emphasize the practicality and functionality of the machine. In my opinion, the car was a success. Inside, functionality is felt even more acute, everything is at hand. The only decoration is the trim of the console under Kevlar. The seats are as comfortable as in Polo, and the rear is even better: its pillow is uniformly soft along the entire length and therefore the average passenger is as comfortable as the extreme. Fortunately, the tunnel underfoot almost does not rise. The rear seat, equipped with three withdrawal headrests, is folded in a ratio of 60/40. In the luggage compartment there are two side pockets for small things, under the rug of dock and a set of tools for changing the wheel. The upholstery in the trunk is carpet, and in the cabin is fabric. It is easily removed, which is convenient when cleaning. Behind and from the sides on the backs of the front seats there are pockets. Here, as in Polo, they did not forget about the little things. On the ceiling are two plafins, and not one, as in VW. At the back on the back of the right front seat there is a leap plastic hook. In Polo, for example, without ado, they made four ceiling guests over each seat, i.e. And above the driver too. Why is he a driver? And then, that the car is produced with the right wheel. Hyundai has an eye to install in this place.
The problem of organizing the driver’s workplace is much more serious. And it has been solved for a car of this class at the highest level. In addition to the longitudinal adjustment of the seat and inclination of the back, the Getz also has an adjustable background of the lower back and the lifting of the pillow in parts: separately the front, separately the back. The steering wheel is regulated only in height. Much attention is paid to safety. The car has four inflatable airbags (two front and two side), which are synchronously work with seat belts, and amplifiers that save passengers from lateral blows are installed in the doorway. The steering column is traumatic. It's time on the road. Inappropriately, the nasty and cold autumn rain froze. Or maybe by the way? I launch Getz, warm the engine, interior, adjust the seat, steering wheel. Look, how quickly everything warmed up! A light informative steering wheel, a clear gear shift and reliable brakes immediately inspire great respect for this small machine. There is nothing revolutionary in the design of the car. Everything is like many: a transversely located engine with a drive to the front wheels in several versions, including a diesel with turbocharges, the Mcphereson front suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers, a rear suspension on twisted springs with gas -filled shock absorbers, brakes with ABS, in the front are drum. All components, units and controls are so balanced, and their reactions to the driver’s actions are so adequate that it is a pleasure to control the machine. The suspension is quite soft, but it works on the potholes without breakdowns.
Everyone, however, is known that there is no ideal in the world. And Getz, of course, is no exception. A little lacks the dynamics. At a speed of more than 140 km/h, there is a small tendency to scream. But this, of course, is finding fault. But what a softness and smoothness! Well, those who want to frolic can take a modification with a 1.6 liter engine with a capacity of 105 hp. Dynamics 9.6 seconds to 100 km/h.
And what about Polo? A real beast compared to the Korean. So figure out who is the girl and who is the wolf ... the tested Polo is equipped at a minimum, but the engine is one of the most powerful 75 hp. The machine is perfectly controlled at any speed, very sensitively responds to the driver’s commands. And this despite the fact that in this VW configuration is not equipped with either ABS or ESP, not to mention other auxiliary systems! Good manageability is provided by an independent rather rigid front suspension with a reptile stability stabilizer, an equally rigid rear suspension on autonomous springs with gas -filled shock absorbers, equipped with a reptile stability stabilizer, and an electric power steering, which is included in the standard package. With its help, reactive force on the steering wheel changes depending on the speed of movement. In addition, the exact dosage of the force provides a decrease in fuel consumption. Polo has excellent disk brakes equipped with an amplifier. The semi -automatic turns of the turns, triplingly work after a light touch of the switch, also help in management. I would especially like to note the work of wipers and the system of ventilation and heating of the body. The system provides for the installation of an air conditioner with a climate control and a place for a filter from dust, soot and pollen of plants. But the long stroke of the clutch pedal is slightly annoying. Moreover, the clutch must be turned on very smoothly, as it grabs it instantly, without slipping. In addition, in my opinion, the KP lever is far and low from the steering wheel.
In general, I liked both cars. Therefore, the choice here depends on the driving style and mainly on financial capabilities. Both machines are maneuverable, compact, mobile and with a decent capacity are ideal for a small active family living in a big city. They will not let them down on travels either. The design provides for the installation of high -diameter wheels: Getz up to 15 inches, and Polo up to 16. In conclusion, I will say that these are advanced cars for advanced people. And which of them is a red cap, who decide the gray wolf yourself.
Text Sergey Rokhlin
Photo Alexander Nozdrin
How do they look:
Nikita Rozanov
Looking at these two cars standing nearby, you once again understand how quickly time flows. Getz of the 21st century child is energetic and fresh, and its tall and almost mono -comprehensive body does not know the very little to the definition of the car. In appearance, a true European. By the form of a compromise between the utilitarian and individual vehicles.
The design of Polo is three years older, but what a huge difference in the formation of body architecture! As a result, the German car is a classic double -hobby, and so far this compositional solution is to the like many more customers. Lnutability in the front is so -so, and if Polo has an emblem with a radiator cladding, then you can make a mistake in the turmoil. True, it will give out the indestructible love of VW for different -made rear -view mirrors. Well, if you look closely. The style of the Korean car is cosmopolitan, and the family feature of the manufacturer is neither in the cladding or in anything else. If the Polo silhouette resembles a somewhat static and characteristic profile of the older brother Golf IV, then Getz looks more dynamic, and this is more modern and more modern. Behind both cars are simply canonical in the composition and drawing, but the Korean youth takes its own: the car plays playfully with a pretty rear optics and flaunts the fifth door with a steady glass.
Hyundai Getz is a very modern and moderately characteristic solution of design, which correctly sets off the utilitarian capabilities of a one and a half -composed hatchback, without turning his driver into a fabric of milk.
Volkswagen Polo tested by time, characterizing the entire gamut of the German brand of the late 90s, is very subtly transferred to the design of the compact. Everything is of high quality, but sometimes too correct and this is a little boring.
Inside the Korean car, it is still too early to compete with the German. Polo is too verified, strict and high-quality, so that without a fight to give in to someone. This is especially obvious when comparing instrument panels. GETZ three -level panel seems peeled for such a compact space. Yes, and a silver lining on the entire front surface of the central console. From this, a feeling of heaviness and tightness may also arise. The designers of the Polo master of the class are higher: the central console does not reach the tunnel lining, leaving air under it (although there is a third floor in the form of a shelf), and the upholstery of the doors is not so intrusively flowing into the relief of the instrument panels. The steering wheels are also different: Polo leaves four -spitz, nevertheless, in the upper sector of exactly as many uncleaned space as it is needed to overcome devices. And the three chubby knitting needles of Getz are heavy, and it seems that they are about to block something.
Hyundai Getz is normal and even, probably, a good design, if you can’t compare it with the design of such an opponent as Volkswagen. It is from this that small flaws become noticeable, the amount of which determines the quality.
Volkswagen Polo is highly utilitarian, purely and very high quality. In fact, the form really follows the function and for the excellent taste of designers.

Source: Cars

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Getz 5 doors 2002 - 2005
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