Test drive BMW X3 E83 2004 - 2007 SUV

The dream of a tractor driver

I hold in my hands the keys from the BMW X3 3.0D and I think: great. I’m not even about the yokers itself, which fully justifies the title of the sophisticated (respectively, the most expensive) of light SUVs. And not even about her engine, which earned the reputation of the most balanced turbodiesel in a three -liter class. The skill of the machine is that this is the first diesel BMW, which is officially sold in Russia.


The Germans were not easy for such a decision. Back in 1993-94, the BMW test department conducted special studies of the quality of the Russian diesel fuel. The conclusion was tough. There can be no talk of any diesel engine selling here: due to the highest content of harmful impurities, the fuel system will die very quickly. A decade passed, and the Bavarians again decided to return to this topic. What pushed them to such a step? Either confidence in the reliability of their engines, or fellow countrymen who, with might and main, offer the Russian buyer to feel all the advantages of the transition to diesel fuel. In the price lists of Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Volkswagen and Ford, a variety of models with the D index appear. Be that as it may, according to the results of repeated surveys, the current fuel was recognized as recovered, and last summer the Russian BMW dealers began to accept orders for X3 3.0D and X5 3.0D. If customers show proper interest in these models, we will get the opportunity to see other diesel BMWs on our roads.


What does the public think? On the site we conducted a survey in which everyone was invited to determine the key features of modern diesel cars. Moreover, among the options of answers, not only their advantages were indicated, but also disadvantages. The leaders reached the economy and burden of engine, and factors such as prestige, the high cost of the machine itself and its maintenance have faded into the background. The most concern of visitors to our site was the quality of diesel fuel. It seems that this is really the main obstacle to the spread of diesel cars in Russia.


Those who consider the dynamics of an integral component of prestige should not worry. As proof, it is enough to compare the parameters of X3 3.0D and its gasoline counterpart X3 3.0. With the same working volumes, a turbodiesel for 27 horses is weaker, but gives a maximum torque of 410 nm in the range of 1,500-3 250 rpm against gasoline 300 nm per 3,500 rpm. Extra 90 kg of mass, of course, affect, therefore, when accelerating to 100 km/h 3.0d, it is inferior to 3.0, but is inferior to one tenth seconds! And she wins the fourth in elasticity: a set of speed from 80 to 120 km/h in the fourth gear from a gasoline machine takes 7.7 seconds, while diesel - 6.7. The maximum speed in both cases is the same: 210 or 218 km/h in the sportspack. At the same time, the difference in price is a miserable thousand euros!


A trip by car loaded positive impressions in the sea. From the place of X3 it shoots like from a slingshot, and up to 150 km/h is very convincingly accelerated under a distinctly audible reactive whistle of the turbine. Acceleration on the move often does not require a kik doward: the car simply flies forward on the first command of the driver. The responsiveness of the motor for the accelerator is amazing! Sometimes it seems that X3 predicts a person’s intentions. And this is a diesel! The machine is good: it has to switch often, since the working range of the diesel engine is already than that of the gasoline engine, but its hard work remains unnoticed. Even a kik-down with a transition to two gear down, if it happens, does not lead to shocks and long hitch. Of course, the engine with its crazy thrust at medium -speeds practically devoid of turboers.

Fiction! However, not excellent dynamics is shocked at all. For it, this does the on -board computer, indicating the average fuel consumption. In a typical Moscow regime, when viscous traffic jams are replaced by bastards along wide avenues and vice versa, diesel x3 eats 11 liters of diesel fuel every hundred difficult city kilometers. The question is, what is the meaning of the gasoline machine in general?


If we consider the BMW X3 as a multi -purpose car, the diesel again looks preferable. Even on light off -road, the supply of torque will come by the way, as well as when towing a trailer with a hydraulic speed to the sandy beach. Complex areas the machine calmly overcomes the innight. At such moments, it is easier for others to determine the type of engine - by a characteristic hard sound. But in the cabin it is not heard, and diesel vibrations by governing bodies run only occasionally, in a subtle form.


Otherwise, the X3 3.0D fully repeats its gasoline. Hard energy -intensive suspension, perfectly configured brakes. Not too sensitive at low speeds, the steering wheel becomes sharp at high. This could be called inconvenience, if it were not for the amazing stability of the car on straight and in corners. And with the informativeness of the feedback, things are in the best way.


However, the main claim is by no means addressed to the running qualities of the machine. Not to design and not to ergonomics. For in these matters x3 acts as a role model, not criticism. I did not like the joyless-gray interior decoration with an inappropriate pseudo-wood decor. Such a gamma simplifies the design the salon makes its elements look rude. In my opinion, the unsuccessful solution that should be avoided, good, other decoration options in branded catalogs are given.


The BMW X3 3.0D is a visual evidence of how turbodiesel in their capabilities came close to gasoline engines and are already superior to the latter in a number of parameters. Now these advanced technologies are also available to the Russian buyer, who, frankly, is time to break with the mentality of the tractor driver. The slow -moving, untidy and primitive diesel engines of the beginning of the eighties died out, giving way to such elegant, fast and perfect cars. The time has come when you can live in European, protecting the environment, and not deny yourself the pleasure of driving.


P.S. When this number was prepared in print, an official news came about the review of the BMW AG concern of all released diesel x3, which is about 12 thousand cars. The reason is the need to prevent the probability of damage to the hoses of the steering of the steering control mechanisms of its servo drive.


Autography BMW X3

Predecessor: No

Prototype: Xactivity (2003)

Premiere: September 2003

Platform: BMW 330xi

Production: Austria

Expected replacement: 2012-13

Source: Wheel magazine [No. 83/2004]

Test drives BMW X3 E83 2004 - 2007