Ford Fusion test drive since 2005 hatchback

We take revenge for the Ford Fusion test

MAZ FAKA! What is it at all? Where did the gas disappear? Lord, do you go anywhere, at least somewhere? Oh no. It seems the passenger will be sick now

To be honest, I approached the Ford Fusion test with particular interest. After all, my wife liked this car, who wants to go to the rights this year. And whoever went through this test, he knows that as soon as a woman receives a blessing from the traffic police, she turns into a neurotic and begins to peck the brain demanding to buy her car (of course, the eye and classic are not suitable). The wife liked Fusion. Imagine, I'm such a food, but I have almost a jeep, ”said my beloved.

Naked truth
Therefore, traveling to Fusion was how interesting, especially by car with a simple engine of 1.4 liters. And an automatic gearbox. Rather, not with an automaton, but with robotic mechanics. Still, because at the moment, such Fusion is one of the most affordable among more or less decent cars with the automatic transmission - from $ 14,440. And here lies the first catch for $ 14,440 (or $ 13,390 with a manual box) a naked car is sold. Somehow I don’t really want to buy such an empty foreign car. Yes, there are four airbags and ABS, but there are no such necessary electric drives of glasses and mirrors, as well as air conditioning. The car with all these bells and whistles (taking a decent foreign car without them) costs at least $ 16,790 ($ 15,740 with mechanics). And whoever bought new cars knows that it is best to add at least $ 1 thousand to this price for all sorts of little things.

But Fusion with a 1.4 liter engine. And he disappointed with a robotic box not at his own price (in fact, competitors are even more expensive). It killed that this car does not go as it should! Often, journalists, when describing the car, first talk about how the salon looks, whether there are miscalculations in ergonomics and so on. But with the story of Fusion with a robotic box about the design of the insides or the convenience of using the trunk simply does not remember.

I don’t know how the irritation that the car caused after the first 10 minutes of the trip can be described in words. I was very hoping that the car broke down, that a couple of cylinders stopped working or in a tank instead of 95th gasoline, a drunken refueling poured the 76th. But no everything was in order.

Get your fak
So, how does Fusion 1.4 go with a robotic box at first everything seems to be normal. Click on the gas, the car begins to accelerate smoothly. But when it is time to switch to the second, something happens. The engine power goes to a smoke break and somehow lazily then returns back. Thank God, here is the second. We begin to accelerate (during the rest of the motor, the car seriously loses speed). But the flight does not last long again. The time for the third speed occurs as a result, the car constantly twitches slightly forward/back - to which it leads a little below.

From the habit, riding in such a car is simply dangerous. You go on the main road and think that you will have time to fit normally in the stream, so as not to interfere with the cars going somewhere in the distance. But it was not there. Fusion accelerates, probably even slower than a humpbacked Cossack. And so when leaving the court from the yard, be ready that in a few seconds you will begin to bibk and show the faki window.

Moreover, believe me, the matter is not at all in the engine with the Ford Fusion 1.4 liters. Everything is in order with mechanics. A disgusting robotic box that was simply not taught to work is to blame for everything. Of course, if you switch to manual mode, then the situation improves, but not globally. And besides, the question arises of which feature you need to overpay the piece of bucks and have a real hemorrhoids (we have enough of our own). It will be more honest to take mechanics and receive at least some pleasure from driving.

The revenge of Maxim
Dear Ford representatives do you think that watering your car's slopes has already ended? As if not. These are still flowers. After all, in the salon in the front seat was a passenger. His name is Maxim.

So, Max, come on, burn the whole coil. Avenge them for everything

I often see Ford Fusion on the road, and outwardly I even liked it a sort of small SUV. And inside the car at first seemed decent. The air conditioner worked pleasantly, and the plastic in the cabin turned out to be soft to the touch, although I thought that it was hard there (it was like that before, but on now modernized machines the salon really became better and quieter approx.). But after 10 minutes I realized that Fusion with a robotic box is a bad car. There was some incomprehensible feeling that I was constantly pumping me back and forth. Moreover, this feeling did not come from the head, which was clogged with a conversation about who replaced Putin. The fact that they were shouted: stomach, liver, spleen, and the bladder with a duodenum did not lag behind. It became really bad. Naturally, at first I accused the driver of that he did not know how to ride (I am sure that I was not far from the truth). Denis, of course, assured me that he does everything as usual, and tried to blame all the blame on the car. Of course, this is the easiest to do this, but I think I believe him.

Some kind of horror began. This was with me only once in my life, when I rode for a long time on some terrible smelly Ikarus. And now the nightmare was repeated, but already in a more or less decent and very expensive foreign car, I was rocking me. Strongly. Even more. I was no longer a joy, I didn’t want to talk. The body demanded only one to get out of the car. But we have not drove one third of the journey. Therefore, I had a lot of time to think about why Ford decided to make fun of people so, having come up with his robotic box.

