Volkswagen Scirocco test drive since 2008 hatchback

Dable Sex

The VW Scirocco car was not at all an open book, but a rebus. Repinka and Sokolov understood their work to make letters literally. And after physical exertion, the usual charging for the mind passed as a clock for tanning.
Those dull times when everyone was ashamed to admit in their sympathy for the EOS convertible, passed for Volkswagen. But, however, not for the brilliant EOS, stuffed into his blue and wretched body, as if in a nationwide shirt, as he was, so far he remained. On the streets of Wolfsburg, a holiday in honor of other heroes of those who revived the legendary model of Scirocco, read a modern and handsome car. What is just a slightly dressed up and reminded Golf or a real sports compartment, a complaint about style or quite stylish model without complaints, the public has not yet decided.
While the labels are not hung, the stamps are not arranged, the seals are not dried up, you can enjoy this rare type of pleasure by driving by car, behind which a train of leisure opinions does not drain with a roar, like cans behind American newlyweds. And it's just fantasy! No need to refute, nor prove, not to be for or against. You can be yourself! This is a hidden concept that is why such a molly, and shapeless, and torn, and greasy, that everyone wears it day after day in his pocket, but it doesn’t work out. VW Scirocco gets.
For me, this model was a big surprise. And how surprised VW employees would be surprised, tell them that this car is actually my idea. True, since I did not share it with anyone, I am not in a claim to them. They did, and well done! And well done, that they did everything right. She is bright in appearance. She has a wonderful 1.4 TFSI engine and a delicious 7DSG box. And only I was going to characterize Scirocco as a dynamic machine, I suddenly take Moyamam and say that she is comfortable as a passenger.
In the back seats, I drove my friends, and I did not come much grunt from there. She has a completely roomy trunk, quite adequate fuel consumption. What I can neither understand, nor accept is a tall visual visor visor. Why in the compartment they force me to take the pose of the driver of a combine rising above the corn field remains an unsolved mystery to me. Apparently, for the average growth of the driver, so as not to reduce the overall level of the machine, the developers have accepted too high standards.
Again, to the golf skeleton, the torso was adapted and someone who is not only jeans and flanels to the face. Rather, someone whom she does not even spoil

In the questionnaire of this model, it is necessary to put a checkmark in the SEX column. What gender is this car, I did not figure it out, but the fact that her sexuality is all right. What gender the driver of this car, in my opinion, depends on its color. Among the proprietary gamut of the shades of Soviet school uniforms, there is even a bright salute. Probably, just for those who themselves can not deal with their gender. After all, Russia is by no means Europe, our men are so harsh that they can only drive in black cars covered with a thick layer of dirt. The main thing is that a person is not covered with a thick layer of prejudices, the rest can be wiped with a sponge soaked in bright colors and their fixative.
Once upon a time I dreamed of Siro. And these dreams were much sweeter than saliva on VW Corrado round and brilliant, almost like Ferrari, of which I imagined then rather vaguely. This is because I could get it only by goking some old prospector. But occasionally, the dense SCIROCCO in those years, who had occasionally popped up in the car barn, went already quite convincing lichen to cause the close interest of yesterday's student.
This interest did not become practical, since the seated seats of the 76th year with holes from the intermediate owners who had failed between the legs, somewhere between the 80th and 95th year, the cigarettes exuded the spirit very far from the smell of sportskup. I did not smell the sportsmen at that time, but I was ready to argue that they should smell differently: trial gatherings in one of these long-legged skewers repelled any desire to make a trial trip and made an effect comparable to the one if Alisia Silverstone from Aerosmitovsky Clips instantly wrinkled for 50 years. There was a quintessence of youthful sexual visions in a shirt and jeans, and there were only greasy clothes of American conveyor workers on an old woman: I parted our ways with Scirocco.
Not forever. Since I discovered that old Sirokko has become hopelessly old, it seems that one hundred years have passed, but today Volkswagen has passed its old lichen and pulled out not only a name, but also the concept of a long -legged compass sporthaatch itself. Again, to the golf skeleton, the torso was adapted and someone who is not only jeans and flanels to the face. Rather, someone whom she does not even spoil. And it worked again: people love girls from a neighboring entrance, which sometimes under a pile of rags find figures of almost fashion models, genuine sincerity and genuine passion.
Scirocco is definitely a kid. Olesya even asked: is it normal that he makes such sounds: nothing broke there? No, he clicks the joints and crunches with his fingers. This attracts and embarrasses the girls. And the boys, don't be fools, click. Down with air conditioning, open the windows. Opposite the walls, it is like a tambourine: a turbine shakes and grins the exhaust, put, turning on, rods, there are rods-tapes and pumps strain. It is all the same as in the golf: the same first -class technique, not in a shirt, but in a T -shirt. Life is covered so as not to embarrass anyone, but also in sight, to make it clear.
He is an embodied young feeling in a complete set: of course, not without a good share of sex. Both he to fit both M and Zh. True, M him will have fun with him only to 30 years: Then his partner will want to make sure. But they will be able to find pleasantness in communication with a casual kid of years so that way before
P.S. By the way, did you know that Pragolf the first golf (the same) in the womb of the culmines and Whatmans was Sirokka, and what was hatched as Scirocco 1 was called Sirocco Coupe?. Do not take it in your head, it just had to be: about chicken and their eggs.

Text Dmitry Sokolov, Olesya Repkina

A source: Cars

VOLKSWAGEN SCIROCCO Crash Video since 2008

Volkswagen scirocco crash test since 2008

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers
Active security system