Test Drives Ford Fusion since 2005 Hatchback

Barefoot Wunderkind
Is it possible to buy a fusion instead of focus, the queue for which stretched for 79 months? It all depends on whether you are ready for its surprises as pleasant and not very. Fusion car is too ambiguous. He must be bought by conviction. Fusion Alloying is his name, which is translated as a alloy. V…
Mstim for Test Ford Fusion
Maza Fak! What is it all? Where did the gas disappear? Lord, do you ever go, at least somewhere? Oh no. It seems the passenger is now it is honest, then I approached the test Ford Fusion with a special interest. After all, this car liked my wife, who dreams of this year to go to the right. A…
Superiority note
There is already a lot about the appearance of all new and new niche models. Feeding us commercials in the interruptions between your favorite TV series and football, manufacturers in need convinced their advantages. And we do not cease to be surprised how it was not thought to make such a cool car? So now we offer alternative to the usual ...
I have nothing to hide! And really, driving these lu-pheel machines feel the exhibit on the universal review. They are obvious apologists of transparency (transparency), so popular in the modern Western society they say, we have no secrets from anyone. And, accordingly, antipodes of aggressive, gloomy, inlate toned jeeps with narrow rissed windows. Ford Fusion under the hood engine: ...
Strong small
English word fusion, meaning mixture, alloy assigned to this model as a name, of course, no accident. Compact Fusion combines some advantages of three types of cars of ordinary passenger cars, minivan and SUV. It is superbly managed, unusually spacious for his dimensions and, in addition, has a decent clearance and not killing an elastic suspension. And ...
Almost SUV
Releaseing Ford Fusion, Ford accounted exactly to the goal. Even in Europe, a small machine with increased road clearance and quite serious appearance enjoyed good demand. And in Russia, Fusion has become a hit at all. Now this model appeared on the secondary market. It is worth noting that ads for the sale of this car ...
Thrust to high
Ford Fusion is built on a compact fiesta platform, but it will argue with the class above the room. Those who want to try on themselves to listen to Maxim Sachkov. Photo: George Sadkov. Choosing for your mind and for other models, Ford offers customers a convenient scheme of several fixed sets that can be supplemented with options. In the initial ...
Alloy high test
Thanks to the successful concept consisting in alloy (namely, Fusion translates compact sizes, a roomy interior, solid appearance and considerable clearance, this Ford found many adherents. Those who are still thinking about the choice, it is worth listening to Pavl Leonov's opinion. Photo: Konstantin Yakubov. The approach on the Rinketov Europe fusion debuted in March 2002. Built ...

Video Test Drives Ford Fusion since 2005