Ford Escape test drive since 2008 SUV

Old -timer

Various rebirths in the automotive world have long been accustomed: Opel Kadett has turned into Nexia, Seat Toledo in Amulet, Peugeot 405 in the already forgotten Iranian Pars, and the native Lada was once called otherwise
However, the emergence of a new model, as a rule, in a third -party manufacturer, was an unchanging result of each of these metamorphoses. However, as it turned out, it does not always happen. As an example, one of the last year’s new products Ford ESCApe SUV can be given.
And everything would be fine, but just for the role of the new product this car today, to put it mildly, is not pulling. A couple of years ago we were already sold with us. But under the name Maverick. Now, the purebred American not only regained the original name, but also changed the residence permit. Its current interpretation is made in Chinese Typeei. But this is the best Chinese SUV that your correspondent had to ride.
There are several reasons for this. Firstly, this Escape is done at the Taiwanese Ford plant, where the model of the first generation of the model was mastered in 2002. And secondly, no global, and even more so their own changes in the design of the machine have been made, the proportions and sizes of the original are preserved.
The ancestor of the modern look of Escape should be considered Paul Gibson from the Asia-Pacific branch of the company. Under his beginning in 2007, the Ford Escape Adventure concept was built on the basis of the second generation of the SUV. He, in fact, was presented to us in August last year. Through the efforts of the Gibson team, Escape has gained a fairly modern facade, more streamlined in appearance to the head optics and organically tailored bumpers. In one line with Kuga, this car, of course, did not put it, but it began to look fresh. True, if in the case of the front -line metamorphosis, Escape went to the benefit, then the restyling, alas, did not spare the restyling. Timely, the Chinese pampered with lanterns in the back door flattened along the back door plane. And independently. On Escape, they clearly look alien. Original vertically arranged cryphones of the American version, in our opinion, looked if not better, then at least harmonious. However, in this matter, everyone is free to make their own opinion, different from the author’s opinion.
Distributions in evaluating the interior design will be much less, if only because there are at least changes. Of the most noticeable, slightly corrected architecture of the front panel. The designers covered its working half with a large visor and completely processed the surface of the central console. The stylists were replaced by the stylists, a characteristic of most SUVs of the late 90s over the tunnel of the late 90s, replaced with a more or less modern trapezoidal panel, abundantly seasoning it with polished plastic and pseudo-metal inserts. In general, not bad, but nothing more.
It is worth noting the build quality. In this matter, Escape did not surpass the predecessor, but did not yield. Another positive moment is functionality. In the absence of any complex user interfaces in equipping the car, many modern crossovers abound, using the equipment provided by the driver is a pleasure. Everything is simple and logical. With a few buttons you master in a matter of seconds. And this is despite the fact that the Fords were replaced by a completely modern apparatus standing on Maverick with an archaic radio, and instead of old turntables of the ventilation system, quite modern washers were installed.
The only thing (in the next one, by the way) had to tinker with is the joystick of the side of the side mirrors, located to the left of the steering wheel. It is precisely and hides the coveted and important governing body from the eyes of the driver. But this is only half a bastard: even if there are no difficulties with the detection of this device, it is still quite difficult to manage it. To stick your fingers into the gap between the driver and the panel is not a problem, and not everyone will have a hand bend the hand properly
Despite the relatively modest dimensions, five adults will fit in the Ford salon (of course, provided that a couple of basketball players will not have on the front row), but it is better to go on the four to the four. But the driver’s workplace from the point of view of ergonomics cannot be called ideal, at least when it comes to people with growth above average. The seat adjustment range for normal planting is more than enough, while the steering column is regulated only in height, and given that there is no traditional mobile pedal node for Americans, it may not be enough to fly out.
Otherwise, we repeat, Escape is quite convenient. A sufficient number of various containers for storing trifles are distributed through the cabin. And the disclosure in the ratio of 60:40 the back of the rear seat allows you to combine the rear sofa with the trunk in various options, thereby increasing the volume of the cargo compartment from 935 to 1835 liters. In this case, not only the back may turn forward, but also the sofa pillow, forming an absolutely even floor.
Alas, in the arsenal of the SUV there was the only motor of the 2.3-liter gasoline four. Its power (for the sake of the requirements of Euro-4 norms) was reduced to 145 hp, however, it is now aggregated not with mechanics, but with a 4-speed automatic transmission. From the point of view of Drive, this is a loss, but if a comb comfort is placed at the forefront ... In a calm rhythm, the loss in dynamics is minimal, and the work of the transmission in this case seems quite smooth and logical. In a word, the average comfortable ride is guaranteed.
However, it is worth driving the accelerator pedal, as the unit begins to spin for about 40004500 revolutions, the box is late. In addition, serious inconvenience is caused by a very intrusive jeal of the motor, which can only be scored by an increase in the volume of the on -board acoustic system.
Lightly, the machine complicates the off -road movement. In the all -wheel drive system, an intellectual system for distribution of torque ITCC. Hard locks are absent as a class, so the only hope for the connection between the axes of the electricity.
Escape suspension is typical for this class of cars. But with its settings, the designers clearly overdo it. It is clear that the SUV is a kind of compromise between a comfortable highway and a passable SUV, but in this case the golden middle did not work. Ford is falling on the Ford highway, especially at high speeds, when confident control over the car is needed. Moreover, the sharp steering wheel, which seemed very useful in the city, turned out to be more lazy at speed, but at the same time remained the same half -empty. But at the same time, Escape is distinguished by amazing smoothness. On off -road, everything happens exactly the opposite. When driving on a rolled primer, there are no complaints about it, but as soon as you move to the field plowed in the winter, the genes of a typically city car shakes the car in the car.
The first generation of Ford Escape was created in 2000 on the GF platform, borrowed from Mazda 626. At the same time, it became the first non -abroad SUV in the history of the company. In Russia, the model started only in 2004, but it was already its second generation, a little fresher, but lost the transmission blocking. About then, by the way, the sales of her twin brother Mazda Tribute began.
Like today, the car was offered in two performance, but the list of equipment directly depended on the power unit. Maverick was equipped with two engines: a 2.3-liter four (as on a successor), as well as a 3-liter gasoline V6 of the Duratec family, which developed 203 hp, but due to the inconsistency of the current environmental requirements for the supply of the latter to Europe, were discontinued. The box, by the way, was also two: mechanics on the base engine and a machine gun on the top.

Sorento is a little larger than Escape (but for sale for about the same money). In addition, unlike the vast majority of competitors, its body is on a mandatory machine for such a type of machine. Secondly, the Korean can boast of two types of all-wheel drive: electromagnetic TOD (as on Escape) and Part-Time 4WD with a rigidly connected front axle. Thirdly, the choice of power units: a 2.5-liter turbodiesel or gasoline V6.
Non -class
The second generation of Santa Fe was created as a full -size seven -seater crossover, among the competitors of which there were to include cars like Volvo XC90 and Lexus RX. However, we occupied this car with the niche of its predecessor, so that the price tag has grown slightly. At the same time, the client offers a good selection of options and a couple of decent power units: 2.7-liter gasoline V6 (189 hp), as well as a 2.2-liter turbodiesel (150 hp). Both motors can be equipped with both mechanics and automatic transmission.
Ssangyong Kyron
Compared to Ford Ssangyong Kyron, young is quite young. However, this did not prevent the model from surviving the first surgical intervention. The reason was his openly controversial appearance, in particular, the rear lights, executed in the form of heraldic shields. Restyling corrected the situation. And given that the car of the engines (gasoline and turbodiesel), two types of KP and the connected all -wheel drive in service, Kyron may well be the best offer in the classroom. Of course, subject to the preservation of the current price tag (from 819,000 rubles).
Vladimir Zhidkov
Photo author: Armen Meetarjyan

Source: MKOMBIL MASTOM [March 2009]

Video Test Drive Ford Escape since 2008