Test Drives Honda Civic Sedan 2006 - 2008 Sedan

Extraterrestrial civilization
In one of the performances of the Moscow Theater School of the modern play there is a scene: The actor depicts aliens, landed on the ground. Things, completely ordinary for us, produce a shocking impression on him, and he excitedly reports everything that sees, on the base. Ready to argue if this alien landed not in some abstract place, but ...
Civic for generation Next
This model from Honda is doomed to success if the wishes to acquire it will not be in line with the world debut on last year's Frankfurt Motor show he was unforgettable. I remember how the heads of the largest automotive concerns by the Guska stretched to the Honda stand, as if under the sounds of the magic flute. Like everyone else, they fascinated, literally fascinated unusually bold and ...
Millennium Falcon.
So called the ship Ghana Solo from Lucasy Star Wars. To get behind the steering wheel of the legendary cosmolet in due time I dreamed almost every nursed it on the screen. To come true this dream, alas, not destined, however, it is quite realistic to approach her. Sit into the new civic than not a starship? If you have seen hatchback, ...
Eighth Space
As a child, I loved flipping magazines like science and life and young people. It was to flip most of the articles that seemed to me inaccessible to me, but there quite often flashed drawings of cars of the future fantasy of students and junior researchers. These cars had a fascinating look: chopped or drop-shaped, doors-wings, transparent caps, huge ...
Realized, corrected
But he has absolutely flat floors, engineers said, who turned five years ago so cool to ride a car into an ordinary vehicle. In the new Sivik, the floor remained smooth, but be sure now behind the wheel will not be boring. There will be no look at the stars of Isnutrichto from the boys did not dreamed of going on a trip to distant ...
Talent communication
Honda Civic New Generation debuts on the Russian market as a sedan with a 140-power engine. A new car demonstrated at the present level all those family features, thanks to which the name of Civic once gained his fame. I do not wear cylinders or butchers. Gentleman is not and, therefore, I can well afford to sit in the car, ...
Second-hand- Honda Civic from $ 10.000
The sixth generation of Honda Civic was produced from 1995 to 2001. Among the car enthusiasts, Civic has gained a reputation of an athlete, which is actually true only in relation to the most powerful versions. And most modifications are reliable inexpensive cars with good sketches. The engines under consideration cars were equipped with five types of 4-cylinder 16-valve gasoline engines. ...
Child against Honda Civic
Buy now Honda Civic is almost impossible, even if you have 20-30 thousand dollars in your pocket. Those who wish to acquire a new Civic are now forced to record in a gigantic queue, which stretched almost 9 months! Why, during this time, it is possible to have time not only to conceive, but also give birth to a human cub. So the question is ...
Test a new Honda Civic
Many notice that from generation to the generation of Honda attached more attention to comfortable ordinary, once hearing very gambling Sivik. Previous, the version of the model calmed down so much that the fans have sank hands. Troubleshooting, Hondovtsy rushed to correct things. The new car demonstrated at the present level all those family features, thanks to which the name of Civic had once received ...
Minuses are powerless
A hatchback Honda Civic appeared in front of the New Year holidays in our test fleet. The car has already stayed in the motor in the summer, stayed for a short time, but made an excellent impression. Now he will live for several months, and we promise to publish in each issue of the Journal of the Operation Report. Over the past period, the car has passed a little less than 1,500 kilometers, visits ...