Volkswagen Jetta test drives since 2010 sedan

Volkswagen Jetta. Golden mean
Volkswagen Jetta. Price: from 21000*. On sale: Since July 2011, the VW Jetta mission was to fill the niche between the Golf and Passat models. The experiment was so successful that today we can talk about an independent Jetta class. Moreover, the original German creation is in good demand both in the Old World and in the markets of North America. ...
Test drive Volkswagen Jetta: Golden Academy
For the Volkswagen concern, the Jetta model occupies a special place. It was not for nothing that the Germans have actually developed two different models for the European and American market. Moreover, they differ not as typical Americans with Europeans with yellow turn signals, other optics and bums. The design of both cars is just very similar, but the filling varies. To hold the price tag ...
Ford Focus III VS Volkswagen Jetta. Antonyms
Ford Focus and VW Jetta. Theoretically, they are classmates, but only when choosing a new C-class car, few people will stand nearby. Are they really so different? Oleg Kalaushin, a journalist, 42 years old, a driver’s experience 23 years, travels to Renault Logan Ford Focus III. Price: from 509,000 p. On sale:…