Test drives Volkswagen Touareg since 2010 SUV

Hybrid winter
Long-term test VW Touareg Hybrid: We understand why environmentally friendly SUVs are needed. Hybrid cars are still rare guests on Russian land. Actively hybrids in Russia trade only Toyota and Lexus, and that with O-O-very large reservations. And the number of SUVs with environmentally friendly power plants in our market can be counted at all ...
VW Touareg Hybrid without fairy tales about ecology
Touareg Hybrid eats 15 liters per hundred, and its battery has a stock of electricity, equivalent to 200 ml of gasoline ... I sit in a hybrid VW Touareg, and that means that I am not interested in anyone. The first hybrids caused at least some questions from the public. I think when I tested Lexus 450n, the questions asked a million. And men and women ...
Second generation Volkswagen Touareg
Meet Volkswagen New Crossover. Called Touareg. Yes, yes, the one that was previously SUV. However, on the global dynamic presentation in Italy, we met with the four modifications of Touareg in the performance of Lights, and with its off-road IPOSTAY ... Virtue is boring, the vice is attracted by this statement old, as a primary sin. However, an old ...
Volkswagen Touareg. Optical illusion
Volkswagen Touareg. Price: not defined. On sale: since July 2010. When the first time I saw Touareg in the photo, I thought that he looks like something too miniature. And the point here is not in size, but in visual perception. Fortunately, acquaintance in real life crossed my fears. All-wheel drive Volkswagen looks just as solid like ...
Volkswagen Touareg. Taways in Russia
Volkswagen Touareg. Price: from 2,083,000 rubles. On sale: since 2010 Taways, which lives in North Africa, perfectly adapted to life in the desert. But if you transfer these people to our climate, then few will not seem. I wonder how things are with the same cars? First acquaintance with the new Volkswagen Touareg ...
Berber in Tutonsky
The test drive of the new Volkswagen Touaregoskovsk residents, as you know, are very popular with clock, pleasant manners, intelligence and respect for the personal space of others! This happened to make sure in the process of testing a new VW Touareg. Do not believe in human sensitivity and tact? Seriously? Well, in general, and right: in fact, all of the above ...
Test Volkswagen Touareg: Cozy SUV
Kolesa.ru learned how much it costs to make an SUV from Touareg, to which the Touareg crossover is capable of and from what the owner of the new model will be enjoyed. For the years of the previous generation of Touareg, Volkswagen collected information from customers. And they found out on what roads as quickly and how far from the tractor usually take their cars. The result of the survey deprived ...
VW Touareg on domestic off-road
The next generation of Touareg will be a hybrid of a helicopter and a submarine ... Sculptor Tsereteli undertook to improve the statue of Venus Milos. The grandson of Tarkovsky took off the nine hundred and member mystical film. In the basement of the house Pashkov found the sixth of the dead souls. The FSB has been created by a new type of politician, in all respects superior Zhirinovsky. If you have perceived it as a metaphor describing today's realities ...
Test Drive Volkswagen Touareg VS Toyota Land Cruiser Prado: They will be held
Most of the buyers of Volkswagen Touareg and Toyota Land Cruiser Prado in metropolis, such as St. Petersburg and Moscow, are infrequently found on real off-road. At the same time, they are very important off-road potential of the car, so that, at case, in the literal sense, do not fall into the dirt face. Kolesa.ru portal experienced both cars at all ...
Duel Sir LR Discovery IV and Herra VW Background Touareg
From the side it looks like a test of two of our favorite SUVs. However, it will be about janitor and merchants of weapons ... The battle of the giants of the SUV market so can be called this test. Giants are not in size, because there are SUVs much longer and bulky, but on the passability, charisma and modern technologies. Condition of the British and Germans, ...

Video crash tests Volkswagen Touareg since 2010