Vaz Priora

Vaz Priora: characteristics and tests, reviews, video test drives, crash tests, data on set and prices.

Reviews Vaz Priora from specialists

Feedback Priora detail
Priora 2170 sedan since 2007
Management and suspension system
Brake system
Heated air and air conditioning
Start and Charging System
Electrical components and other
Body stability to corrosion

Prices for Vaz Priora (updated April 22, 2016)

Year of issue Total cars for sale (in the Russian Federation) Average price,
The average price of S.
Automatic transmission, rubles
Total for sale with automatic transmission The average price of S.
MCPP, rubles
Total for sale with MCPP
2007 92 255 570 - 6 255 489 92
2008 232 275 062 261 358 6 275 135 231
2009 176 307 763 256 421 6 307 818 175
2010 207 331 709 311 190 6 331 539 206
2011 208 361 211 388 851 7 360 964 208
2012 149 410 766 386 423 6 410 766 149
2013 102 456 720 478 465 6 458 503 99

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