Test drives Ford Escape since 2008 SUV

Premiere number two
Two recent Ford novelties with four-wheel drives differ from each other as an Aurora cruiser and Moroccan tangerines. The first was built in the queue before the prime minister; The second stand even on a crowded Moscow Motor Show empty. As a result, in dire need in KineticDesign got the desired KUGA and it could be ...
It does not rust
Just a few years ago, he existed completely legitimate in Russia, but then somehow imperceptibly disappeared. And only now, after wandering around Asia, returned back. True, incognito: thoroughly disguised and under other documents, in which a certain Ford Isrep is. But we will not be cheating. Hello, Maverick! The escaped skeleton is not needed to possess x-ray vision to admit ...
Leningrad time
The model invert in Russia is well known, although Ford has never sold it officially before. And here is the car in Russia on legal grounds. The first kilometers on New Ford drove Mikhail Gzzsky. Photo: George Sadkov. When these avenues seemed unnecessarily wide, and now from the height of one of the famous Moscow Staliniks, where they represent a novelty ...
Updated Ford Escape: So what have you been improved?
That's what no one really was waiting for, so this is the emergence of restyling Ford Escape. Several times the Fords showed the sketches, then the concepts of the future generation escape, and when we were already ready for his appearance, on the magazine of the Moscow Motor Show ... ... Ricked out the transfused Maverick / Escape of the 2005 sample, it is impossible to say that we ...
Golden mean
Ford Escape. Price: from 845500 rub. On sale: since the summer of 2008, it has been flowing and everything changes. The Ford's model range left Maverick, a new Escape model came to shift. This is a compact SUV, suitable for the city, and for fishing raids. Check the debutant at the Dmitrov Auto Polygon Test Pilotmaxim Egorov, 23 years old, ...
To various rebirths in the automotive world have been used to: Opel Kadett turned into Nexia, Seat Toledo in Amulet, Peugeot 405 in the forgotten already Iranian Pars, and the native Lada once called differently, the emergency result of each of these metamorphoses was the appearance of a new model. As a rule, an third-party manufacturer. But…
Eastern Guest
Test drive of the new SUV Ford Escape, I was looking forward to. Still would! Spectacular brutal appearance, powerful motor, 6-speed automatic transmission. But it turned out that all this is only for the inner, American market, so to speak, for their own. And the old light is proposed slightly overflowing the image of the Mazda TRIBUTE exclusively with a 4-cylinder engine and with a 4-speed automatic transmission. Look…
Problem of choice. Need SUV to € 30000
Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov, 65 years old, pensioner, driving experience4 years. Wants: Crossover. Budget: 300Gebile This is not only a cheerful feast and tears of the dignity, these are also gifts. As a gift from the Son, our reader received the amount for the purchase of a PARTNER, and to spend it with his mind, I decided to contact us. Given the preferences ...
Test Drive Ford Escape: Cross-Exit
Ford Escape will like those who stayed indifferent to complex design and advanced interface of the Ford Kuga, but has not yet accumulated on Explorer, uses the car in the city, but it also likes to get out on the kebabs and run away from time to time. This person probably has a family, and to games ...
How does Ford Escape better than the leader of the sales of Honda CR-V?
Simple American Ford Escape came to break the Japanese garden ... The accuracy of the crossovers is traditionally the country of the rising sun. Quality, balanced prices and the optimal set of consumer qualities. If not to take a premium segment, then the Japanese fortress was and remains unreasonable. And when all this was done with this, from where I either hurt appeared Ford Escape, made in Thailand, and said: ...

Video Test Drives Ford Escape since 2008