Honda Civic Sedan 2006 - 2008 sedan

500 km on the road. Honda Civic Hybrid car test
Honda Civic Hybrid Route is the first. To more or less feel what the new Civic Hybrid car is a way of 500 kilometers long. I started my trip with a site under the Tokyo Television Tower, walked with city streets, then went to the intracity speed road of Sutotak. Following her, I ...
Honda Civic, Honda Civic Hybrid.
For Honda, this is one of the main model ranks may no longer remember that the first car called Civic was released back in 1972. Since the analysis of sales of all models that went out under the Honda brand shows, more than 16 million cars of this model have been sold around the world. ...
I give the installation
When the queue is stretched for a year and longer, and even the most agile sellers strive to get a 100 percent prepayment from the buyer, you involuntarily begin to think about what a miracle is such a hatchback Sivic. Banderalogs, come closer! At the sight of a black, flaming car, I turned into a boy who first got into the children's world. There she is,…
Honda Civic 5d test drive: Cosmic and swift
About the eighth generation Civic-Hatchback can be added to a song. By the way, for two years now this song has not subsided in the souls of lovers in 5d queues for car dealers for a year a year in advance. What is such an attractive hatchback? Associative series of users that I have heard is very diverse: the space plate is fast ...