Volkswagen Passat B6 2005 - 2010 sedan

Atmospheric front
He is not just new, he is completely different. And we are urged to believe that, having radically changed, he became better. Perfect than ever. But in order to believe, we must figure it out. You need to know where the revolution has occurred, and where is the counter -revolution. Passat was first built on the platform of the younger Golf model, albeit modernized. The funds are saved considerable, but the design ...
He is from well -fed
The creators of the new Passat seem to know the secret how to make a car more respectable than it really is. The owl other machine -dramatic costume, a snow -white shirt, lacquered boots ... The mustachioed gentleman with a proud eagle profile, standing a little at a distance, watched for about ten minutes for about ten minutes for a silver car posed at the building of one of the Moscow banks. Finally decided to come up ...
Trade-in Volkswagen Passat. Fifth International
Even among classmates, folk people stand out by no means ridiculous prices for most buyers. But pretty faded specimens of the second freshness in the vice. Not surprising: well, tailored cars were practically invulnerable to our not always smooth roads. Today, the ratings of dealerships are headed by the Passat B5 model of the penultimate generation. Who is the last? Actually, fans of the brand ...
Your rut
And snow dumps, and ice ruts, and the noticeable paths of all this and in Russia last winter was in abundance. Why should I now please you with a report from the February snowy Munich? Then, that it was there and then to Russian journalists that a new version of the Volkswagen passage with all-wheel drive and a 250-horsepower engine was presented. ...
Family features
It is lucky for some! Those who have managed to be born in a rich famous family. To whom a comfortable life is guaranteed, who is doomed to flicker on the pages of newspapers, whose name knows any more or less educated resident of the planet. It is customary for such children to give birth names, and so as not to be confused with dad or great -grandfather, the younger or serial number B is added to the name ...
Not that Fedot
The discussions about the similarity of the addictions of Russian and American motorists have long become a common place. Take, for example, sedans. Where else do they use such popular love? True, Americans willingly buy not only imported machines, but also domestic production. We prefer European, like Opel Vectra and VW Passat, or Japanese. But overseas technique ...
The wind of change
Volkswagen Passat refers to those cars whose history and biography of which an ordinary motorist knows better than his own. When you mention in the conversation that you are traveling on the Passat, you rarely collide with a full profane who does not know what kind of car it is?! Most likely, the interlocutor will begin to clarify: what generation? What kind of body? AND,…
Reaper and Shvets
Any attempts to combine the unconnected are usually doomed to failure. Well, for example, can you imagine a car that is simultaneously a freight universal, a limousine, and an all -wheel drive alternate, and even a sports car? But the automakers with fantasy are all right, and sometimes they manage to combine contradictions even very well. One such reaper, Shvets ...
Above all in the class
I’ll say right, the 2005 Passat did not disappoint me, although the VW experts scared me: they developed, they say, a almost new model. It seems to be really new, but the main news is not in design, but in the fact that this car has sharply increased IQ. The sixth generation Passat has become completely computerized, which, however, exactly corresponds to ...
Test drive Ford Mondeo Economic vs. VW Passat Bluemotion
Mondeo is the last model from the Ford family, which receives an EconoC style finish. But is she worth it? We will check this in a small battle against Passat Bluemotion this year green is a new black. Green is for environmental purity and savings. Gasoline prices continue to rise, and in many ...