Test drive Honda Civic sedan 2006 - 2008 sedan

Child against Honda Civic

It is almost impossible to buy Honda Civic now, even if you have 20-30 thousand dollars in your pocket. Those who want to purchase a new Civic are now forced to sign up in a giant queue, which stretched for almost 9 months! Why, during this time, you can have time not only to conceive, but also to give birth to a human cub. So the question is, who is better to wait for - a child or Honda Civic is not an idle one at all. So, let's start by points.

Alive Honda Civic in the back of the 5-door hatchback is simply amazing (unlike a less cheerful sedan). The appearance of this machine is so knocked out of generally accepted norms that everyone around them simply turns their heads, so that at least a glimpse of the Civic. Everything is interesting in this machine, and not just its appearance with the widespread use of the theme of the triangle and the conceptual front part. A real shock produces a salon with a futuristic front panel, a two -level board (tachometer from below, and a speedometer is slightly higher and further). And Civic also has a stylish steering wheel, an unusual radio that is mounted directly into the central console (it is simply impossible to steal it), a large button start, formula gearboxes under the wheel (in the presence of robotic mechanics) and so on and so on. Moreover, most amazing, there are no problems with ergonomics. Unless there are serious complaints about visibility due to the huge rear spoiler in the mirror almost nothing (especially in bad weather, there is no janitor from behind).

As for the child, especially just born, it is extremely difficult to evaluate his beauty. To declare that a small warm lump that appears from a woman has a stylish and unusual design can only a mother or father. If you were not directly related to the appearance of a child, then he will remind you of a frog or an unknown animal. Best case scenario. However, after time, the child’s design is getting better and better. You will gradually notice certain new nuances, changing forms and so on. But Civic, with all its fantastic design, will not be able to change. And that's bad. Indeed, after 3-4 years, this car will no longer be as fashionable as now. In general, we put a plus for both participants in our unusual test for design.

It is not worth waiting for practicality from the child. Even the opposite. A small person can be called the height of impractical. At least until it grows up to fifteen years (then it can be forced to drag furniture, build a cottage, and so on). Well, about the fact that at first you will constantly hear squeaks, remove poop, etc., etc., etc., you can not even speak.

But Civic is very good in this regard, even if you compare it not only with the child, but also with other cars. The rear seat here is very simple (both entirely and in parts), having received a very spacious trunk with an even floor. By the way, with raised chairs, the trunk volume is decent 415 liters. Typically, golf class cars have 300-350 liters. And there are more than enough places on the second row of seats. In general, Civic receives a well -deserved plus.

Noise insulation
Here, in fact, Honda Civic is not as smooth as we would like. At a speed of more than 100 km/h, the noise from the engine already begins to really put pressure on the ears, especially if there is a robotic box. If you go by car for more than 10-20 minutes at a speed of 130-140 km/h, then a monotonous loud buzz of a 1.8-liter engine with a capacity of 140 hp. It may already cause a headache in the passenger. However, here it is worth making one amendment Middle Shumka is characteristic of almost all cars of this class.

Noise insulation of the child is even worse. Moreover, in dozens, and maybe even hundreds of times. If the baby gives a voice, then you will hear him day and night, in any room. So Civic deserves another score in its piggy bank.

The previous generation of Civic had an amazing engine, which, thanks to the VTEC system, had a double character. At small and medium -speeds, he was a completely ordinary mediocre motor, but as soon as it was promoted, a real beast woke up under the hood of Civic, which turned a not a particularly remarkable hatchback into a rocket. Alas, Civic has no more former. The current engine turned out to be more calm among the Hondians, although due to its high power (140 forces, after all) the car is going quickly. Especially if the motor works with 6-speed mechanics, and not with a robotic transmission. The last box of active driver will not like it. Also too strong are sometimes pauses when switching gears, and the thoughtfulness of the robot is especially annoying when driving in a traffic jam, when after pressing the gas pedal with the machine nothing happens for a long time. And only after an incomprehensible thought, the box includes the speed he likes, and the car sets off. No, traditional modern machines are still better.

The machine becomes more active with manual gear switching (this can be done both a push robot selector and pressing stylish and very beautiful steering wheel switches in the style of Formula 1). But still, the impression of the robot was not too good.

Therefore, in the category of dynamics, an indisputable victory is won by a child. From the moment he begins to crawl, even an adult who had previously been running for short distances would not be stolen behind him. Every day, the child’s dynamics are getting better and better, it slows down less and less, and its average and maximum speed constantly increases. While he crawls, then something else. But at the beginning of directness (occurs about 10-12 months after receiving it from the hospital), the dynamic capabilities of the child increase many times. So the child earns a well -deserved plus.

And here, because of his frantic dynamics, the child loses. It is almost unrealistic to manage it, and at any speed. A child can crawl into places where you do not even suppose. He bites such things that it becomes scary. In addition, the baby constantly picks up not what is needed, in the blink of an eye it can break your favorite mug and so on and so on. In general, a complete nightmare, not controllability.

Honda is a direct opposite. Civic is well obeyed by the helm, which is pleasant to hold in his hands, when turning the steering wheel, the car immediately diversifies into a turn, and the speed of maneuver can be really high. And, very importantly, Civic does not present surprises as the driver wants, so the car will go. And the stabilization system (included in the basic configuration) is very rarely included in the work, giving the opportunity to fuck in corners. True, the car suspension was harsh. Honda Civic is another point.

Honda has always been considered reliable cars. It’s hard to say how it will be difficult to say, but many are sure that this car, like all its predecessors, will not cause trouble. Although during our test it turned out that the new Civic could easily break at the first stop at the car in a couple of minutes to completely sat down the battery!

The reserve of battery and energy capacity in the child seems inexhaustible. The kid can also break (that is, get sick), but its repair occurs, as a rule, quite quickly. In addition, during an illness, the child’s ability to move and all kinds of pranks does not disappear, unlike Civic, which, due to the dead battery, shamefully froze near the road at the first off of the engine. Although let's hope that this is only an annoying accident. In addition, one should not forget that a small person is an extremely fragile mechanism. It needs not just daily, but every minute care. In general, each participant in the dough on the point.

Price, economy
Initially, Honda Civic is much more expensive than a child. Yes, and more expensive than many of their competitors, because the simplest version of Civic in the back of the 5 -door hatchback costs $ 24,900, and with a robotic box - $ 25,900. The price, to put it mildly, is rather big, especially if you recall that competitors are cheaper. And among Civic rivals you can name cars such as Mazda3, Opel Astra, Volkswagen Golf and so on. Although on the other hand, Honda has a Civic sedan to this cost less than $ 20,000.

As for the child, his appearance is actually inexpensive. On the contrary, it can also be saved on it, because during pregnancy it will not be necessary to spend money on contraceptives, and besides, the mother should adhere to a diet (all sorts of and other budget dishes) for quite a long time. However, growing up a child requires a decent amount of money. And quite quickly it takes more funds than the operation of Honda Civic. After all, if there are no force majeure circumstances, then in Civic you will only have to fill in gasoline in the amount of 8.4 liters. for every 100 km. In the city (saving fuel allows a very useful scale, which shows how much the driver has come out of the economical mode). True, many forget that Civic, like a child, will periodically demand money for tires (in the case of a baby, these are clothes, shoes, etc.), insurance (doctors, masseurs) and so on.

And you can consider the child as an investment in your future. And it turns out that in the case of competent investment, good genes, incredible good luck - in thirty years, the baby will profit. Well, or at least, he will give a glass in your old age. It is possible that even with water. So we put a plusik to the child.

So, formally with a score of 5: 4, Honda Civic wins. We recognize this car very good. However, the price of Civic hatchback actually seems overstated, especially if you recall that Honda offers Russian buyers the same sedan for $ 5,000 cheaper. True, the appearance of the latter is much boring than the hatchback.

However, the victory won does not mean that everyone needs to put off the birth of a child and run to Honda car dealerships. Do not forget that Civic is only a piece of iron that can transport your body from one place to another. And the child is the creature that will force you to make these movements. That is, the machine turns out to be a means, and the child is rooted. The root cause of everything. After all, what will happen if all the cars disappear tomorrow? Yes, nothing special, just some people, like those who work in the editorial office of [email protected], will be left without a piece of bread. And all the children are gone? In this case, humanity will die out as dinosaurs. That's all.

Source: Auto.mail.ru

Honda Civic Crash Test Sedan 2006 - 2008

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