Test drive Volkswagen Passat B6 2005 - 2010 sedan

Not that Fedot

The discussions about the similarity of the addictions of Russian and American motorists have long become a common place. Take, for example, sedans. Where else do they use such popular love? True, Americans willingly buy not only imported machines, but also domestic production. We prefer European, like Opel Vectra and VW Passat, or Japanese. But overseas technique such as Dodge Avenger for some reason does not take root in Russia.
We will not spend a scarce newspaper space on the description of Passat and Vectra. Both cars are well known in the market (and, by the way, more than once became the heroes of this section).
In addition, the Opel sedan lives on the market in recent months: the InSignia model that is being replaced is promised to present this fall in Frankfurt this fall. And what is funny, judging by the photographs, the successor of Vectra will greatly shake on Passat.
Against the backdrop of the right, but boring Germans, Avenger clearly wins. Maybe not a masterpiece of automobile design, but a bright personality. The interior is generally not bad, but the quality of finishing materials is not amazing. The ergonomics of the driver’s place practically no complaints. Unless you will have to get used to some branded features. For example, the operating mode of the wiper is chosen by the rotation of the handle at the end of the steering wheel switch. But the steering column is regulated not only in the corner of the inclination, but also by departure (which is not characteristic of Dodge cars at all). The chair distributes the load well, although the seat pillow could be, in our opinion, longer and wider, and the side rollers are not so tough.
Almost any driver will be comfortable behind the chubby three -spoke trough of Vectra: the adjustments of the steering column and seat are wide enough, and the chair itself has a good profile and almost standard rigidity. There are no questions to the governing bodies.
Passat salon is modern, elegant and solid. Excellent materials, the highest quality of panels fitting. True, the steering wheel adjustable in two planes is thin.
The driver’s driver's seat Passat was remembered by the advanced system of lumbar backup: the roller moves not only back and forth, but also up and down! So if the back is more than aspirations over (although the profile and stiffness of the chair are selected very well), you can conduct a session of healing massage ...
So, from the point of view of the driver, the whole trinity is quite comfortable, but what is the passengers? Worst of all, perhaps, in Vectra. It will be difficult for a tall driver to sit down with the front armchair pushed until the front armchair significantly lacks a place for the legs. Passengers will have to take the most direct landing, but then torn people will begin to put pressure on the ceiling on their heads. And given that it does not indulge in the special expanse in the shoulders, it is better to drive together together (although according to the principle in crowded, but not offense the rear sofa Vectra, of course, can be divided into three). Passat rear passengers can count on more comfort.
In most cases, there is no need to complain about the lack of legs space. The space above the head is not enough a giant. Yes, and in the shoulders there is more free. Not bad in the rear seat of Avenger, where tall passengers get along without any problems even with a very large driver: neither legs nor head. In principle, three can travel from behind, although the average passenger will noticeably interfere with the central tunnel.
Let's say a few words and about luggage compartments. The most convenient and roomy in Passat: wide loading opening, even walls. The things are slightly worse for Vectra (mainly due to less convenience of loading: not every suitcase will crawl into the embrasure under the short lid of the trunk). As for the American sedan, then its cargo compartment is completely good. Giveled the capacity of our three in capacity, Dodge wins a little with Opel in the width of the opening. True, strongly protruding wheel arches and rear lights eat too many useful space.
The dynamic qualities of an American can be evaluated on a solid four. For an active drive of a base 2-liter engine with a capacity of 156 horsepower, a rather heavy sedan is still not enough. More precisely, dynamic ride requires constantly maintaining the engine in good shape or simply twist. Well, a 5-speed manual gearbox to this is quite disposed. And other transmissions for Avenger 2.0 are not provided. But a more powerful 2.4-liter 170-horsepower version, on the contrary, is available only with a 4-speed automatic. The box pleases with smoothness and logic switching, but does not differ in particular abuse. It does not add sports and manual mode: the delays in switching remain, and upon reaching the maximum 6200 rpm, the box independently jumps up.
