Volkswagen Touareg test drive since 2010 SUV

Berber Tevaton

Test drive of the new Volkswagen Touareg
Moscow residents, as everyone knows, differ in a tact, pleasant manners, intelligence and respect for the personal space of others! This happened once again in the process of testing the new VW Touareg.

Do you not believe in human sensitivity and tact? Seriously? Well, in general, right: in fact, all the above weakened by an almost lightning fast transition from the 40-degree Moscow heat of the past summer to night frosts of the beginning of September, an attempt by the so-called sarcasm. Imagine the following situation. Leaving the supermarket, you are peacefully rolling your cart to the brand new Touareg V6 TDI standing in the parking lot, by the way, 2,850 200 rubles, open the car and hear from behind: e, respect, the conversation eats! You joyfully turn around and see the four typical Muscovites characteristic appearance, with some unhealthy interest of those who consider you and the car. The only thought: well, they have tested the machine with a fussy gallop rushing about in your head, without a trace hides somewhere in the back streets of the subconscious and flatly refuses to leave. But, fortunately, it turns out that the guys just want to just talk about the car. The guys are simple like five cents. Apparently, it doesn’t even occur to them that you can still have any things in life, except to tell everyone about the car or park near the house, a person comes up to you and begins to question about the new Touareg. Moreover, in the course of the case, it reports that when he drove on a dealer test drive along the territory of the car dealership exactly on this, it supposedly seemed to him that on the move the new car was practically no different from the previous generation, on which this expert dissects daily. If you already know everything, why are you asking, uncle?

Ладно если это были бы единичные случаи уличного общения. Нет, интерес населения к новому поколению Touareg прослеживается явный и устойчивый. Из-за чего вашему корреспонденту за пару дней езды на этой машине пришлось спонтанно поработать менеджером автосалона не менее 12 раз! VW может брать меня на зарплату

Hoping to continue the novel with the old fans of the model and its Platonic admirers, the Volkswagen designers, as, indeed, in such cases, did not organize stylistic revolutions, making the appearance of the new Touareg harmonious development of the appearance of the predecessor model. In the front of the car, as expected, the block-fara became most striking in the eye. They now fully correspond to the current corporate dress code of the car from Wolfsburg have acquired characteristic corners of the eyes. And in the general design of the muzzle of the new model you can now find out the new Golf with Sirocco. First of all, for this, the answer is the design of the false radiator grille. But the sorcerer’s sorcerer’s part of the domestic market is somewhat reminiscent of the corresponding part of the body of the previous Porsche Cayenne. You can’t clearly formulate it, but the visual greetings of the relative can be clearly traced. The silhouette of the car remained the same, although all its dimensions changed. So, the length increased by 41 mm, the width of 12, and the base by 38 mm: up to 2893 mm. The height decreased by 17 mm. It is curious that the growth of the longitudinal size of the car almost exactly corresponds to the increased space for the legs of the rear passengers. As for the driver’s place, it is difficult to complain about it, as in the previous generation of the model, both in terms of ergonomics and the materials used in the decoration. Yes, the finish does not affect the abundance of wood, chromium and skin of unborn lambs. Everything is calm, restrained and without pathos. But I still do not want to get out of the steering wheel. However, this feeling is also caused by the behavior of the car both on the road and outside it. Let's start with the transmission. Previously, each Touareg was equipped with blocks of all kinds of differentials designed to simplify overcoming off -road. But the vast majority of their owners practically do not use these lotions. And from now on, the basic version of the Volkswagen crossover will be equipped with a simplified 4Motion transmission, which has only differential torsen, distributing the power between the front and rear axle in a ratio of 40:60. For asphalt jeeper, this is more than enough. But for those individuals who imagine themselves as conquers of real off -road, a more complex transmission is proposed. It is called 4xmotion, and it includes Terrain Tech offroad package, including a lowering transmission and the interdicerous and rear inter-normal differentials. Blocks can be activated both automatically (when driving wheels) and forcibly. The last generation of Touareg can also be equipped with a pneumatic suspension, thanks to which road clearance can be varied from loading 160 mm to off -road 300. It is characteristic that the Germans decided to use it not air, but pure nitrogen. The machine’s pneumatic system is completely unrelated to the atmosphere and the problems of corrosion of parts caused by it. In general, pneuma is a pleasant thing. She will help to relieve household everyday life. You need to immerse something heavy in the car please: press the key on the wall of the luggage compartment, and the car sits down. I uploaded to press the next button so that the car will return to the starting position. By the way, when, for example, stuffing something overall into the trunk, you suddenly understand that you will have to fold the back of the back seat, you should not annoy the need to throw everything, go to the door, fold sidukhs, and then start loading again. Instead of this running around, it is enough to extend your hand and press another button on the trunk wall. The spring will work, and the back will fall forward on its own. In parts or both halves at once you wish.

