Test drive Volkswagen Passat B6 2005 - 2010 sedan

Family features

It is lucky for some! Those who have managed to be born in a rich famous family. To whom a comfortable life is guaranteed, who is doomed to flicker on the pages of newspapers, whose name knows any more or less educated resident of the planet. It is customary for such children to give generic names, and so as not to be confused with dad or great -grandfather, the younger or serial number is added to the name
In the automobile world now, too: if the model is successful, her name and success are inherited by descendants. I ask you to love and complain to Volkswagen Passat Sixth Typical Balm off Automobile Fate. His family, by car standards, is quite ancient 32 years ago the first Passat appeared. During this time, the model diverged 13 million with a circulation of 13 million, becoming one of the most successful Volkswagenes. The car was produced and sold almost around the world. Take Russia, for example. Who is not familiar here by a simple, spacious and reliable Passat of the third or fourth generation? The namesake that replaced them with a number of five lost in simplicity and cheapness, but added solidity. And somewhere in the outback still label-ejected passats of the seventies and here are a newcomer. A brief acquaintance with the design of the sixth Passat has already taken place (ZR, 2005, No. 4), today we will introduce the debutant in the family environment.
The offspring of a noble family certainly absorbed all the best features of his predecessors. Look at the photo nothing in common, you say. That's right, the cars are not like external similarities at all inherited by people. Originality and freshness of appearance are sometimes more important than recognition. Look better into the salon: rich, solid and, at first glance, spacious. I confirm that the car turned out to be very roomy and convenient. And this is precisely the family trait that passed from the older to the youngest. The Passat has long been revered for the internal size: long legs and a beer abdomen, and, by the way, a considerable luggage: the volume of the trunk of 565 liters!
In the pendants of a beginner, aluminum is widely used. Recall: the previous, fifth, Passat was one of the pioneers of the use of light metal in the construction of the chassis.
The sixth inherited family sled qualities. If I had to characterize the passat’s behavior on the road in one word, I chose convenient. In the reactions of the machine there is neither deliberate sports nor relaxed impressiveness. The driver’s commands are performed clearly and unambiguously, without excessive sharpness or noticeable delay. The suspension is trying to refute the saying about two hares, perfectly holding the car on the road and, at the same time, providing a high level of comfort. The steering electric power amplifier is good, the gearboxes are clearly working. Tenacious and reliable brakes Mandatory attribute of German machines in general and the passat in particular. After all, the speed on German autobahns is still not limited!
For Russia, the countries of used passats, the newcomer did not inherit one important quality of simplicity. However, not really equal to the grandfather and great -grandfather of the twenty -first century in the yard.
In the Volkswagen Hierarchy, the Passati family is one of the oldest. But by age, the last Passat is still a child, and other cars of the company, despite the size and class, for him the older brothers and sisters. The youngest is trying on a lot of what the elders wore.
Lovers of the Passators should say goodbye to 1.8t engine. Four gasoline engines with direct injection will replace the old family. Some of them are already familiar from other models of the concern.
The same can be said about the gearboxes. Different models of Volkswagen, Audi and even Skoda are already wearing a six -speed mechanical transmission, and the now fashionable DSG box. The electric power amplifier is signed by golf and tour.
In ensuring comfort and security, the Passat focuses only on the senior in all respects Phaeton. From the largest Volkswagen, the newcomer borrowed a system of access to a car without a key (he recognizes the chip lying in his pocket or portfolio of the owner). From the phaeton, the same got a device that automatically maintains the distance before the car walking in front. In addition, smart climate control, which should cool the salon without drafts, so that the gentlemen do not catch a runny nose. Even the LED rear lights and they came from the Phaeton beautifully, brightly and safer.
All of the above only a small share of what the new Passat accepted from other models. In the age of unification, it cannot be different. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the manufacturer to give technically similar cars individual features, in order to attract a picky buyer and save money.
Take the appearance to whom does the new Passat look like? A little on the phaeton, a little on Audi, in general, no one. And certainly in the form of nothing to do with the ancestor. Except perhaps the emblem.
The body demonstrates a record for its class to twist, high -strength steel is widely used in the design. The power frame is designed to fulfill the most modern safety standards. And at the same time, the developers managed to reduce the mass thanks to modern technologies.
A rather bulky sixth passat is distinguished by an unexpectedly low aerodynamic resistance coefficient of only 0.28. Unlike the predecessor, the engines under the hood of the new car are not located along, but across. A powerful acoustic system is optimized specifically for this model.
You can list the differences between the Passat from other cars of the concern for a long time. The Passat performs in that class where you cannot be gray and faceless. Therefore, the sixth is trying to demonstrate individuality, and he completely succeeds. If you can confuse with anyone, so with Phaeton. And from such a comparison, the new Passat is unlikely to suffer. In one newcomer, you should not equal the flagship in price. The buyer’s wallet will be the victims.
Igor Solidov

Source: The magazine "Driving"

Krash Test Volkswagen Passat B6 2005 - 2010

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers

Malfunctions Volkswagen Passat B6 2005 - 2010

Volkswagen Passat malfunctions: Detailed information
Passat B6 2005 - 2010
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability