Test Drive Ford Escape since 2008 SUV

It does not rust

Just a few years ago, he existed completely legitimate in Russia, but then somehow imperceptibly disappeared. And only now, after wandering around Asia, returned back. True, incognito: thoroughly disguised and under other documents, in which a certain Ford Isrep is. But we will not be cheating. Hello, Maverick!
Escaped Skitaletse
You do not need to possess x-ray vision to admit an old man in the newbies: in front of me the good old Maverick of the 2001 sample. The car in its own way is significant, by the way: how - in no way the first soldier of the Ford brand with the bearing body. Maverick even sold in Europe, and in Russia-Mother I could buy it quite officially for the time being.
But why is the search? Perhaps the sales of Maverick walked not so loaf, as Ford would like, and therefore the wicker renamed the escape, so as not to resurrect associations with the past. Especially since the car is really thoroughly threatened; And only the sidewalls with the characteristic doorway doors shout to us that this is not a new car.
Yes, and the name, if you think, they took not from the ceiling: in America, Maverick is known just the same called the Inrel. Another thing is that our car has a very mediated attitude to the American Inrel, since it has not arrived from the United States, but was released at the Ford Lio Ho motor on Taiwan Island.
And this, I must say, much explains. For example, absolutely not American appearance: that in front, that behind the invert is the embodiment of the Asian. And the forefront so was completely borrowed from the now Izhevsk spectra. Whether the American isked, which looks like a small exploitor! .. but no: here is such Ford, keep and rejoice.
Four-wheel drive at the search Typical for parquets: When slipping the front wheels, a multi-disc clutch reckones part of the torque on the rear axle. The coupling can be forced to block the button on the central console, but it is impossible to constantly drive in such a mode: it is fairly soon in the dry asphalt. In addition, such a reception will not save from diagonal hanging. In general, despite serious clearance in 201 mm, off-road car is contraindicated. Curly levers of independent suspension will turn off in the first Buaeraka
All colors blue
But it does not please the design of the Taiwanese car. Maybe there is a reason for joy in the cabin? And what, visually quite interesting! The tone of the whole interior sets the pretty glossy trim of the central console, which the climate control and audio system are divided into fraternities. But among them, there are still certain differences: the colors of the blue backlight they differ from them all who sat down to me in the car. And the blue radiance comes from the dashboard, which also has its own, the third shade. Do not say that it strains, but it leaves a certain precipitate. In general, all this blueness, and even with a slightly naive graphics of displays, looks a little toy and makes you remember cheap music centers from the Eldorado store. It is no feeling somehow. Not american. Not in Ford.
However, if you move aesthetics to the area of \u200b\u200bobjective worldview and push it into the background, then you immediately begin to treat it easier to this in a generally quite friendly car. After a short session of fitting the seat, it's nicely noting a good ergonomics. However, such operational finding the optimal posture is due to the minimum adjustment. Nevertheless, the leather steering wheel falls into the hands well, and the left leg is tired of an extremely comfortable holiday area: Thanks to the machine, it will not need it in the near future. Feeling comfort, the brain gives a signal with his right hand, which immediately falls on the box-armrest located between the front seats, as a result of which I occupy a completely uncomfortable person at the helm of the post. In short, turning into an American. And I feel great!
On the view of the US-Asian interior of the search much more interesting than touch
Simple toy style devices are pretty concise and informative
Leather interior prerogative more expensive version limited
Even a heft camera is calmly placed in the bunk box-armrest
But I will remain a resident of Europe, I would find a lot of reasons for the pick-up. Why are such poor wetting windows control buttons? Why does the glass do not have automatic regime and even the driver does not want to rise? What right of upholstery do I winks with a self-sufficiency? Why use in good car such a nasty hard plastic? What a mustache forced the handbrake near the passenger seat on the other side of the central tunnel?
But no, I am already an American without any discount on the Asian origin of this Ford. And ready to accept with many if the Inrel will like me on the go. But at first I will look into the trunk.
And in the trunk
And in the trunk, I find the most real trash. I thought it was worse than the trunk of the new Lancer with his cardboard, covered by chaotic cropped and constantly whipping carpet, nothing and could not. But no, Ford approached the question even more creatively: here on the opposite side of the carpet coating, something that resembles the loss of a mattress is discovering, when you try to raise a falsefield, under which a sheet of black plastic with molded niches on the movement will come up. Scary already horror!
Meanwhile, the size of the trunk is quite optimistic, especially if you fold the rear seats can be done in parts. But after all, what kind of thing: In order for the back to lay on the floor, the head restraints should be removed for which the corresponding grooves in the pillow cripped back. But these grooves are done in a plastic lining, which is attached not to the pillow itself, but to its internal upholstery. And the last, judging by her mood, is clearly not going to withstand such a torture with heavy head restraints, and therefore it will be happy with pleasure at the first opportunity.
Places in the back sofa is abuse, but the back is installed too vertically
Sunglasses in a close case do not want to place
Hidden under the raised felt of the trunk, the full-size spare will always remain clean
Therefore, better-ka I will give a rear sofa to a vertical position and send my friend there. He at first was delighted, but soon began to complain that, they say, the back is worth too vertically. Is it really? Check yourself. Hmm, really. But places for the head and for the legs so much that in general.
Well, nothing, friend, suffer a little. And it's time for me to go back behind the wheel.
He said Parkhali
I started the engine and listened. Listened because at idle it is almost not heard. Yes, and with a calm overclocking, the motor tries not to increase the tone. But it is worthwhile to peer a gas pedal to the floor, as the nerves in a row four do not stand: along with turns of the engine cut through the engine. Motor's muffled shouts make the car move faster, but even when the kick-down dowean is triggered, the speaker does not occur: the Ford is only slightly fixed, but in no way incurs.
Meanwhile, I can not give an insiepe of the epithet. On the first transmission of four possible, the car rows very actively almost jumping forward. But the second and third are not so easy ford, it is not so easy, and breaking up to the fourth, the car turns into a pronounced phlegmatics: it is difficult to overtake it hard, moving slowly by gears.
But at urban speeds up to eighty with Copseck, the aschup is very good: a tabun's modest for such a car at 145 horses almost all the time carried me ahead of the stream, even despite the ancient 4-speed automatic. The latter, taking advantage of the opportunity, declaring gratitude: he though not too broken, but it works solely and comfortably.
Those few days that I spent in the society asmee were filled with positive. The reason for this was not only the events that I visited, using the services of my new Taiwanese friend, but the Ford himself, who made me look at his own world order. Hey, buddy! I told me the Inrel. Maybe enough torture the turbine of the elderly Fiat, driving around the city with frivolous young lady, eh? Maybe it's time to start a family, and the Babik goes? And I, if anything, will subscribe, there are there to be taken away from anyone or from Ikea that it is not rusting for me.
And after all, the case says his damage. He wants to believe. After all, he just rolled me in Toksovo on such a road, on which walking scary on foot. Just seized the wheels all these pits, who instill horror in the drivers of ordinary passengers. And maybe I did not feel such comfort in it, whatever I gave me, say, Ranj Rover on the pneumatic suspension. But I clearly understood that Ford will take me there, where I want, and then just as easily and naturally returns back home. It even seemed to me that he cares about me. Let's say half ancient test kilometers, where the decent styrorya will be laid, and the parabiton of the standing hours in the capital's samples, we demanded only 12 liters of gasoline for each hundred 92nd, by the way. But this is accustomed to take care of the car, I used to please her!
He very posing to himself, this Ford Ischup. Yes, he is simple, he is unobtrusive, he is in many ways imperfect: the same kindred Cuga is fashionable, modern and an order of magnitude more thoughtful objectively looks more attractive. But Kuga holds a distance, and the asch of his boyfriend in the shirt. And the fact that he is simple, uncomplicated and slightly rough, perceived with a fair stake of the positive: such honest and good cars are getting smaller every day. Yes, he can't ride quickly but it doesn't want to go fast! But you are going to go further, you will not just come up with it, right?
Not all inclusive
The car is sold in Russia in two sets of XLT and limited. Automatic, 4 airbags, air conditioning, alloy wheels, ABS with emergency braking amplifier, MP3 radio, fog, immobilizer is already in the database. A limited southety for an additional 86 thousand rubles. Decorated with leather interior, cruise and climate control, rear parking sensors, 6-disk changer and a serious hatch in the shelter. Unlike Maverick, you do not have to choose between motors and transmissions: 2.3 liters on the machine without options. But the heating of the seats and the mirrors are not enough inverta, and to recall them as optionally impossible. The only option is a bag of hatch, parking sensors for 24,900 rubles.
Ford Escape 2,3 Limited 4 x 4
Total information
Body, number of places / doors
Universal, 5/5.
Curb weight, kg
Length x Width x Height, mm
Base, mm.
Pitch in front / rear, mm
Diameter of reversal, m
Speed, km / h
The volume of the trunk (5/2 place), l
Volume of fuel tank, l
Front cross
4-cylinder, row, gasoline
Working volume, SMZ
Power, hp at rpm
Torque, kgmm at rpm
20.4 / 4000.
Drive unit
on the front wheels with automatic rear connection
6-st. Automatic
Independent, spring
in front
Type Mac Foodson
Rack type with amplifier
Disk, ventilated front
215/70 R17
from 9.43 rubles / km
Energy intensive suspension; small consumption of 92th gasoline; ACP as standard; Interesting price
Single power unit; Lack of heating mirrors and seats even for surcharge
Cyril Brevdo, photo Gleb Seminenko


A source: Journal Buy Auto [12/2008]

Video test drives Ford Escape since 2008