Volkswagen Jetta test drive since 2010 sedan

Ford Focus III VS Volkswagen Jetta. Antonyms

Ford Focus and VW Jetta. Theoretically, they are classmates, but only when choosing a new C-class car, few people will stand nearby. Are they really so different?

Oleg Kalaushin, a journalist, 42 years old, a driver’s experience 23 years, travels to Renault Logan

Ford Focus III. Price: from 509,000 p. On sale: since 2011
VW Jetta. Price: from 685 000 p. On sale: since 2011

That Ford Focus, that VW Jetta has long settled in our market. However, the previous models of these bestsellers were somehow closer to each other both emotionally and functionally. They even cost approximately the same in similar trim levels. In this connection, many of those who aimed at Focus now go to Jetta and vice versa, dreaming of a purebred German suddenly loved a Russian American. But the models were updated, and suddenly there were no defectors. The cars were so different that many even ceased to associate them as classmates, with foam at the mouth, proved that they could not even be put in one row. And I must say, partly their arguments are not groundless.

Yeah, designers tried, you can’t say anything. The third Focus is completely unlike his predecessor. There is not a single detail except the blue oval on the grille of the radiator, which at least somehow echoes the past. But how much the future is there! The car was clearly drawn with a margin. It looks defiant today, and it will pass for several years, and its appearance will be still relevant. The main thing is that by that time several more series of star wars would be released, otherwise few will remember Dart Vader. Today, no other associations when looking at this car in the FAS arise. From the rear of the parallels with the dark side of the force, there is no power at all, and therefore the integrity of the appearance is somehow destroyed. However, most likely, several years will pass, and the facelifting Focus III will be outwardly more balanced. But for now

Focus III seats have a fairly correct shape

The tall passenger in VW Jetta almost rests on the ceiling with his head, but the place in the legs allows you to get down

But so far, in our opinion, Jetta looks more harmonious. Yes, it is not original either small Passat, or the grown Polo-Sedan. Nevertheless, bypassing the car in a circle, it is possible to say with full confidence that in his exterior there is not a single detail that would not complement it or would not have placed accents.

Ford Focus III. Fans of creamy will appreciate the arrangement of a handbrake

VW Jetta. The modest charm of the bourgeoisie, otherwise not to characterize

The underlined style has become a peculiar conductor in a higher estate for Jetta. The car from the inside is equally sustained and calm. The classic German interior, verified by the years of ergonomics, solid materials all this is present in other models of the concern, and from this, to be honest, it becomes a little sad. For a long time, oh how long I want to see something new, non-trivial. A sort of breakthrough into the future. But VW has the future, as before, so far only in technology. However, there is no reason not to be happy for the present. For example, for the fact that even with a very tall driver, a passenger sitting behind him in the second row does not feel inconvenience. There are really many places behind. How much it is in the trunk. The volume of the latter is 510 liters, and if necessary, it can be increased by throwing the backs of the rear row. This, by the way, can be done directly from the trunk, pulling the appropriate handle and pushing the cargo further: it will rest in the back and reset it.

Ford Focus III. It seems to be everything like everyone else, but somehow futuristic

VW Jetta. Simple and clearly, that would be larger font

Focus seats are leaning back traditionally, that is, by pressing the button in the end of the back. The opening from the trunk to the salon is cramped, it is no more than the opening of the trunk itself, which is not so great here. The latter circumstance, by the way, forced many rental firms to abandon this car in favor of a hatchback. Large suitcases simply do not crawl into the trunk of the sedan. The trunk itself is also not particularly roomy. Its volume is much smaller than that of Jetta, and is equal to 372 liters.

There is not much space in Focus and on the second row of seats. And this is provided that the wheelbase of cars is almost equal. So, having sacrificed the trunk, it was possible to worry about passengers, but it did not work. But it turned out another. It is worth opening the driver's door, as emotions literally tear you to pieces. I did not have to see such a riot of designer thought for a long time. Here it is, the future. And everything seems to be here as in other cars and the steering wheel, and the instrument shield, and the central console, but all this is not from today's life. This is ours tomorrow.

