Crash tests

Crash tests: safety assessment, features of the deformation of the salon of car models in the event of an accident, photo and video crash tests of cars.

Last added crash test

9-5 2005 - 2009
Driver and passengers
Passenger children
Active security system

Section "Crash tests (EURONCAP)"

Crush test - Test of the safety of the driver and passengers of the passenger car in the event of an accident. And also gives an assessment of pedestrian security in the event of a passenger vehicle. The essence of the test: In the laboratory conditions, the accidents are simulated by various types, mannequins are used as passengers, driver and pedestrians, on the basis of behavior and damage to mannequins during accidents, conclusions are made about the level of protection of the driver, passengers and pedestrians. There are several organizations conducting car safety studies, one of the most authoritative in Europe - EURONCAP. Euroncap - an organization independent of manufacturers, which conducts an assessment of the active and passive safety of cars, as well as assessing pedestrian security. Specialists of this European organization carefully examine the risk of injuries at the frontal, side accident, as well as in a collision with pedestrians. At the same time, the test is given to the level of security separately for each category of participants of the possible accident: the driver and passenger, the child-passenger and pedestrians.

The moment of collisions in the EuroNCAP organization is fixed by high-speed cameras, so that the organizers will subsequently provide photos and video crash tests.