Reviews Chevrolet Aveo (Kalos) 5 doors since 2008

Reviews Chevrolet Aveo (Kalos) 5 doors2008 - N.V. Collected from masters and engineers of service stations for an objective assessment of reliability and features of the operation of Aveo (Kalos) 5 doors.
Engine In all engines often throttle is clogged.
Transmission In Engine 1.2 Every 30 thousand km is required to replace the oil in a manual transmission.
Control system and suspension Often saylent blocks are faced in the beam. Sometimes fability front hub bearings, ball, rear silent blocks in the front suspension.
Brake system Front pads, on average, serve 45 thousand km. (But there is a prescription of the manufacturer's plant, which, with a residue on the front pads of 6 mm, their replacement is required, since the lining on the native pads after this residue has the spacing property). The rear pads, regardless of wear, it is required to change 80 thousand km., Since after this mileage, the lining of the native brake pads are splashed, which leads to the subflinking of the rear wheels.
Heated air and air conditioning minimum Repair Cost Problems
Start and Charging System Sometimes due to the use of poor-quality gasoline, it is necessary to change the candles after 15 thousand km.
Electrical components and other Sometimes the rear ABS sensors fail. Sometimes the signal lamp on the inoperability of airbags lights up (arises due to poor contact of the seat connector).
Body stability to corrosion

Recommendations of a specialist

It is often lubricating the hood loops, as they rust and when opening / closing the hood, the hood begins to cling the wings, as a result of which the hood deformation occurs.
* Information collected from specialists from service stations
Minimum Repair Cost Problems
Medium problems
Serious problems with high repair cost

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2012-07-31 17:21:16

Hello! Maybe you will tell me: the machine goes smoothly, but it is necessary to slow down, begins to lead to the left. Changed the left lever with the ball made collapse. The other day the caliper was pumped. Nothing helped nothing. Pads in order. I do not know what to think ...

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2012-08-02 13:54:34

It is most likely a piston of the caliper does not completely slow down or clinically. Check if the pads are not charged? They can take worse and then leads towards the wheel, which slows down better.

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2012-08-14 04:11:22

The suspension lifts \u003d that's for sure. Like, like 2008, the mileage of only 80 thousand: I repaired Mlin for the summer 3 times ... mostly everything on the suspension, and the rear right sensor ABS departed.

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2012-12-27 23:44:22

45 thousand km The pads on Aveo do not leave the maximum of 30 thousand. And then with a careful handling of the brake pedal. Maslo in the box according to your data it is necessary to change more often than brake pads - not funny. Seilers in the beam live 200-250 thousand. Where and you information from the ceiling? I myself do not go Chevrolet Aveo 2011, before that was also Aveo, in five years I took over 250,000 km.

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2012-12-28 00:14:18

We have collected data on Chevrolet from specialists from official service stations. Replacing oil in mechanics every 30 thousand km regarding only modifications with engine 1.2

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2012-12-28 23:08:51

the fan is not turned off, the antifreeze is normal. Temperature is in addition. Tell me what to do.

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2013-01-04 13:22:35

perhaps the problem is in the viscous coupling.

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2013-03-29 14:26:00

Thank you, Speaking WD40 smeared and the error disappeared

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2013-12-22 00:37:25

Tell me what to do ... A handbrake lamp caught fire, more precisely two light bulbs .. Aveo 2006 release .. Motor 1.4.

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2015-07-27 09:27:45

If memory does not change, then 2 light bulbs light up when 2 or more sensors are failed. If 1 is a sensor - then only the abs light bulb lights up, and when 2 or more is an abs light bulb with a brake system malfunction.

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2014-01-16 09:37:54

Aveo 2008, 1.4. Mileage 35000km. A check caught fire on the move, and the car stopped gaining momentum, does not stall, but does not gain momentum. Jump - you start, everything is normal. Then again. What can be wrong?

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2015-05-19 22:57:49

i changed the pads at 35000 times 100 percent And all the gum, the car is not very.

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