Volkswagen Scirocco test drive since 2008 hatchback

VW Scirocco survived the ice age

To find out what is the new Volkswagen Scirocco, the sales of which recently started in Russia, I had to land in Norway to the homeland of mountain trolls, familiar to all fans of books in the style of fantasy
Scirocco, however, has its own legends. He leads the genealogy from the 1974 model of the 1974 model occupying a serious place in the history of the automotive industry. The family was interrupted several times, then to be restored with honors: the current generation of cars is only the third in 35 years.
I must say that any car risks remaining unnoticed, well, or at least move to the second, or even third or fourth plans due to the simply incredible beauty of Norway landscapes. When you see such fabulous places, it is difficult to force yourself to concentrate on something quite earthly. We must pay tribute to Scirocco: he did not hit the mud in the dirt.
Against the background of extraordinary beauty, in order to attract attention, it is necessary to differ much from everything else. The new Volkswagen fully satisfies this requirement. It looks like some kind of mythical animal, which you will not find analogues in the existing fauna. Scirocco squat is clearly made of frisky. No wonder even visually the center of gravity is located somewhere very low. And nature knows its business, since I created it like that, it means that it set some sports tasks for it. Indeed, from the very beginning, Volkswagen designers emphasized that Scirocco is a sports city car.
In general, the car looks very organic: all parts complement each other. They are like pieces of puzzle, which, perhaps, can not imagine anything in themselves, but folded together create an absolutely unique picture. The face of the new Volkswagen is very serious. The blame of the hood, the line of which over the headlights looks like frowned eyebrows. The turning pointers, built on the left and to the right of the central air intake, and fog lights, look original. Scirocco sports ambitions especially emphasize its type in profile, reminiscent of a predator ready to jump, and huge 17-inch wheels huge for the modest size of the car. Attentive people will immediately notice that, unlike the vast majority of Volkswagen models, Scirocco has a brand emblem is not located on a radiator grille, but on the hood. This, apparently, should once again emphasize the uniqueness of the model.
After the first acquaintance, the novelty was to be checked on the frozen lake, having previously overcome the honorary 300 kilometers along the roads of the northern country. Inside, the car is very pleasant, although it does not surprise everything in the style of the remaining Volkswagen models with particular freshness. Fans of high-tech, modern and parodies for premium with plastic under the tree are clearly not here, everything is without extra extracts, while stylishly, survived in the same style. By the way, Scirocco will be delivered to Russia with the navigation system. Excellent sports seats are installed inside, even from behind. But I just want to sit very low in order to be as close to the road as possible, and the lowest position of sports seats seems insufficient.
However, this is absolutely individual, someone, on the contrary, loves to sit higher. By the way, it is necessary to support the lower back, since the back begins to get tired after a few hours, and by playing a pouting roller, you can find the most convenient position. However, this function is available only as an option, it comes with leather seats. For those who like to score six to seven people in the car, Scirocco will not work. The rear sofa is divided into only two places, so that the car is designed for four people. True, for four adults in the cabin, it is quite spacious. Practical motorists will be interested to find out that if you throw back the backs of the rear seats, the car luggage can be increased from 292 to 755 liters. Although, the heart is obvious, it is obvious that practicality is the last thing that the potential buyers of Scirocco will evaluate.
The most important thing in this car is the driving process. High -breathing mountain roads were tuned to a fairly frisky ride, so as not to lower the and so much increased level of adrenaline in the blood. Scirocco with his enthusiasm completely supported the driver in this undertaking. He generally looks like a puppy, the main thing for him to indicate the direction, give a small impetus, and he is ready to play and play and play all day.
The car was surprised by the high information content of the steering. This is implemented at the expense of the new program of the electromechanical amplifier. It provides a higher restorative moment and a greater force on the steering wheel. So a dense, massive steering wheel fully justifies its appearance.
The suspension has two modes: comfort and sport. A more rigid mode allows you to feel confident in corners. The car does not roll and as a glove passes along the trajectory given by the driver. Well, a more imposing, comfortable regime will please when you calmly ride a highway or city. It is interesting that the rear track of the car is wider than the front: 1575 versus 1569 mm, which gives it additional stability. It is a pity that Scirocco does not provide an installation of all -wheel drive. There are no complaints about the front, in general, but if the moment was transferred to all four wheels, the car would be even more interesting.
On the ice lake, by the way, it turned out that the ESP system for this Volkswagen does not completely turn off. Yes, you can slightly expand the frames permitted by electronics, but it cannot be completely turned off. For some, this may turn out to be a serious disadvantage, although the vast majority of drivers still do not put this at the forefront when choosing a car.
The driving force of Scirocco is a 2.0 liter TSI motor and a capacity of 200 hp. Up to 100 km/h, the car with such a motor accelerates in 7.2 seconds, and the maximum speed is 235 km/h. An additional advantage is that this unit is paired with a six -speed DSG gearbox. Here, of course, it is worth taking off the hat in front of Volkswagen engineers. That the motor, that the box is just magnificent. Not only do they provide the car with magnificent dynamics, especially in sports, they are also endowed with enviable efficiency. When driving on mountain roads and routes, the on-board computer showed the average consumption in the region of 7-8 liters per 100 km. Here, however, it is worth noting that in Norway there are directly dragon traffic rules.
In the event of an exceeding the set speed of 80 km/h, even 10 km/h of the offender, a fine of 400 euros will be awaited, so I had to go evenly and not to say very quickly. But in those sections of the path where it was possible to give yourself free rein and not to stay from too intense pressing on the gas pedal, the fuel consumption barely went over 10 liters, which is generally also a worthy result.
The fact that Scirocco acted brightly and was remembered even against the backdrop of stunning mountains, fjords and magnificent nature, guarantees him a high appreciation. Not every car could repeat such a result. Volkswagen Scirocco is very fresh and, without a doubt, very good. The test drive was performed by


Source: Mkobil magazine [April/2009]

VOLKSWAGEN SCIROCCO Crash Video since 2008

Volkswagen scirocco crash test since 2008

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers
Active security system