PEUGEOT 407 test drive since 2004 sedan
Lions are able to save

By Russian standards, an incomprehensible car! A leather interior, all options, even a sports combination of devices with white dials and a 1.6-liter diesel engine with a capacity of 110 hp! Such machines in Europe, which is more thoroughly counting fuel expenses and taxes, are in demand. Let's try to solve the soul of a European?
In search of harmony
A light restyling touched the clador of the radiator, the decor of the body and partly the cabin. For an ordinary consumer, it is more important that the sensors of parking sensors were added not only in the stern, but also on the front bumper. For a car with a characteristic beak, the option is not at all harmful.
For Russians, it is even more significant that the gamut of Peugeot-407 modifications will apparently replenish the station wagon and even a version with a diesel engine. They were already trying to sell them several years ago in Russia, but then the cars did not find demand. For the rest of the world, the diesel-407 diesel (in 130 countries have already implemented more than 760,000 copies) are much more familiar than gasoline. The latter choose only 12% of buyers. It is not surprising that in the range of engines, along with five gasoline - five diesel engines. Trying to understand their pros and cons, tested two.

The car is so fun that slippery leather seats are annoyed without noticeable lateral support, unsuitable for quick turns. The suspension is just enough to confidently control the dynamic machine, but provides excellent comfort. Add a spacious, tasted salon.
Amazing nearby
Most likely, cars with a 2-liter diesel engine will be supplied to Russia. The mentality does not accept a smaller volume! By car with such a motor and a six -speed gearbox, it was also possible to travel. True, for our understanding, the choice is an unusual compartment. But for Europeans, a two -door elegant car and diesel concept are quite compatible.

What about the motor? It is quite consistent with an elegant, rapid appearance. Very decent acceleration (according to a passport less than 10 s to 100 km/h), excellent traction at medium speeds. And on the highway, having reached the permitted speed in the sixth gear (it is practically not needed outside the highway), the consumption of diesel fuel can be kept near the mark of 5 l/100 km. The tank in this mode is enough for about 1200 km! In the city of Peugeot 407 will meet 7 liters. In general, the French say: in order to enjoy a spectacular, squat compartment, it is not necessary to share with the owners of the gas stations!
What is the minus? In France, diesel machines are approximately 2000 euros more than similar gasoline. Probably, we will come out about the same. They promise that the price of Peugeot 407 will increase slightly (now from 645,000 rubles), but the basic equipment will be richer.

PEUGEOT 407 with a diesel engine of French lions does not at all manage the savings: a fact that is ready to confirm in Russia.
Feast of millionaires
One of the oldest companies in the world where cars have been being built since 1890, celebrated the publication of a 50 millionth copy. They became the universal Peugeot 308SW.
The company honors its story. The rich museum does not accommodate everything that the company has. In the storage of the so -called reserve of about 300 (!) Machines: serial, waiting for the lines for restoration, rare, made by small circulations, prototypes built in a single copy.

It is interesting to trace how the cars of the 400th series ancestors of the current 407th have changed. Peugeot-403 of 1961 (the model was produced in 19551965) in size between the Volga GAZ-21 and Moskvich-407. A sedan with a 58-horsepower engine and a four-speed gearbox, compared with domestic peers, was surprised by comfort, a lack of vibrations, and light governing bodies. A good dynamics for those years, surprisingly effective and understandable brakes. The most important from modern positions is the disadvantage of the validity of the bends in combination with the smeared steering.
The next model Peugeot 404 (19611972), equipped with a 68-horsepower engine, noticeably left the previous in all respects. In turns, it is much more clearly. Comfort is already comparable to the 24th Volga of the early 1970s. True, the salon is ascetic, and the appearance, although the studio of Pinfarin was created, gives out the beginning of the 1960s. But the 404th had two-door modifications of the coupe and convertible.
Sergey Kanunnikov

Source: The magazine "Driving"
Video Crash tests Peugeot 407 since 2004
PEUGEOT 407 test drive since 2004
PEUGEOT 407 Crash Test since 2004
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