
All about Chevrolet: tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, characteristics, accounting data.


3.6l / 100 km of way
The smallest fuel consumption of Aveo sedan since 2011
17.2 l / 100 km of way
The greatest fuel consumption of Silverado 2500 1998 - 2004
3.4 seconds
The best dynamics (among gasoline models) Corvette Zr1 since 2008
19 seconds
Minimum dynamics (among gasoline models) Niva since 2009
8.8 seconds
The best dynamics (among diesel models) Cruze wagon since 2012
14.2 seconds
Minimum speakers (among diesel models) Aveo sedan since 2011

Photo of all chevrolet models


Chevrolet reviews

Lacetti sedan since 2004 Aveo (Kalos) 5 doors since 2008 Niva since 2009
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Heated air and air conditioning
Start and Charging System
Electrical components and other
Body stability to corrosion

Private announcements

Chevrolet prices (updated April 22, 2016)

Chevrolet models Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
Alero. 10 305 274 262 561 8 341 704 7
Astro. 10 396 988 402 010 9 345 479 6
Avalanche 10 1 597 985 1 597 985 10 - 6
Aveo (Kalos) 3 doors 6 413 320 404 522 6 414 571 6
Aveo (Kalos) 5 doors 282 404 522 562 819 77 349 256 207
Aveo (Kalos) Sedan 590 429 652 528 885 107 405 775 485
Blazer 170 290 190 297 738 97 247 479 77
Camaro. 184 2 542 692 2 589 180 157 2 291 436 31
Captiva. 715 959 791 978 632 460 919 589 247
Cobalt coupe 6 353 011 306 537 6 491 197 6
Cobalt Sedan 234 557 797 584 162 99 540 196 135
Corvette Convertible 7 2 477 375 1 816 574 6 3 043 949 6
Corvette coupe 30 3 224 847 3 413 292 20 2 974 856 16
Cruze 641 663 319 683 411 298 645 717 323
Epica. 534 624 356 645 717 248 603 016 275
Evanda. 66 399 500 407 036 37 389 452 30
Express 99 4 248 718 4 126 855 92 - 6
Hhr. 8 731 143 737 424 7 662 048 6
Lanos. 827 231 157 272 609 9 231 157 807
Malibu. 67 1 266 327 1 271 352 66 1 158 282 7
Niva. 829 373 119 353 011 8 373 119 807
REZZO. 230 405 775 447 235 6 405 775 225
Spark. 528 363 060 433 414 188 319 099 313
Suburban. 30 1 499 988 1 521 342 30 747 475 6
Tacuma. 230 1 597 985 1 595 460 221 1 646 969 8
Tahoe. 9 731 143 693 468 8 - 6
Tracker 72 404 522 400 748 62 415 817 16
TrailBlazer 216 896 982 876 873 208 1 432 146 9
Viva 92 334 168 - 6 334 168 89
Laceti. 911 412 061 433 414 124 408 294 781
Orlando. 332 956 032 1 021 342 175 886 938 155
Cruze 5DV 213 714 821 742 448 99 693 468 102
Cruze Universal 77 820 340 875 626 25 795 212 49

Other stamps:

Opel Skoda Mazda
Ford Renault Fiat
Kia Mitsubishi. Hyundai.

Chevrolet - Mark, which occupies the whole majority of global market

First Chevrolet Series C Classic Six 1911

Chevrolet trade brand cars are developed and implemented by the General Motors concern of the Concern, being one of its most popular brands. The creators of the company are W. Yaurant, L. Sleshreol and investors E. Camble and U. Little, who registered a new trademark in 1911. The company's laconic emblem appeared at the same time, there are several versions of its appearance. One of them states that the logo was created by W. Lyuranta based on the original drawing on the wallpaper, seen by the company's founder in the Paris Hotel. To date, it is this brand that has won extremely popular among Russian buyers, and many models (for example, Aveo, Spark and Captiva) have become truly "people."

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