Комфорт вещь незаменимая для машины такого класса. Однако главное как она едет. Скажем сразу, с 240 дизельными силами под капотом, восьмиступенчатым автоматом и полным приводом новый VW Touareg V6 TDI однозначно относится к машинам типа нажал и поехал. Даже не в спортивном режиме работы трансмиссии гоночные амбиции 95% будущих владельцев этой модели будут удовлетворены полностью. Надо сказать, что эта коробка передач фольксвагеновцам однозначно удалась. Во-первых, с ее помощью машина умеет отчетливо тормозить двигателем, что среди классических гидротрансформаторных АКП является большой редкостью. С другой стороны, благодаря восьми передачам и выверенной управляющей программе сей механизм вносит заметный вклад в зеленое дело экономии топлива. Понятно, что серийный Touareg это не гоночная машина серии WRC, но для своего класса разгоняется, рулится и тормозит он просто прекрасно. Однако все вышесказанное совершенно не означает, что авто прямо-таки заставляет водителя носиться как угорелого. Ничуть не бывало. На нем очень приятно еще и просто ехать. Настройки подвески, шумоизоляция, эргономика и прочие детали все отлично приспособлено как к плавному перемещению тел водителя и пассажира в пространстве, так и к отжигу на все деньги.
Впрочем, больше всего автора этих строк удивила одна знакомая женщина пяти лет от роду, всегда нервно реагирующая на резкое ускорение и высокую скорость в любых, даже самых люксовых европейских и азиатских авто, оснащенных пневмоподвеской в том числе. Сидя в своем детском кресле на заднем сиденье VW Touareg V6 TDI, она ни разу не пискнула даже при стартах по методу педаль в пол. Зато на скоростях 8090 км/ч регулярно надувала губки: А чего это мы так медленно едем?

ДЛЯ РОССИИ VW TOUAREG комплектуется шестью двигателями. Два из них бензиновый и дизельный V8 объемом 4,2 литра обладают мощностью 360 и 340 л.с. respectively. Бензиновый 3,6-литровый V6 представлен в двух ипостасях мощностью 248 и 280 л.с. Аналогично дизельные V6 могут обладать 204 и 240 лошадками.

Since during the test drive of the new VW Touareg, a protracted drought attacked Russia, to find any decent dirt in order to check the off-road properties of the machine, the possibility did not appear. However, the Volkswagen Off-Road Experience has been very useful, the traditional event organized by the Russian representative office of Volkswagen. The prepared track, the supply of machines with which you can not really stand on ceremony, what else is needed for an off -road test? The organizers could not provide the superfesses (for obvious reasons), but various natural and artificial obstacles provided in full! On them, Touareg was pleased to show the impressive capabilities of air suspension with a clearance of clergy in impressive limits. At the same time, the car had a lot of opportunities to boast of its advanced electronics, which helps, for example, to calmly and leisurely move out from the coolest slopes and go forward even when three out of four wheels are hopelessly skid.


VW Touareg New
Dimensions (mm) 4893x1997x1923
Base (mm) 2893
Clearance (mm) 160300
Engine volume (cm3) 2967
Max. Power (L.S.) 240
Max. Torque (Nm) 550
Acceleration 0100 km/h (c) 9.9
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b(km/h) 218
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) 8
The volume of the luggage compartment (L) 580
Price (rub.) 2 850 200


Source: Mkobil magazine [October/2010]

VOLKSWAGEN TOUAREG Crash Video since 2010