In German sedans, the line of power units is incomparably wider. Opel and VW customers can choose from seven engines options in combination with a variety of mechanical or automatic transmission. The base engine Passat with a volume of 1.6 liters develops 102 hp. and is aggregated only with MKP-5. The 115-horsepower version 1.6 was replaced by a new 1.4-liter engine with double turbocharging (122 hp). Instead of a 2-liter 150-horsepower atmospheric unit, a 1.8-liter 160-horsepower turbo is offered. There are a pair of diesel engines with a volume of 1.9 and 2 liters, with a capacity of 105 and 140 horses. The 250-horsepower 3.2-liter V6 with all-wheel drive and the pre-sequential gearbox DSG is crowned.
Well, the heroine of these notes was a 2-liter 200-horsepower turbocation. Needless to say, the car is going well. True, the 6-speed automatic transmission Tiptronic reacts to an accelerator with some delay: a powerful pickup often begins when it was time to slow down. In a calm driving mode, the machine strives to get to economical high gears as soon as possible. But in the Sport mode, the box is transformed, forgetting about the sixth gear, and honestly twists the engine until it stops, providing a solid sedan with quite decent accelerated dynamics. If desired, you can use the manual transmission control.
The 2-liter Vectra does not graze against the backdrop of competitors. Thanks to the turbine, the engine produces 175 hp. Yes, and the programs in the ICD-6 are selected excellently, and the box itself pleases with the clarity of switching. Well, those who better like the machine gun can choose a 2.2-liter 155-horsepower engine with AKP-5 or a 2.8-liter 250-horsepower turbo advance, aggregated with automatic transmission 6. The budget option is also proposed: the base 100-horsepower 1.6-liter engine or 140-horsepower 1.8. The latter is equipped with a choice of ICD-5 or 5-speed robot EasyTronic. And for lovers of heavy fuel there are a pair of 1.9-liter diesel engines (120 and 150 hp) available from the ICD-6.
We generally liked the controllability of Avenger. He holds a high -speed line well, and the steering wheel, which is not distinguished by excessive acuteness, is quite informative. However, in quick turns, the rolls are still too big, and diagonal swing leads to small trajectory deviations. In addition, a multi -link rear suspension often cheers up too actively, which is fraught with a skid. (However, however, the system of maintaining the course stability is successfully fighting.)
But the Vectra chassis is noticeably better. Sensitive steering allows the driver to constantly feel in touch with the road, and rather hard pendants successfully fight the rolls and buildup.
Nevertheless, the palm of the championship, perhaps, should give Passat. His steering wheel is the most informative in our trinity, and reactions are fast, accurate and always unambiguous. Brains and diagonal buildup are minimal. On the turn, the car holds the trajectory to the limit, demonstrating the demolition of the front axle only with excessive speed excess.
Passat leads from the point of view of sled and acoustic comfort. Small bumps in the cabin are practically not felt, and large are well smoothed. The salon is quiet, and only large potholes respond with a quiet knock.
The Avenger suspension regularly informs about the smallest flaws of the road surface, shudders on large potholes, and on the waves of the body it also sways from side to side. Not everything is smooth and with acoustic comfort: a noisy motor and tires.
The situation is about the same with Vectra. For the hard mood of the suspensions, which provides the driver with a quick ride, has to pay passengers: the reference smoothness of the move into a long list of the advantages of this car, alas, is not included
It remains only to recall what the acquisition will cost. The prices of cars participating in the test are given in the table. And here we will indicate the cost of the most affordable versions. The smallest initial costs will require Vectra 1.6: from 569,000 rubles per car in the minimum configuration of Essentia. Passat with the same engine performed by Trendline is noticeably more expensive: from 675,060 rubles. And the most appetite differs Dodge dealers. The easiest Avenger costs 722 750 rubles. True, the American engine will be more powerful.
Andrey Tsybulsky
Photo author: Armen Meetarjyan

Source: Mkobil magazine [April/2008]

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Passat B6 2005 - 2010
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