Test drives Porsche Cayenne GTS 957 2008 - 2009 SUV

The destiny is worthy
Porsche letters are traditionally assigned to models that combine sports and comfort. This fully applies to the new version of the Cayenne GTS SUV. For the novelty, the original chassis is specially developed. For the first time, by car of the Cayenne lineup, the suspension with steel springs and the Porsche shock absorber shock absorbers are possible ...
Grandmie Trox Swim
The Cayenne GTS model should stake up for Porsche leadership in the niche of sports SUVs everything for sports, everything is for victory! - Perhaps it was such a slogan in the heads of Porsche engineers and marketers when they decided to expand the line of kayenes and release Cayenne GTS Grand Tourismo Sport. The time of the gts presentation in Russia to journalists ...
BMW X6, BMW X5, Porsche Cayenne GTS
The new BMW X6 claims to remove his own BMW X5 and Porsche Cayenne GTS. We decided to check all three candidates exclusively in the sports aspect. Of course, words such as racing track, speed, aerodynamics are not the words that are associated with real jeeps. But the new BMW x6, apparently, for this ...
As if apologizing to the orthodox adherents of the brand for its own religious exploration, which gave rise to the souvenir market demand superkhitis called Cayenne, Porsche tirelessly seeks to give this tool status movement more and more sports in nature. Another step in this direction was the appearance of the Cayenne GTS version. According to the official classification, the three -letter GTS index is traditionally designated ...
BMW X5 is desperately fighting against the Porsche Cayenne GTS
What should be the premium SUV? The most luxurious, fastest, most comfortable? BSA began with a small friendly boxing match right in the editorial office. A reason for a fight Topic how can you compare BMW and Porsche?. And why not, if both premium class, very fast and very luxurious? Yes, it will be just ...

Video test drives Porsche Cayenne GTS 957 2008 - 2009