Test drives Renault Vel Satis 2002 - 2005 hatchback

His Majesty Renault Vel Satis
We will go the other way - apparently, under such a slogan, Renault, led by the new designer Patrick Le Keman, created his own flagship - an unusual representative hatchback, Vel Satis avant -garde model. Logically reasoning that fighting recognized leaders on their field is extremely difficult, and sometimes just useless, the French did not decide ...
Very French Vel Satis
The Lux class car according to Renault to judge French cars in appearance is like getting to know Paris by postcards. In any case, this is true in relation to the new flagship Renault - Vel Satis models. And in order to understand the truly French idea of \u200b\u200bthe quality of life, it is not enough to drink a glass of wine in Bistro ...
The return of the high sedan
Renault interprets the prestige in its own Vel Satis replaces on the right flank of Renault Model Safran, known since 1992. The appearance of a serial model at the 2001 Geneva Salon was preceded by a concept car of the same name (Paris, 1998). The front -wheel drive car has the only version of the transformable body - in the terminology of Renault, a high sedan. The name of these notes prompted the film, too ...
The situation obliges
The French address their new brainchild to those who combine high cultural level with the breadth of views and freedom. The preparation of public opinion is now in fashion, which means it is well sold! The smell of money is stupefying not only recognized luxury suppliers, but also those companies whose business card has always been mass products. Renault - from their number. Status…
VIP marginal
Nowadays, there are almost no pure genres, pure flowers, pure feelings. Continuous halftones, hybrids and horses. So cars are increasingly becoming the fetus not of evolution, but crossing. For example, Renault Vel Satis is not a heir to the traditional Safrane at all, but Opel Signum is not Vectra Caravan at all and is not an adherent ...
Geometric progression
Few people decide to encroach on the holy - for class E, the classic sedan remains the standard. There are only two exceptions so far: Renault Vel Satis and Opel Signum. Who is more tired of the usual appearance of the car - auto manufacturers or buyers? The first to puzzle over how to stand out against the background of colleagues, who buy not only details, ...

Video Crash tests Renault Vel Satis 2002 - 2005