specifications Chevrolet Cruze Wagon Universal since 2012

Specifications Chevrolet Cruze Universal 2012, 2013: Power, fuel consumption per 100 km, weight (weight), road clearance (clearance), radius of reversal, type of transmission and brakes, body sizes and tires

Engine characteristics

Modifications Engine volume, cm3 Power, kW (hp) / about Cylinders Torque, nm / (rpm) Type of fuel system Type of fuel
1.4 TURBO 5-MCP (140 hp) 1364 103(140)/6000 4 cylinders 201/1850-4900 Distributed injection Petrol
1.6L 5-MCPP (124 LS) 1598 91(124)/6200 4 cylinders 155/4000 Distributed injection Petrol
1.6L 6-automatic transmission (124 hp) 1598 91(124)/6200 4 cylinders 155/4000 Distributed injection Petrol
1.8L 6-automatic transmission (141 hp) 1796 104(141)/6200 4 cylinders 176/3800 Distributed injection Petrol
1.8L 6-MCPP (141 hp) 1796 104(141)/6200 4 cylinders 176/3800 Distributed injection Petrol
1.7 CDTI 6-MCPP (130 hp) 1686 96(131)/4000 4 cylinders 300/2000 COMMON RAIL. Diesel
2.0 CDTI 6-automatic transmission (163 hp) 1998 120(163)/3800 4 cylinders 361/1750-2750 COMMON RAIL. Diesel
2.0 CDTI 6-MCP (163 LAN) 1998 120(163)/3800 4 cylinders 361/1750-2750 COMMON RAIL. Diesel

Drive and Transmission

Modifications type of drive Transmission type (basic) Transmission type (optional)
1.4 TURBO 5-MCP (140 hp) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP
1.6L 5-MCPP (124 LS) Front-wheel drive 5-MCP
1.6L 6-automatic transmission (124 hp) Front-wheel drive 6-automatic
1.8L 6-automatic transmission (141 hp) Front-wheel drive 6-automatic
1.8L 6-MCPP (141 hp) Front-wheel drive 6-MCP
1.7 CDTI 6-MCPP (130 hp) Front-wheel drive 6-MCP
2.0 CDTI 6-automatic transmission (163 hp) Front-wheel drive 6-automatic
2.0 CDTI 6-MCP (163 LAN) Front-wheel drive 6-MCP

Brake system and power steering

Modifications Type of front brakes Type of rear brakes Power steering
1.4 TURBO 5-MCP (140 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6L 5-MCPP (124 LS) Disk ventilated Disk
1.6L 6-automatic transmission (124 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.8L 6-automatic transmission (141 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.8L 6-MCPP (141 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
1.7 CDTI 6-MCPP (130 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
2.0 CDTI 6-automatic transmission (163 hp) Disk ventilated Disk
2.0 CDTI 6-MCP (163 LAN) Disk ventilated Disk

Tire size

Modifications The size
1.4 TURBO 5-MCP (140 hp) 205/60 R16
1.6L 5-MCPP (124 LS) 225/50 R17
1.6L 6-automatic transmission (124 hp) 225/50 R17
1.8L 6-automatic transmission (141 hp) 215/50 R17
1.8L 6-MCPP (141 hp) 215/50 R17
1.7 CDTI 6-MCPP (130 hp) 205/60 R16
2.0 CDTI 6-automatic transmission (163 hp) 225/50 R17
2.0 CDTI 6-MCP (163 LAN) 225/50 R17


Modifications Length, mm. Width, mm. Height, mm. Front track / rear, mm Wheel base, mm Road clearance (clearance), mm The volume of the trunk, l
1.4 TURBO 5-MCP (140 hp) 4676 1796 1483 1,544/1,588 2685 501
1.6L 5-MCPP (124 LS) 4676 1796 1483 1,544/1,588 2685 501
1.6L 6-automatic transmission (124 hp) 4676 1796 1483 1,544/1,588 2685 501
1.8L 6-automatic transmission (141 hp) 4676 1796 1483 1,544/1,588 2685 501
1.8L 6-MCPP (141 hp) 4676 1796 1483 1,544/1,588 2685 501
1.7 CDTI 6-MCPP (130 hp) 4676 1796 1483 1,544/1,588 2685 501
2.0 CDTI 6-automatic transmission (163 hp) 4676 1796 1483 1,544/1,588 2685 501
2.0 CDTI 6-MCP (163 LAN) 4676 1796 1483 1,544/1,588 2685 501

Car weight

Modifications Curb weight, kg Maximum mass, kg Load capacity, kg.
1.4 TURBO 5-MCP (140 hp) 1405 1940 535
1.6L 5-MCPP (124 LS) 1360 1895 535
1.6L 6-automatic transmission (124 hp) 1315 1833 518
1.8L 6-automatic transmission (141 hp) 1400 1935 535
1.8L 6-MCPP (141 hp) 1370 1905 535
1.7 CDTI 6-MCPP (130 hp) 1550 2055 505
2.0 CDTI 6-automatic transmission (163 hp) 1539 2079 540
2.0 CDTI 6-MCP (163 LAN) 1520 2055 535


Modifications Maximum speed, km / h Overclocking time up to 100 km / h, with CD (frontal resistance coefficient)
1.4 TURBO 5-MCP (140 hp) 200 9.5 -
1.6L 5-MCPP (124 LS) 192 12.6 -
1.6L 6-automatic transmission (124 hp) 192 12.9 -
1.8L 6-automatic transmission (141 hp) 192 11.5 -
1.8L 6-MCPP (141 hp) 200 11 -
1.7 CDTI 6-MCPP (130 hp) 200 10.4 -
2.0 CDTI 6-automatic transmission (163 hp) 198 10.1 -
2.0 CDTI 6-MCP (163 LAN) 200 8.8 -

Fuel consumption

Modifications In the city, l / 100 km On the highway, l / 100 km Average consumption, l / 100 km CO2 release, g / km Type of fuel
1.4 TURBO 5-MCP (140 hp) 7.4 4.7 5.7 134 Petrol
1.6L 5-MCPP (124 LS) 8.7 5.2 6.4 151 Petrol
1.6L 6-automatic transmission (124 hp) 8.6 4.7 6.1 170 Petrol
1.8L 6-automatic transmission (141 hp) 9 5.3 6.7 170 Petrol
1.8L 6-MCPP (141 hp) 9 5.3 6.7 156 Petrol
1.7 CDTI 6-MCPP (130 hp) 5.3 4 4.5 119 Diesel
2.0 CDTI 6-automatic transmission (163 hp) 8.4 5 6.2 138 Diesel
2.0 CDTI 6-MCP (163 LAN) 6.7 4.3 5.3 138 Diesel

Chevrolet Cruze wagon since 2012 in Russia (updated April 22, 2016)

Modifications in G.V. Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with manual transmission
6 809 187 808 125 6 809 402 6
1.6 L. 6 865 854 - 6 865 854 6
2 L. 6 808 125 808 125 6 - 6
97 850 061 918 113 31 819 852 67
1.7 L. 6 795 301 - 6 795 301 6

Video crash tests Chevrolet Cruze wagon since 2012

Video Test Drives Chevrolet Cruze Wagon since 2012

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