Later, when a wave of emotions gradually subsides and you begin to delve into all this abundance of buttons, handles, display, it becomes somewhat uncomfortable. I would not forget, would not get lost in all this, but, having shook, twisting, moving, you calm down. Everything here is like others, just more beautiful and more closely. Yes, closer, and this is despite the fact that Focus is 4 cm wider than Jetta. However, VW feels much more spacious. A huge central console with an equally huge beard from it eats in the Ford space. And also, when you sit behind the wheel of Focus, you are not left by the thought that this interior is from a completely different car, which is much more futuristic outside, and there are more speakers in it. And so the cheetah in the skin of Lani.

But what, in fact, with the dynamics and other parameters inherent in the movement of these cars? No matter how we tried to take for a test more or less suitable modification in terms of technical characteristics, everything is in vain. The dealers, as luck would have it, all Focus had an automatic machine, and Jetta pen. It seems to be incorrect, but the Fords argue that their Power Shift is in no way inferior to ordinary mechanical transmission, but if so, why not? But then another moment arises. The volume of the engine has 1.6 liters, and VW is 1.4. It seems like it is small, but this is in volume, in terms of power it is 25 horses stronger than Ford, it gives out as much as 150. As a result, according to these indicators, the cars turned out to be complete pristies. But, by and large, Ford lost VW only in dynamics. For other indicators, such as handling, braking efficiency, stability, suspension comfort, there was practically no difference. Both cars steer pretty well, each of them has a very intelligible steering. In any case, it is felt that the wheels cling to something and rely on something, and do not rotate in the void.

The pendants of both Volkswagen Jetta and Focus are well adapted to our conditions, and it is simply impossible to reproach them with excessive softness or stiffness. It cannot be, any of you will say that the cars are so similar in these indicators! It can even very much. Perhaps if we were on a dry track, we would have found something very distinguishing these cars, but it is quite difficult to find a difference in the nuances on the snow road. Therefore, we will not inflate the cheeks and pour terms.
But what was clearly noted is that noise insulation is better for Focus. Not in vacuum, of course, you go, but in the cabin very quietly. Jetta also does not get noise, but the effect of ears is not here. And in conclusion about the consumption of fuel. Let's just say it does not bother. Manufacturers managed to make quite powerful and at the same time not very voracious cars. However, VW did it better.

ford Focus from 509,000 p.
He did not become anymore, he did not become more dynamic, and did not even go better than his predecessor, but he managed to become more interesting, both from the point of view of design and in terms of technology. Plus, the car became more comfortable both for the driver (there was a system for parking) and passengers.

Dynamics, controllability all this should be liked by the average driver.

You can’t call it spacious, and the trunk is clearly small, but in the absence of style it is not to be reproached.

The suspension is quite comfortable, at a high level and sound insulation.

In the database 2 airbags and ABS.


vW Jetta from 685 000 p.
Compared to its predecessor, the new Jetta has become more. The growth in the wheelbase on the second row of places for passengers with excess is especially noticeable. Significantly high -rise materials of the finish. A lot of attention was paid to equipment. As for the engines, there are three of them. All gasoline, from 105 to 150 liters. With.

Despite its dimensions, the car turned out to be quite mischievous

Board emotionally, but very spacious. Conducting with its volume and trunk.

First of all, I would like to note the comfort of the rear passengers.

In the database of 6 airbags and ABS.

Initially, it seems high, but given the equipment ...

Our verdict
Ford Focus and Volkswagen Jetta belong to the same class, but emotionally they are still very far from each other. Moreover, this applies to both the exterior and the interior of cars. Focus is more dynamic, more extravagant. Jetta, on the contrary, literally boasts of its conservatism. But they go almost the same.


Source: Magazine 5 wheel [March 2012]