In the end, I had the feeling that all the insides were pulled out of the abdomen, put in the washing machine and scrolled there for thirty minutes. Moreover, drying mode. I thought that he would be conceived, but by some miracle he restrained. In general, the sensation was indescribable recommend Fusion to everyone who wants to go to the astronauts. Perfectly replaces training in a centrifuge.

When I finally jumped out of the car, I was scared to make even a couple of steps I thought to lose consciousness. I have never been so bad. Therefore, catching my breath for about twenty to thirty minutes I thought that I would never sit in this car, even for money.

Interestingly, and the law generally allows you to produce such cars? And why are people not ashamed to sell it, do they really have no conscience at all? And the third question tormented me for a long time after this test is interesting, but how do drivers suffer, who bought Ford Fusion 1.4 with a robotic box for their own (!) Money? I don’t know, it can establish any special fund for their salvation. Connect psychologists to the work, in the end. After all, they are potentially dangerous for society, constant irritation does not bring to good. Maybe they are also healthy now, and after a couple of years they will turn into some check

After a trip to Fusion, I demanded that Denis treat me with beer and pizza for free. And he did it! And what else did he have, after such bullying, over me? So if he wants, let it require 300 or 400 rubles from Ford. It will be legal.

Episode II. last hope
I admit that aggression in relation to Ford Fusion was very strong. And there was no more desire to drive in this car. But the representatives of Ford, who knew everything I think about Fusion 1.4 automatic transmission, persuaded me to ride a car with a manual gearbox. And here is what I will tell you even with a 1.4 liter engine. Fusion goes very good. And there is nothing to be surprised, because this machine, built on the basis of Fiesta, has 80 horses under the hood, and in its dimensions it is smaller than our dozens, which some eccentricians consider to be a sports car. Moreover, who traveled to Fiesta, he knows that she only looks toy. In fact, Fiesta is perfectly controlled by the driver can get a lot of positive emotions when riding Fiesta. So Fusion 1.4 with a mechanical box can give almost the same joys. And with a 1.6-liter engine (already 101 hp), the car looks even better. True, the hard suspension has not gone anywhere, and noise insulation here is not the best.

And with the Ford Fusion test with a manual box, it turned out that this car was not bad. Moreover, in this case, we are only talking about modernized versions that appeared not so long ago (outwardly they can be distinguished by two -stage front headlights with upper yellow turns). Previously, I did not like the insides of Fusion due to the fact that the entire interior was sheathed with cheap hard plastic, which was unpleasant to the touch. But the restyled machines have already received soft plastic, which can be touched more than three times a day. And the trunk made a very favorable impression.

But all. There is no longer the strength to describe the advantages or secondary disadvantages of Fusion. Therefore, a little later it will be necessary to make another test of this car. Only this time we will start with a mechanical gearbox. Or from a traditional machine, which is installed with a 1.6 liter engine. Well, you need to try to forget about a robotic machine gun as soon as possible.

Conclusion: I will not say anything about Fusion with a robotic box. And so everything is clear to buy such a car. Fusion must have a mechanics or a standard machine. With these transmissions, Fusion is perfectly controlled, has clockwork engines (especially this applies to a 1.6 liter engine), a spacious trunk, and a road clearance of 170 mm. Given small overhangs, this is not bad. But Fusion is far from perfect. The car suspension is hard (in the same Focus is noticeably more comfortable), and noise insulation is clearly not enough. As for the price, it, despite the declared basic $ 13,390, usually turns out a decent car in good equipment costs $ 17-19 thousand. And this is already a little expensive for him. Therefore, I personally would take a basic package, would add a condo there ($ 1.1 thousand) and some other bells and whistles of a maximum of $ 400-500. Or would be reoriented on Ford Focus in a station wagon (the same $ 17-19 thousand per car in the GHIA configuration and some other bells and whistles). This is if we talk about Ford brand machines. But there are still very strong competitors of Fusion. For example, Nissan Note. It is more expensive than Fusion, but better.

P.S. And yesterday the wife said that she no longer likes the design, it turns out, some kind of rude. So dear Maxim, you suffered in vain. But nothing. But now everyone at your work will hear stories for a long time about how badly to be a Fusion passenger with a robotic box. And this is already a lot. After all, he gained valuable life experience. Now the girls will look at you as an experienced one who went through fire, vodka and copper pipes. And you can even give them a smart look of tips on choosing a car.


Video Test Drive Ford Fusion since 2005

Ford Fusion test drive since 2005

Ford Fusion malfunctions since 2005

Ford Fusion malfunctions: Detailed information
Fusion since 2005
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability